Thursday, 23 June 2016

1997- Notice of Claim v. the Crown filed by the Lord of Law the Right Honorable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Under the Proceedings Against Crown Act in the Province Ontario, Canada. This is Sample of Ample Notices During 20 Years!

مرگ بر ملکه فاسد انگلیس و قضات دزدش 
زنده باد آزادی تمام استانهای کانادا
Author: Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Ontario Separatist, Tortured by the Canadian Police
July 1990 to July 2016
 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Sample of Ample Notice of Claims Since 1993
 Notice of Claim filed by Major Nourhaghighi
Under Section 5 and 7 of Proceedings Against the Crown Act

Sample of Ample Notice of Claims Since 1993
Notice of Claim (Part I 1997)
Notices of Claim filed in 2012
Notices of Claim filed in 2011
Notices of Claim filed in 2010
Notices of Claim filed in 2009
Notices of Claim filed in 2008
Notices of Claim filed in 2007
Notice of Claim filed in 2006
Notices of Claim filed in 2005
Notices of Claim filed in 2004
Notices of Claim filed in 2003
Notices of Claim filed in 2002
Notices of Claim filed in 2001
Notices of Claim filed in 2000
 Since December 11, 1993 ample Lawsuits have been filed by Major Nourhaghighi as against the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments in Canada under proper statutes which requiring
WITH IN 10 Days After Cause of Action raised the Plaintiff serve a Notice of Claim be served to the Lawyers of the Governments ("Crown Office"); and WITHIN SIX MONTHS
files his Lawsuit with a court that has jurisdiction to hear it.
IF, the Plaintiff fails to serve the Notice of Claim within 10 days , or file Lawsuit within Six Months; his claims would be expired; UNLESS, the Governments commit another felony or wrongdoing during that Six Months. Therefore, The Time will be extended from the Date of "New Cause of Action" based on Developing Torts principles  

Major Nourhaghighi's Lawsuits under:

1- The Proceedings Against Crown Act
R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.27 (Ontario)
Liability in tort: Section 
5. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, and despite section 71 of the Legislation Act, 2006, the Crown is subject to all liabilities in tort to which, if it were a person of full age and capacity, it would be subject,

(a) in respect of a tort committed by any of its servants or agents;
(b) in respect of a breach of the duties that one owes to one’s servants or agents by reason of being their employer;
(c) in respect of any breach of the duties attaching to the ownership, occupation, possession or control of property; and
(d) under any statute, or under any regulation or by-law made or passed under the authority of any statute.  R.S.O. 1990, c. P.27, s. 5 (1); 2006

2- The Crown Liability Act; (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-50) (Federal- CANADA)

Notices of Claims in Year 1997
1- March 25/97, Reference: Corruption Court of Appeal
2- May 2, 1997, Reference: Registrar of Appeal file# 24450, Rust, Custom Canada
3- May 9, 1997, Reference: Telephone Interception
4- April 27, 1997-Reference: Judge Lampkin, Court Reporter Wilson, Prosecutor Delagdo
5- June 13, 1997, Reference: Dishonestly of the Crown and Borden &Elliot
6- June 16, 1997,Re: The Corruption of Registrar, Court of Appeal for Ontario,Criminal
7- June 16, 1997,Re: The corrupt Registrar, Ontario Court(General Division),Civil
8- June 19/97, RE Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy at Attorney General, Health, and Solicitor General
9- July 4/97, RE: Rust Purdator Courier Limited, O’Driscoll, Dunlap
10- Aug 13/97, RE: Silverman, ANS, and College Park
11- September 8, 1997; RE: Obstruction and cheating in the Court; Crown is Disobeying the Order of Judge Houdden    
12- September 14, 1997 RE: Fraud and Forgery in Transcripts of December 11, 1996
13- September 22/97, RE: Disobeying the Order of Houdden, and Harassing my Relatives in Iran
14-October 3/97, Re: Police Agents:he CIBC, Hot Line Cards, Condominium 935, Alicos, Harvey Dennis[a debtor that crown stop enforcement of judgment against him T21833/96], Farsi Interpreter Bahman Afieff,, Rai Balhar Singh,...
15- Oct 14/97, RE: Interference of the Crown with private investment in Canada Trust
16-  Oct 16/97, RE: Interception and Harssments, as part of conspiracy. Object: Distirbance
17-  Nov 5/97: RE: Judge Lampkin has stolen Exhibit #1, during trial December 11, 1996.
Five Canadian Judges are accusd of Thefts in Nourhaghighi's Action in Ontario Courts;
18-  Nov 7/97,RE: Canada Trust, Kashani,, Iranian Criminal Organization
19-  Nov 12/97, Re: Registrar of the Appeal and frauds in administration
20-  Nov 12/97, RE: University of Toronto, and Theft of E-mails and Break of Passwords
21-  Nov 19/ 97, Re: Crown Civil, Atkinson, interference with Criminal Proceeding
22- Nov 28/97, Re: Follert testified that affidavit was prepared for him and he did not read it!
23- December 11, 1997, Notice of Claim against conspiracy of the Crown Law Office

