Thursday, 23 June 2016

1998- Notice of Claim v. the Crown filed by the Lord of Law the Right Honorable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Under the Proceedings Against Crown Act in the Province Ontario, Canada. This is Sample of Ample Notices During 20 Years!

مرگ بر ملکه فاسد انگلیس و قضات دزدش 
زنده باد آزادی تمام استانهای کانادا
Author: Major Keyvan NourhaghighiOntario Separatist, Tortured by the Canadian Police
The  Real and Only Truth v. Felonies of
Corrupt British Judges, Lawyers and Police in Canada
Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Sample of Ample Notice of Claims Since 1993
Sample of Ample Notice of Claims Since 1993
Notice of Claim (Part I 1998)
 Since December 11, 1993 ample Lawsuits have been filed by Major Nourhaghighi as against the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments in Canada under proper statutes which requiring
WITH IN 10 Days After Cause of Action raised the Plaintiff serve a Notice of Claim be served to the Lawyers of the Governments ("Crown Office"); and WITHIN SIX MONTHS
files his Lawsuit with a court that has jurisdiction to hear it.
IF, the Plaintiff fails to serve the Notice of Claim within 10 days , or file Lawsuit within Six Months; his claims would be expired; UNLESS, the Governments commit another felony or wrongdoing during that Six Months. Therefore, The Time will be extended from the Date of "New Cause of Action" based on Developing Torts principles  

Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuits under:

1- The Proceedings Against Crown Act
Liability in tort: Section 
5. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, and despite section 71 of the Legislation Act, 2006, the Crown is subject to all liabilities in tort to which, if it were a person of full age and capacity, it would be subject,
(a) in respect of a tort committed by any of its servants or agents;
(b) in respect of a breach of the duties that one owes to one’s servants or agents by reason of being their employer;
(c) in respect of any breach of the duties attaching to the ownership, occupation, possession or control of property; and
(d) under any statute, or under any regulation or by-law made or passed under the authority of any statute.  R.S.O. 1990, c. P.27, s. 5 (1); 2006

2- The Crown Liability Act; (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-50) (Federal- CANADA)

1-March 24, 1988, The said corrupt Registrar has dismissed my file C23783( Condo 935); Discriminations
2- April 28/98 Goddard, Abuse of Appeal Process, Against Attorney General of Ontario
3- April 29/98 Ministry of Health, Forgery of OHIP documents
4- May 1/98-Abuse of Process
5- May 2, 1998,
6- May 9, 1998,
7- July 31/ 98- Interfrance with private communication and contarcts by thr Crown
8- Sept 24/98-v. Cheif Judge of Federal Court of Canada for Conspiracy of the Crown in Right of Ontario with the Crown in Right of Canada against Nourhaghighi
9- October 1/98- Notice of Claim against Judge Osborne JA, Court of Appeal for Ontario
10- November 16, 1998, interfering with employment and business

_____________________________April 28, 1998 Personal Service
The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON

TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commence against the tortious acts of your servant pursuant to provision of Proceeding Against Crown Act for causes of action raised since last Notice of Claim, served to your office, on November 28, 1997.
1- On April 28,1998, I have attended at 361 University Avenue , for an arguments of the appeal in file 393-97. The list prepared by Registrar, did not indicate the courtroom number; therefore I have attended at Office of Summery Convection Appeal, at room 241; where nobody served me, while there was not any customer there. The said Office on April 15, and 23, 1998, refused to deliver the endorsement of Jennings J., and only after I made complain to Court,
Thin J. has made order to Crown Representative, Goddard, to deliver the said order to me.
2- Goddard, has demonstrated malicious acts in last two hearings, and verbally has insulted me. The Court Officers, in aforesaid dates were very rude to me, and had harassing attitude. Goddard, without any ground has asked for 32 days adjournment, and set a date for the hearing, on a day before the hearing of my motion against Toronto Hospital. The Crown, has interfered with the hearing of the Appeal in file A-410-95, at Federal Court of Canada, where the panel has granted most of orders that I have requested. Abuse of scheduling, is one of the main cause of action against the Crown; the Judiciary Systems have discovered the dishonestly of the Crown Servants.
3- Since November 28, 1997, Crown, illegally intercepting my private communications, [telephone, post, fax, e-mail, parcel, and agents] as the result, the CIBC and State Farm Insurance Companies, have suspended my Property Insurance, my mails, e-mails, and parcels were lost, and the agents, have defrauded me, where the University of Toronto, was the most active agent.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

