Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
The Board and tens of owners who were all Canadian white British Judges, Lawyers, cops of 52 and 14 Police Divisions (where Condo is located), accountant and physicians (“ Corrupt Board & Owners).
2- Major Charged the by Police Fraud Squad for fraud, conspiracy and other felonies like altering documents. This is issue in tens of court proceedings.
This Issue of Noise Disturbances has created over Eighty different types of proceedings.
4- Major Nourhagghighi as Private Prosecutor has Charged the Condominium for Violation of City of Toronto Noise Nuisance By-law and asked $1,000,00000 fine against the corrupt Board and Owners
The three corrupt Judges of Supreme Court of Canada involved in the Weight Machine and Nuisance By-Law against Condo 935
5- Major Nourhaghighi filed two lawsuits against Corrupt Board, Owners and their Parties, total Fifty Defendants, who were represented by Best British Canadian experience senior lawyers, who have filed fifty motion asking the lawsuits must be dismissed as it has no merits.
The most Senior Canadian Judge, Justice N. D. Coo, heard all motions and Major’s arguments and dismissed all Motion and allowed the Lawsuit.
The most Senior Canadian Judge, Justice N. D. Coo, heard all motions and Major’s arguments and dismissed all Motion and allowed the Lawsuit.
ONTARIO COURT ( General Division)
1 The statement of claim will be struck out. As drawn it is unsupportable for reasons
2 which are manifest from a simple reading. It breaches all fundamental rules of
3 pleading. Whether it is possible to draft a pleading to cover all the defendants and
4 their various alleged activities in regard to the plaintiff may be open to question, but
5 the action cannot stand on the foundation of the present statement of claim.
6 The plaintiff represents himself in this action, as apparently he does in a number of
7 other actions. He has that right, something which I have been at pains to emphasize
8 to him, but his interests might possibly be better served if he had counsel. That is a
9 decision which is for him alone to make, and it may very well be that as he sees
10 things, the retention of counsel would be in appropriate.
11 He will have until August 31, 1995, a date which he finds acceptable, after an earlier
12 date was suggested, to deliver a fresh as amended statement of claim, failing which
13 the action will be dismissed as against all defendants.
14 Should a fresh statement of claim be delivered, and there is to be any motion as to its
15 sufficiency or propriety, the motion should be brought before me if I am available to
16 deal with it, so as to avoid the need for another judge to go through the substantial
17 volume of paper generated even to this point in the litigation.
18 In the meantime, in case it is not self-evident from the fact that I have struck out the
19 statement of claim in response to all the motions, no step may be taken against any
20 defendant based on that statement of claim, whether for default of defence or
21 otherwise. Counsel indicated that felt that to state this formally as part of the
22 order would be desirable, and it is only at their specific request that this paragraph is
23 included in my disposition, since I would otherwise have thought it redundant.
24 June 16, 1995
25 Autograph of: N. DOUGLAS COO J 11 He will have until August 31, 1995, a date which he finds acceptable, after an earlier
12 date was suggested, to deliver a fresh as amended statement of claim, failing which
13 the action will be dismissed as against all defendants.
14 Should a fresh statement of claim be delivered, and there is to be any motion as to its
15 sufficiency or propriety, the motion should be brought before me if I am available to
16 deal with it, so as to avoid the need for another judge to go through the substantial
17 volume of paper generated even to this point in the litigation.
18 In the meantime, in case it is not self-evident from the fact that I have struck out the
19 statement of claim in response to all the motions, no step may be taken against any
20 defendant based on that statement of claim, whether for default of defence or
21 otherwise. Counsel indicated that felt that to state this formally as part of the
22 order would be desirable, and it is only at their specific request that this paragraph is
23 included in my disposition, since I would otherwise have thought it redundant.