March 25, 1997
The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commence against the tortious acts of your corrupt Servants and Offices without any further notice:
1. On March 24, 1997, I have tried to file an application for adjournment of trials Scheduled for April 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 1997, at Old City Hall. The Clerk, at the Crown Office, with bad faith did not accept the said application.
2. The CORRUPTED Court of Appeal for Province of Ontario [ the term used in file 25562 At the Supreme Court of Canada, heard By CHIEF JUSTICE OF CANADA], on March 24, 1997, has send me a Notice, that the Registrar is going to DISMISS my appeal C26604 that filed on February 12, 1997; where the Registrar John Kromkamp from the same office is Respondent in the said file with Marcy Green and Allan Scott; that their conspiracy for malicious prosecution of April 1st,1997.
3. The Registrar, at 395 University Ave, abusing the office and refusing to deliver the endorsement of Justice McRae, who with malicious intent dismissed the action in my absentia. In the absent of the endorsement, I am not able to perfect the appeal.
4. The Registrar, of the corrupt Court of Appeal for Province of Ontario; has not dismissed the appeal in File C24450 for delay, where my Condominium 935, that has given BRIBES to the Servants of the Attorney General, when the Notice of Appeal was Filed in April 1996, but has intention to dismiss the appeal C26604 for delay, that was registered on February
1997. The said corrupt Registrar has dismissed my file C23783( Condo 935), after it
refused my Notice of Motions, for extension of time and orders under section 134 of Court of Justice act against the Board of Directors of Condo 935.
5. I came as a refugee from Iran. On March 17, 1997, I have explained all my matter for Iranian Embassy at Ottawa; where I experienced my calls were interfered. Therefore I have complained to the Minister of the Foreign Affairs; and I have REPORTED to several Embassy were with abuse of Public Office my businesses with the Embassies were maliciously obstructed.
Enclosed you will find my letter to Parkdale Community Legal Service; when I have discovered that the Government of Ontario is abusing public trust to their Community offices. HAVE SHAME WITH THIS LEVEL OF CREATION OF DISGRACE FOR CANADA AND HUMAN SOCIETY BY VIOLATION OF ALL INTERNATIONAL BILLS OF HUMAN RIGHTS.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