April 29, 1998 Personal Service
The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON

TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commence against the tortious acts of Ontario Ministry of Health pursuant to provision of Proceeding Against Crown Act.
1. I have received my OHIP records, prepared by the Lawyers’ Inquiry Section of the Ontario Ministry of Health, for Malach& Fidler law firm. The review of said records, in part marked "Diagnostic Code" indicate that the said Ministry, intentionally and maliciously, has made a false document to be use and acted as genuine, at Ontario Insurance Commission, to the prejudice of my insurance claim against Coachman Insurance Company.
2. Making a false document by altering a genuine document in any material part, and by making a material addition to a genuine document and making a material alteration in a genuine document by obliteration, removal or in any other way, is commits forgery, and punishment of 14 years imprisonment, as section 366(1), and 367(1) of Criminal Code, have instructed.
3. Since 1993, Coachman Insurance Company, is refusing to pay my Motor Vehicle Accidents Benefits. Ontario Insurance Commission, Malach & Fidler,, were named defendants in action 96-CU-112239, for the wrongdoing during the hearing of the said claim.
4. The Attorney General of Ontario, illegally interfering with all federal and provincial process, to satisfy a group of the corrupt organizations in the corrupt city of Toronto.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
CC: Federal Minister of Health Ontario Minister of Health
Ontario Insurance Commission, RE A-015215, fax conformed at 12:52am May 1/98
Falach & Fidler, Re IL5-066, fax conformed at 1:01pm May 1/98

May 1st, 1998
Personal Service
The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON

TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commence against the tortious conduct,Charles Harnick, Minister of the Attorney General of Ontario, pursuant to Proceeding Against Crown Act
1- C. Harnick, is named defendant, in his office and personal capacities. in two lawsuits at Ontario Court (Gen. Div.). Owing to abuse of process, and misleading the justice, since February 6th, 1997, all my actions have been stayed. At the same time, the Registrars, are refusing to register my motions, for having the action be heard by a judge, pursuant to provision of Sections 140(1)(d)(3)(4) of the Court of Justice Act.
2- In addition to the said tortious conduct, all judgments that I have received before the said date were not enforced by the Toronto and Scarbourgh Small Claims Courts, and they have been wrongly classified as the proceeding, that shall not be continued.
a- ANS Taxi Services, who was involved in public transport sabotages, was successful to set aside the judgment in file SC1173/94. ANS, has provide evidences that has paid $100 Cost to the Toronto Small Claim Office, on August 23rd, 1996; but the said office has never forward the $100 Cost to me.
b- Two Deputy Judges of Scarbough Small Claim, by harassment of security officer, have set aside the Third Judgments, that I got against ANS, since 1994. The Crown, at all material times has discriminatory conduct with my process at all Courts in Ontario.
c- Condo 935, has continued insulting nuisances and harassment with their staff in last few months. The Crown Employee S.McCann, was involved in frauds of accounts of Condo 935. Condo 935, illegally, has installed two new exercise machines, where Madam Justice Boland has made order that proper investigation must be down; and the Condo 935, has appeal the said decision in file C24450.
d- Condo 935, with trust to support of the Crown in all its wrongdoing, illegally is allowing big dogs live in Condo 935. On April 30, 1998, it was in the Toronto Star news, that a girl has lost her life by bitten by a 120 pounds dog. I was attacked several times, by a big dog at seventh floor, if any incident raise about the said ignorance of the Condo By Law, the Crown, directly will be responsible as to the accessory of the crime, and its tort..
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