24 June 16, 1995
6- Sore Losers, Soon, the disappointed Corrupt Board, Owners and their Parties filed an Application before Ontario Superior Court that Major Nourhaghighi is Muslim Fighter Pilot and has been Officer of Iranian Army thus he is dangerous to the residents of Condo.
At the same time, they ask a member of Police MARCY GREEN to assault Major and file a complain and lie under the Oath that “ Major assaulted him” and they disclosed to the Application and ask an Order : that Major MUST list his property to sale and every month %10 be decreased until be sold and had plan not not allow for one year any real customer enter into the building!
Major has presented a big file indicating Police Fraud Squad has charged the Corrupt Board and Owners, and explained in details; and Judge Boland, carefully followed are documents then Major submitted : “ In my Country Iran, we kick Thieves; what country you have that Theives are after honorable citizens. I asked them to return all stolen money. They told me fuck off Camel Driver we will kick you out. After that I gave document to Police; and Police charged them!. Now, they intentionally creating Noise and Water Damage Nuisances, and provided evidence of water damge and toxic molds”
8- After two months, that caused huge worries for Major and his children ( Major was/is Single Parent), finally Madam Justice Boland had the BEST NEWS for his Children and him; dismissing Application with Costs; that Corrupt Board and Owners never complied with the Order.
Court File No. Re 6244/96
(General Division)
(General Division)
Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corporation. 935 v. Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Heard: February 15, 1996
PAGE No. 1 ("P#1), Paragraph No. 1 ("para#1"):
Line No. 1 ("1"): This is an Application pursuant to Section 49 of the Condominium Act, R.S.O. 1990.
2: The Condominium seeks an order allowing it right of entry to Unit 608, 456 College
3: Street, Toronto, owned by Keyvan Nourhaghighi. It also seeks an Order that the
4: exercise room and equipment forming part of the common area and located directly
5: over Unit 608, be opened and used by the other Unit owners. Finally, it seeks an
6: order requiring Mr. Nourhaghighi to comply with the nuisance provisions of Rule 7
7: of the Corporation and an order that he list for sale and sell Unit 608.
P#1; para#2:
8: At the commencement of the hearing Mr. Nourhaghighi requested an adjournment
9: on the ground he was not given sufficient time to respond to the applicant's material.
10: The adjournment was refused solely because of the allegation contained in the sworn
11: affidavit of Property Manager that Mr. Nourhaghighi is a danger to others in the
12: building. Mr. Nourhaghighi filed conflicting material and argued the application on
P#2; para#1:
1: his own behalf.
P#2; para#2:
2: The Condominium is located at corner of College and Bathurst Streets in
3: Toronto and consists of 89 residential units and common area. Keyvan
4: Nourhaghighi purchased Unit 608 in March 1991 as a home for his family and lans
5: to continue living there. It is common knowledge that this new complex has
6: experienced serious financial difficulties and changes in management which
7: understandably has created some unrest and apprehension for the unit owners.
P#2; para#3:
8: Keyvan Nourhaghighi has expressed concern over the Statement of Expense9: prepared by the various Property Managers. He has complained consistently of water
10: seeping into his kitchen from the common areas and alleges that the contractors have
11: been unable to locate the source of the problem. He has complained of excessive
12: noise originating from the exercise room directly overhead due to the constant use of
13: heavy exercise machines and the Condominium was found to be in the violation of a city
14: nuisance by-law. Mr. Nourhaghighi has brought numerous court proceedings
15: against the Condominium and others arising out of these complaints.
Line No. 1 ("1"): This is an Application pursuant to Section 49 of the Condominium Act, R.S.O. 1990.
2: The Condominium seeks an order allowing it right of entry to Unit 608, 456 College
3: Street, Toronto, owned by Keyvan Nourhaghighi. It also seeks an Order that the
4: exercise room and equipment forming part of the common area and located directly
5: over Unit 608, be opened and used by the other Unit owners. Finally, it seeks an
6: order requiring Mr. Nourhaghighi to comply with the nuisance provisions of Rule 7
7: of the Corporation and an order that he list for sale and sell Unit 608.