April 27, 1997
The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
Crown Law office, Civil
720 Bay Street, Toronto ON
M5G 2K1
2. Judge Lampkin in clear conspiracy with prosecution and defence witnesses misconduct himself with administration of the justice, in all four days trials. He has attended in person, at court clerk Room, and met with clerk Nazim Alladina( defence witness) and asked her to testify as planned in conspiracy.
3. The Court Reporter Wilson, continued to record the proceeding in non standard recording system. Wilson as accessory to the said conspiracy, did fraud in the recording of the proceeding particularly on April 9, 1997; where Alladina and Nancy Russell testified I have requested that he read back their testimony to prove that they have given contradictory evidences. Wlison clearly became LIED and all his face features indicate that he was making a story! Wilson deliberately did NOT record all the proceeding in 4 Track tape, that the voices can be heard.
4. The Prosecutor, Nel Delgado continued on plan of conspiracy, and brought an application against my request for production of the 4 Track Tape of Nov 16/95, to hear what really happened on that day! Judge Lampkin, that during last 6 days trials has promised will order that the said tape be heard for discovery of the truth; in sudden on April 3, 1997, has changed his words and under harassment of the same officer who have tortured me on Dec 11/96, dismissed my application for production of the tape by court reporter Amy Fitton. Lampkin by breaches of his promises indicate that the Canadian Judges from WHAT kind of LOW class families have joined to the highest level of the society. The people, that neither have any respect of the Law and Administration of Justice, nor for their promises.
5. Amy Fitton, the Court Reporter, of Nov 16/95, clearly lied under the oath. She is defendant in my actions for detective transcript for Nov 16/95.
6. Judge Graham, who was on bench on Nov 16/95, did NOT show on April 3, and 9, 1997, where subpoena had issued against him by Mr. Justice of Peace Keith Madigan. I have left the said subpoena with Ms.E. Hall, a good judges secretary, at Old City Hall. I have send a copy of the said subpoena to several Chief Judges and Ministers of the Attorney Generals.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

May 2, 1997
The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, the Crown Civil Law, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the tortious conducts of your servants for abuse of the public office.
On April 24, 1997, at 9:20 p.m., I was served with the appeal book, the factum and the book of authorities of the appellant Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corporation 935, in file C24450.
On page 5 of the said appeal book, there was a Judgment signed by a clerk, RUST, for the Deputy Registrar. I was NOT served with draft of the judgment; and the judgment was singed without my consent and knowledge on April 11, 1996.
Mr. Rust, always obstructing my businesses by rude manner and close face, as an individual, at the Motion Court, at 395 University Ave. He intentionally delaying all my jobs, and he has refused my materials for filing in several cases, and he is abusing me by many different tricks. But, when it comes to the agents, and law firms, he is very friendly and spending a lot of times with them in discussion of private matter.
On May 2, 1997, I called the Registry of the Court of Appeal for Ontario; I was told that the said material were filed but the appeal was not perfected yet. The said Registrar, fraudulently trying to fabricate some evidence to mislead the inspectors of the Ombudsman Ontario for the malicious acts that of dismissal of my two appeals, and refusal to register my motions.
The Attorney General of Ontario, is accused of bribery from the said Condo in several actions and complaints. The said Registrar, on April 1, 2, 3, and 9, 1997, that I was on heavy stress of the malicious prosecution of the fraudulent accusation of the assaults against Court Officer Marcy Green; has dismissed my appeal in action against Marcy Green and other parties on April 4, 1997, that I received the on April 8, 1997, and on April 1, 1997, the Registrar of the Federal Court has called me that my action against Police Smuggling at Custom Canada was dismissed. And I have received several wrong notices and public nuisances from agents.
All these cooperation for perfect destructive acts that the Crown has in wrongdoing; if it had for perfect constructive acts, Canadian were able to survive in next century; but God will not give such great chance of the determination of " good" from "bad", to the corrupt servants, as it has promised in the Holy Books. I can see clearly that your ship is sinking.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