July 31, 1998 Personal Service

From: Keyvan Nourhaghighi; Political Asylum Seeker as Canadian Resident; 608-456 College Street; Toronto ON

TO: The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
M6G 4A3


TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commence against the Minister, Servants and the Offices of the Minister of the Attorney General of Ontario("AGO"), pursuant to Proceeding Against Crown Act, on the following causes of action on developing tort, and discriminatory misconduct:
1- On July 30, 1998, the agents of the AGO interfered with transmission of my documents by facsimile, and causing damages. Since May 7, 1993, the AGO, interfering and intercepting all my private communication with bad faith and dishonestly, where, there was not any judicial ground for invasion of my privacy. All my business relations and contracts were effected maliciously by the said wrongdoing and several judgments against agents have been delivered but AGO developing tort by interference with my mails, e-mails, telephone communications, bank accounts, licensing, employment and business opportunities, court process, and the proceedings before the judges.
2- On July 20, 1998, I have attended at Osgoode Hall for the Hearing of my appeal file
C26325, were the Crown was the Respondent. The Panel Honourable Justice Catzman,
Michael J. Moldaver and Borins, JJ.A. were selected to hear the appeals.
I did not find my file on the list. Desiree Viceral, who has sat this day for hearing did not provide a valid grounds for omitting my file from the list, and again scheduled September 21, 1998 for hearing. I lost six days for preparing myself for hearing, and again I am going to lose time, for next the hearing.
3- On July 15, 1998, the Panel Honourable Justice Austin, Moldaver and Borins, JJ.A., heard the appeal in file C24450- Condominium 935, where I was the Respondent. The Panel reserved the decision and on July 20, Marry at the Registry told me that decision was not released. On July 15, in response to allegation of the Condo 935, I have presented tens counts of frauds above $2000 in the accounts of Condo 935 to the Panel, and I have submitted that Stephen B. McCann, the Employee of the AGO, at Ontario Energy Board was involved in the said frauds as the President of the Board of Director of the Condo 935. I have submitted that the Crown since August 1991, attacking to all my benefits by abuse of the court process and interfering with the administration of justice to cover up the criminal wrongdoing of McCann. The Crown since November 1991 is liable for developing torts of all special and general damages due to full time attendance at the Ontario Courts, Provincial and General Divisions, interference with all my business interest and contracts, lost of opportunities as a senior pilot with salary of $150,000, wrongful imprisonment, assault and torture, malicious prosecution and conspiracy.
4. On July 14, 1998, I have received a letter from Ontario Insurance Commission ("OIC"), in regard of arbitration file no. A-015215 against Coachman Insurance Company, a Claim for Motor Vehicle Accident("MVA") of May 7, 1993, that raised several disturbing issues,
a- Fraudulently alleging that: " Arbitrator Kirsch, has fallen ill and very unlikely to be in a position to provide decision in the foreseeable future. Accordingly, it will be necessary to have this entire matter reheard!" . Kirsch A. was named defendant as a party of conspiracy on October 8th, 1996 in Action 96-CU-112239. Several times on October, and November 1996, I have declared that Kirsch was in conflict of interest with me and could not make decision.
But, the AOG, as a party of conspiracy, asked Kirsch A to proceed, and create fabricating evidences that was used illegally in Affidavit of Eric Hoaken (Borden &Elliot), which was accepted without cross-examination by Wilkins J. to stay all my actions at Ontario courts.
Than Kirsch A. issued several Orders that was abused maliciously by AGO and Ontario Ministryof Heath that Day J. was used them to dismiss my action against Police Brutality where I was seriously injured by aggravated assault and torture at Old City Hall( RE-C26325).
b- It appear that the OIC official name was changed to the Financial Services Commission of Ontario ("FSCO")!? And my MVA claim against Coachman has been fraudulently captioned:
Nourhaghighi and FSCO!!!?????
If the Government of Ontario, AGO and ICO was honest and practicing their duties with good faith, than there was valid argument that FSCO could not be selected as ICO.
But, where the Government of Ontario, particularly AGO and ICO are involved in Conspiracy and Fraud, Manipulating the Accounts and stealing from the public and poor people; than, certainly, this changed was made with bad faith and dishonestly nature issues, to defraud the Federal Government budget in misrepresenting the Financial Services to the People of Ontario.