P#1; para#2:
8: At the commencement of the hearing Mr. Nourhaghighi requested an adjournment
9: on the ground he was not given sufficient time to respond to the applicant's material.
10: The adjournment was refused solely because of the allegation contained in the sworn
11: affidavit of Property Manager that Mr. Nourhaghighi is a danger to others in the
12: building. Mr. Nourhaghighi filed conflicting material and argued the application on
P#2; para#1:
1: his own behalf.
P#2; para#2:
2: The Condominium is located at corner of College and Bathurst Streets in
3: Toronto and consists of 89 residential units and common area. Keyvan
4: Nourhaghighi purchased Unit 608 in March 1991 as a home for his family and lans
5: to continue living there. It is common knowledge that this new complex has
6: experienced serious financial difficulties and changes in management which
7: understandably has created some unrest and apprehension for the unit owners.
P#2; para#3:
8: Keyvan Nourhaghighi has expressed concern over the Statement of Expense9: prepared by the various Property Managers. He has complained consistently of water
10: seeping into his kitchen from the common areas and alleges that the contractors have
11: been unable to locate the source of the problem. He has complained of excessive
12: noise originating from the exercise room directly overhead due to the constant use of
13: heavy exercise machines and the Condominium was found to be in the violation of a city
14: nuisance by-law. Mr. Nourhaghighi has brought numerous court proceedings
15: against the Condominium and others arising out of these complaints.
P#2; para#4:
16: Having reviewed the material filed on behalf of the Condominium and by the
17: respondent. I am satisfied that there is no evidence to support the bald allegation of
P#3; para#1:
1: the Property Manager that Mr. Nourhaghighi is a danger to others in the building.
2: There is no Affidavit filed on behalf of the member of the Board of Directors or any
3: unit owner that supports such an allegation. Unquestioningly, he is upset and
4: frustrated. When he purchased the unit in 1991 for his family home, it was
5: reasonable for him to assume that the exercise room located directly above his unit
6: would be soundproof. Surely any structural changes or alterations required to
7: remedy the problem should be carried out primarily in the exercise room. There is
8. nothing in the material to indicate that any serious investigation has taken place in
9. this respect.
P#3; para#2:
10. The applicant has been aware of the issues raised on this Application for a lengthy
11. period of time and in light of the severity of the orders sought I find it unfair that the
12. Application was brought on such short notice. The allegation of dangerous is not
13. supported by the material filed on the Application and tends to put the entire
14. Application into question.
16: Having reviewed the material filed on behalf of the Condominium and by the
17: respondent. I am satisfied that there is no evidence to support the bald allegation of
P#3; para#1:
1: the Property Manager that Mr. Nourhaghighi is a danger to others in the building.
2: There is no Affidavit filed on behalf of the member of the Board of Directors or any
3: unit owner that supports such an allegation. Unquestioningly, he is upset and
4: frustrated. When he purchased the unit in 1991 for his family home, it was
5: reasonable for him to assume that the exercise room located directly above his unit
6: would be soundproof. Surely any structural changes or alterations required to
7: remedy the problem should be carried out primarily in the exercise room. There is
8. nothing in the material to indicate that any serious investigation has taken place in
9. this respect.
P#3; para#2:
10. The applicant has been aware of the issues raised on this Application for a lengthy
11. period of time and in light of the severity of the orders sought I find it unfair that the
12. Application was brought on such short notice. The allegation of dangerous is not
13. supported by the material filed on the Application and tends to put the entire
14. Application into question.
P#3; para#3:
15. The Application is dismissed with costs to the respondent, Keyvan Nourhaghighi
16. fixed in the sum of $300.00 payable forthwith
15. The Application is dismissed with costs to the respondent, Keyvan Nourhaghighi
16. fixed in the sum of $300.00 payable forthwith
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