May 9, 1997
The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
Crown Law office, Civil
720 Bay Street, Toronto ON
M5G 2K1
TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commenced against the Crown for the following torts:
1. My telephone line, 416 515 7263, is under illegal intersection and wiretapping by the corrupt servants of the Crown who were involved bribery, conspiracies and frauds in my condominium, as well as at the proceedings.
2. Trials of the accusation of Marcy Green; and malicious and wrong testimony of Allan Scott, Amy Fitton, and Nazim Alladina have proved to me that the Crown in DISHONEST, and has malicious intent in all its fraudulent acts in my cases.
3. Over 500 defendants and scandal of dirtiest act indicate that this Crown, does NOT have any reputation among people; therefore, it is committing the dirtiest act clearly.
4. My communication was intercepted and obstructed by the following companies; where I have six years time to sue the following companies for conspiracies: Carswell, Hook Up, Yesic, Factory, Direct Outlet, Scotiabank, Sprint Canada, and few others, and tens of individuals.
The Crown is involved in interception of my facsimile communication. On May 9, 1997, my letter to office of Freedom of Information and Privacy on fax number 416 326 7044, was interfered to number 416 326 7000. Since December 1996, the Crown, interfering with my fax communication causing me serious damages; most of the offices that I send documents by fax they did not received the document, or they have received in other time( after it was intercepted by the Crown).
The Crown is responsible for million dollars dames to me since 1991; and I have intention to receive my damages; as I have received Seven Judgments up to now against the dirty parties who conspiracy with the Crown. ANS Taxi who was involved in SABOTAGES in the Public transportation with Order of the Crown on Jan 1994; since May 1994, enjoying all kinds of helps from the Crown to delay the enforcement of the Judgment. On May 9, 1997, Scarbrough Small Claim, again, obstructed the enforcement of the Judgment against ANS.

Keyvan Nourhaghighi

The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
The Crown Civil Law, 8th Floor720 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the malicious tortious conducts of the Crown Law Office, Civil pursuant to provision of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act.
1. The Crown Law Office, Civil is involved in numerous malicious tortious conducts with my claims at different court since 1995. The said office, accused of being party, and an accessory of several criminal conspiracies and abuses of the court process, misleading and obstructing justice.
2. On June 9, 1997, I have registered an application against the Police offenders who has used excessive force against me on aggravated assault on Dec 11/96. On the review of the material for the said application; I have discovered that the said Office, and Borden & Elliot, were involved in series of nuisances and criminal conspiracies against me from September 1996;
including several harassment at the Law Firms; malicious acts of College Park and Scarbrough Small Claims Courts and Old City Hall; malicious acts of Ontario Insurance Commission and it criminal act in poisoning me on Nov 14/96 and Feb 6/97; malicious acts of Judge Lampkin and aggravated assault of Police Dec 11/96; dishonestly of the Crown servants in testimony on trials of April 97; and all nuisances of the Registry of the Court of Appeal for Ontario since Feb 97.
3. The fact, that Borden & Elliot, has commenced the application RE6938/96, under S.140 of the Court of Justice Act; without having in their possession the Consent of the Attorney General; has caused that the Crown Law Office- Civil, be involved in several different misconduct against me where most of them were criminal acts in nature.
4. The Crown Law- Civil, will remain liable for all costs and damages in all my actions and
appeals files till a date that the said proceedings return to normal course of trials by setting a said
of judgment of Justice Wilkins which was obtained by frauds of the said office.
5. The Ontario Judicial Counsel , the College of Physicians, McCarthy Terrault, Gardiner Blumberg, Condominium 935, Caber Management, Justices of Peace, are accessories of the said criminal conspiracy and misleading the justice by nuisances from Sept/96 to June /97.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
The Crown Civil Law, 8th Floor720 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the tortious conducts of servants and offices of the Attorney General of Ontario, pursuant to provision Section 5 of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act.
1. The Registrar of the Court of Appeal has maliciously has continued its abuse of statutory power by continuos notices and dismissing all my appeals related to the civil actions on April, May and June 1997. Since March 25, 1997, that Notice of Claim issued against the corrupt Registrar, Keith Gauntlett and its corrupt servants did worse than before in anarchy and abuse of the office and have destroyed the dignity of the Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario that as a result, I was forced to bring applications U284/97&U397/97 to request my application as a refugee to the Canadian Nations be suspended.
2. On June 3,1997, at about 3 p.m. I was at 397 University 10th floor, at the Registry of the Motion Court for asking a question from Charoltte Petters, in regard of an application. It takes more than 90 minutes till Petters shows in the counter. During this period of time I was harassed several time by Security Officers, while I was standing at the public area of the Registry.
At the same time, I have noticed that Petters has furnished the information of my questions to the
her parties. As a result, during June 4, to June 11, 1997, which was a time limit to bring the
said application, I had serious nuisances from several offices; particularly from the said corrupt
office of the Registry of the Court of Appeal.
3. On June 9, 10, 11, 1997, I had several malicious notices from Deputy Registrar of Court of Appeal, Muriel A. de SA, that my appeal in file C26325 was set for hearing on June 23, 1997.
De Sa, knew that C26325 was not perfected. And the Crown had knowledge that June 23, 1997 was sat at Ontario Court General Division for hearing of application U284/97&397/97.
I am sure some one from her office has send the said notices, on those days that I had planned to bring several legal proceedings against the Police Offenders who has used excessive force in aggravated assaults against me on Dec 11/96; and I have lost many of the said plans.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Back to Table