I have paid over $20,000 and I purchased Insurance in till May 7, 1993, to use it immediately, on May 7, 1993 or days after when need to see that my money has worked for me. After, FIVE YEARS, I did not received a penny back from Coachman Insurance Company; and I involved in Hundred Thousands damages, and lawsuits and endless payments of the filing fees to the AGO and ICO.
c- Since 1990, that I came as a refugee to Canada, the Government of Ontario did not paid a penny to me from the federally designated Financial Services Budget; now my name fraudulently was listed and my reputation was injured.
d- The most harmful effect of these kind of fabricating evidences will be raised, mostly, in the Civil Proceedings, where the AGO, will approach to the judges’ chambers, in private, and would present these kinds of fabricating evidences to put a question in front of credibility of the people. And as far as most of judges are not aware of the malicious intend of the AGO in creating all kinds of fabricating evidences and files at the agencies like the Worker Commission and Criminal Injuries Compensation Broads, FSCO, than they would hear, and may be satisfy that claims are frivolous; here, even if a judge be one of those healthy minded people, that they are less than %75 of this nation; but still AGO would enjoy the benefit of creating a doubt in imperial judge; who would not be able, mentally, to be imperial any more; which is violation of Charter of Rights and the Order of the Chief Justice of Canada; where the total principle of justice have been based in impartiality from last 1400 years!
e- The Statement of Claim in action 96-CU-112239 will be amended and the AGO and the Ontario Ministry of Health would be requested to be added as the defendants herein.
5- On July 15, 1998, the Registry of the Provincial Appeal Division advised me that my appeal in file U-393/97 was dismissed as "Abandon"! I had all right to be informed immediately.
6- I have got a Notice of Pre-Trial Hearing for July 14, 1998, for action SC-19626/96 before
BOUTET DJ, when on July 15, 1998, I had the hearing of Appeal before the Panel : Austin, Moldaver and Borins, JJ.A., C24450; Where the Counsel for Condo 935, more than 15 minutes submitted that according to Wilkins Order all my actions was stayed! I have spend a lot of time in writing and replying to the parties and court; where the AGO must explain how a pre-trial of a claim in 1996, suddenly, has claim up for July 14, 1998!
7- On July 15, 1998, I asked from the Clerk- Richard, for the Files from the Lower Court in C24450; when he said the file was NOT transferred.
In the appeal against Wilkins Order in file C26841, while I have filed the Appeal Book and Factum, the Registrar of the Court of Appeal who is defendant has dismissed my Appeal, ONLY, due to absent of the File from Lower Court. The said Registrar, has dismissed my appeal against Condominium 935, on file C23837. This is a discriminatory conduct and subject to a claim for all damages raised for delaying in the hearing of the said appeals. The Registrar,
has gone so far that even disobeyed Hudden Order for transferring of the said file-C26841.
8- On July 15, 1998, Clerk-Richard has call OPP to make me uncomfortable during presentation of my argument, when the Judgment of Boland J. was before the Panel that
clearly said allegation of Condominium 935 against me was "BALD"! Provincial Judge Cadsby said the same and call the "POLICE WAS STUPID" who injured me seriously! But, non of these Orders of Judges, ever, was respected by the corrupt AGO Minister Charles Harnick, who is accuse of creating fabricating evidence to mislead Wilkins J. ; therefore, torture by Police was ordered by the AGO.
9- Since November 1991, the AGO, is abusing the scheduling for the proceedings by different tricks and dishonestly. The said fraud was reported to the Minister of Justice in 1993. The facts in aforesaid paragraphs indicate that the Crown maliciously has scheduled, and omitted my file 26325 of July 20, 1998, where it knew that on July 14, and 15, I had hearings to overloading my scheduling. Than has omitted from the list, when knew that members of the Panel Moldaver and Borins, JJ.A., ob July 15/98 have heard my submission that the AGO was involved in tens counts of frauds in Condominium 935. Therefore, the panel may demand a proper answer from AGO for criminal act against me on December 11, 1996, which is the ground of the appeal in file C26325.
Political Asylum Seeker as Canadian Resident, Since 1994
CC A copy of this Notice of Claim may be published to protect the Public Interests and Charter issues and the dignity of the judiciary system by demanding the impartiality and fairness

September 24, 1998 Served at 1:45 pm, 29/09/98to the Crow
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor, Toronto ON

TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commenced against the Servants of the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario("AGO"), pursuant to Proceeding Against Crown Act, and the Servant of the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General of Canada("Crown") pursuant to the Crown Liability Act, on the following grounds in the tort of conspiracy:
1- Since June 1995, the Crown, is interfering with my legal proceeding at Ontario Courts by tricks in scheduling , date of orders, malicious creation of vexatious proceedings, which is contrary to Section 3, of the Federal Court Act, that says : " additional court for better administration of the laws of Canada. The Chief Justice of Federal Court, will be sued as the President of the Court for all damages and malicious acts for obstructing justice at his Court and Ontario Courts[Since June 98: files C24450, C26325, U-393-97; A-410-95, A-563-96, T-1237-98].
2- Since June 1998, a series of malicious acts have been recorded, which indicate the same patterns and plans of wrongdoing in 1993 by the said defendants. Interception of telephone conversation with Iran, to abuse transfer of funds and services-Bank of Montreal; abuse of e-mail and social activities for creation of fraudulent transcripts, the trespass of my property and series of nuisances and harassment by their agents- the University of Toronto, Condo 935, Wal-Mart*.
3- On Sept 21, 1998, the Court of Appeal for Ontario heard file C26325, where James A. Ramsay [defendant in 96-CU-104952] maliciously produced an illegitimate appeal book.
As the result, the said appeal was dismissed. The Crown is liable in tort for all damages of the consequences, particularly that the grounds of the appeal was conspiracy of the crown servants.
4- On Sept 17, 1998, the Registrar of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, John Kromkamp,
[defendant in 96-CU-104952 & 96-CU-113026] has maliciously tried to settle the Order for file C24450, where the main part of endorsement-July 29/98- was missing from the draft order.
Kromkamp, is, in the conflict of interest with me and he is not allowed to make any decision.
5- On Sept 15, 1998, the AGO with electronic interference tried to steal some of my documents[including files at Federal Court]; and causing damages to the computer and disabled the modem. Since December, 1996, the AGO, interfering with my contracts with several servers to intercept and obstructed all my web sites, e-mails, telephone communications, bank accounts, transmission of funds from Iran, licensing, employment and business[rental] opportunities, hearings scheduling, and court process. I have suffered special and general damages due to the said sabotages, and the invasion of privacy. The Sprint Canada, the University of Toronto, and Yazik, have followed the objects of the conspiracy.
The Political Asylum Seeker as the Canadian Resident
*There is a document that indicate Wal-Mart may be involved in defrauding tax returned.

October 1, 1998 filed at 2:10pm on Oct 2/98
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor, Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commenced against the Servants of the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario("AGO"), pursuant to Proceeding Against Crown Act, and the Servant of the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General of Canada("Crown") pursuant to the Crown Liability Act, on the following grounds in the tort of conspiracy:
1- On September 21, 1998, the Defendant Osborn JA, arbitrary, conduct the appeal hearing:
a. Where the AGO has breached the Criminal Appeal Rule;.
b. Where there was not a proper appeal book before the Court by the AGO;
c. And where was Notice of Claim against the Court Reporter Wilson for his frauds in transcripts of the proceeding.
2- The Defendant Osborne has ignored the total principle of recording in the transcript, where he did not had any other evidences.
The Defendant Osborne is accused of breach of his Judicial Oath and shall be removed gtom the Court of Appeal for Ontario, and responsible in his personal capacity for all damages and the serious consequences of his wrongdoing which is criminal in the nature.
3- On September 17, 1998, the Defendant John Kromkampt, the Registrar of the Court of Appeal tried to get hold of one of three judges who signed the endorsement of C24450.
Kromlampt, than falsity said non of judges where available, and promised to set a date within two weeks with one of judges. On September 29, 1998, I received a letter from the Defendant de Sa that informed me that the settlement of the Order in file C24450 has been Scheduled for February 8, 1999.
4- The breach of the promises mainly indicate extreme weakness of the personality of the Crown Servants, like the Defendants Judge Lampkin, and Kromkampt.
Lampkin, several times promised to demand the tape recording from the Court Reporter, and he finally breached his promise. And Osborn JA just confirm Lampkin JP criminal misconduct.
5- The Gangs that a group of corrupt judges have created in Ontario, finally will end to the life of the Crown in Ontario.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

November 6th, 1998 Via Fax 3:24pm on Nov 6/98
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor, Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the tortious conducts of servants of the Attorney General of Ontario(Crown)- see the Proceedings Against the Crown Act.
1- On November 6th, 1998, my telephone communications were intercepted, interfered and obstructed with following offices:
a. With Office of the Minister Isabel Bassett-Citizenship, Culture for receiving a copy of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act;
b. The Training Coordinating Group for Persons with Disabilities ("TCG");
c. Goodwill Training Center for people with disabilities.
2- Since September 1998, the Crown illegally interfering and obstructing my businesses with TCG, as the result till today I did not get a proper response from this Federally sponsored office; which is an illegal act against Her Majesty Queen in Right of Canada.
3- The interception of the Crown’s agents at the University of Toronto ("U of T")was maliciously maintained since January 1998, interfering and obstructing, Phd programs, physical exercise, and domestic relations. And my searches at public libraries were obstructed.
Since 1991, the Crown’s agents maliciously interfering with all my domestic relations and causing loss of marriage opportunities and creation of family; that $2,000,000 damages will be demand against the Crown and all its parties, including the U of T; and all those agents that have provided malicious and fraudulent reports, and have abused the process and legal authorities, to cause my communications be intercepted, as the object of conspiracy.
4- In addition thereto, Since 1991, the Crown’s agents and parties are intercepting my communications to interfere with my contracts, businesses opportunities, occupational licensing,and services, that $1,000,000 damages will be demand from the Court for the said tort.
5- On October 30, 1998, the Crown interfered with my motion in file U393/97 where the fraud in the transcripts of the proceeding and conspiracy to injure where material facts againstthe Crown, and Judge V. Lampkin; part of the said conspiracy will be heard in the Supreme Court of Canada; where I am going to ask the maximum punishments for the Defendants
Charles Harnick, Court Reporter Wilson, Lampkin PJ, Allan Scott the Provincial Prosecutor, and all other parties of the conspiracy of November 16, 1995 to November 19, 1997.
$7.000.000 damages will be demanded in this part of action against the personal and office capacity of the wrongdoers.
You will find some documents of the criminal wrongdoing of your servants at my web site:
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Political Asylum Seeker as the tortured Canadian Resident
Fax confirmed at 3:24 pm on Nov 6, 1998
The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"

House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills

The White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization are behind the Toronto newspaper the Globe & Mail
Major Nourhaghighi's pending Lawsuit against the Globe & Mail and the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization
Major Nourhaghighi's FACTUM as against the Globe and Mail and members of White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization
Corrupt Reporter Peter Cheney's Malicious Report against Major Nourhaghighi on the Globe & Mail, intentionally omitted all
productive facts about Major Nourhaghighi and added not founded materials showing Canadian Media is a voice of
the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization, Force, Injustice, Abuse, and Fraud in which the
Outrageous actions of the Defendants Cheney & the Globe & Mail constitute Obstruction of Justice,
Contempt of Court, Misleading Justice, Assault and Slander & Libel at " Major Keyvan's War "

View Larger MapTo Serve Lawsuit to the Globe & Mail you need to do it personal service at
444 Front St. W., Toronto, ON Canada M5V 2S9

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