June 16, 1997
The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
The Crown Civil Law, 8th Floor720 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario

TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the tortious conducts of servants and offices of the Attorney General of Ontario, pursuant to provision Section 5 of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act.
1. The Sheriff is refusing to enforce the write of seizure against City Wide Paralegal on fileT21833/96 since May 7, 1997, that enforcement was registered at 444 Yonge Street Small Claim Court. Exhibit "A".
2. Dun Rust, at the Registry of Motion Court, 397 University Ave, has registered the application RE3869/96 under section 140 of Court of justice Act. When he knew, or ought to have known, for commencement of proceeding under the said provision of law, the Consent of the Attorney General was the main requirement. I have discovered this fact; recently, and with all notice of claims that I have filed against this office; I believe that the nuisances raised after Sept 1996, at this said registry was INTENTIONAL and with MALICE to cover up the wrong of Dun Rust, in ignorance of the Law for originating document.
3. Several offices of the Attorney General abusing my telephone and fax line for nuisances. In most cases, whenever I have a businesses with the said offices, they will not replying to my calls by fraudulent answering machines reply; or they allow themselves to call my home and send material in my private use of modem on my computer. Today, Joanne Dunlap, several times called my home by trying to fax me the Respondent’s Factum; where I have never give on related documents any fax number to her or her office. This is invasion of my privacy; that on August 20, 1997, I will serve you with a proceeding for trails of all tortious conducts.
Please advise to all Attorney General officers that under no condition I am ready to answer to their malicious telephone calls and very disturbing calls on my modem that it is very hard to find out for me and my children that whether it is the modem or telephone calling ; as we use the simplest machine.
4. The Attorney General, in sudden, and without any Notices has increased, unreasonably almost all costs of the services and filing fees; while the Government of Canada fraudulently alleging 1% deficit! On June 18, 1997, I have paid $65 for enforcement of Judgment on file SC1173/94; while I have paid for the same file $40 on Dec 1996. On June 9, 1997, I was charged $10 for commission of the affidavit; and know in small claim courts asking $100 to $130 to put the claim in the trial list. This is robbery in the name of governing a poor nation; and the prices should not effect on people who have filed their claims, before, June 2, 1997.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

June 20, 1997
The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
The Crown Civil Law, 8th Floor720 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario

TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the tortious conducts of servants and offices of the Attorney General of Ontario, pursuant to provision Section 5 of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act.
1. 31 Notices of Claim have been served personally to the Crown Law Office, Civil, for tortious conduct of the servants and officers, since June 17, 1996.
2. The Attorney General of Ontario, maliciously, has continued its tortious conducts and abuses of the Crown’s offices in last 12 months in such away that never 60 days limitation time before the commencement of the action be expired; and it appear that it has decision to continue disreputation the dignity of Her Majesty the Queen by criminal acts at the offices of the Crown.
On or About August 22, 1997, I will move before the court for recovery of $5,000,000 damages against the Attorney General of Ontario for all causes of action raised since June 17/96.
3. The said claim will include the malicious act of the following offices:
a. On June 19, 1997, at 3:45, I was at 444 Yong Street, Small Claim Court, to ask about enforcement of my judgment against File T21833/96, filed on May 7/97. Mirella LIPPA, who was familiar with my cases, immediately pulled the said filed and told me that the said office was waiting for answer of the legal department, with reference to a judgment under s.140 of Court of Justice Act against me. On May 7/97, an officer first has obtained permission from the Registrar, than has filed the enforcement; therefore it is illegal to hold the enforcement and I am very upset and worry due to financial hardship due to said nuisances that I could not search and present my legal document in this period of time properly causing me special and general damages.
b. The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Offices of at Attorney General, Health, and Solicitor General and Correctional Services and the Commissioner have raised a wave of nuisances since March 21, 1997 in forwarding a copy of my personal information which are very necessary for all my actions. The said offices are liable for nuisances and conspiracies; and will remain liable for all damages raise in dismissal of my applications and actions for lacks and delays of the requested information.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
The Crown Civil Law, 8th Floor720 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commence against the tortious acts of your servants and Offices without any further notice:
1. On July 3, 1997, at Motion Court, 397 University Ave, Dun Rust refused to register my Application under section 140(3)(4)(b) of Court of Justice Act. At the same time, Motion Court, at gate 12, start serving the customers at 08:55 a.m., and he served "Edward" who slid in without waiting in the line. The said gate 12, has served only two person during more than one hour thirty minutes. Dun Rust had two breaks and coffee and smoke at the same period of time were he served six customer. The Supervisor was not at his office; and her assistant did not show to receive my complaints. I have complaint to an officer there, when he advise me " to have your noise clean, mind your own business!.". I am member of this society, and it is my responsibility to demand professional services; particularly where discrimination will cost me time and nuisances and will effect on all my reaction.
I have feel two Security Officers continuously were harassing me while I was there; that indicated to me that refusal of Dun Rust was an object of conspiracy.I have proven that this kind of harassment would have negative effect for reputation of Canadians in all my reports to United Nations and others.
2. On the same day, I was at Swiss Embassy; where the counsel stated non of my documents sent to that office were received. Interception and obstructions of my communication are the main part of my claim against your office. The Crown, through interception of my communication and its agents knew that the said Application would be forward for registration.
3. On July 2, 1997, Purdator Courier Limited, tried to serve me with the Respondent’s Record for file U-284 and 397-97; that I have rejected. On June 24, 1997, Counsel for Crown, Joanne Dunlap, fraudulently, stated to judge O’Driscoll that the said document was served on me and has forwarded a fabricating affidavit of service by Purdator Courier Limited. On the said proceeding I was harassed by three court security officers in he absent of any member of the public at Court House. The said application was scheduled to be hear on June 23, 1997 that Dunlap fraudulently allowed a case after my application proceed for whole afternoon. Dunlap, stated in Canadian Justice Systems customers of the courts who be presented by a lawyer have priority to the people who represent themselves.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

August 13, 1997
The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
The Crown Civil Law, 8th Floor720 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commence against the tortious acts of your servants and Offices without any further notice:
1. On August 13, 1997, I was at Scarborough Small Claim Court, as the Respondent to a motion by the Defendant 871862 Ontario Limited(ANS Taxi Services), to set aside of the Judgment.
a. Since 1994, twice I have obtained judgment against the said Defendant, that Sheriff maliciously not enforcing any one of my judgments, neither in this file nor in any other files.
b. The said Defendant, is a party of Criminal Conspiracy in Sabotages with the Attorney General of Ontario; as I have pleaded in my claims.
On Aug 13/97, before the proceeding numerous parties of different conspiracies, have tried to create difficulties in the Court. Deputy Judge, Mr. Winer, did not hear the motion, as he stated that Sidney J. Silverman, was his best friend; therefore, there was conflict of interest.
Than, I have tried to ask a question from the Registrar, that an officer[who refuses to give her name- black, short, short hair, with glasses] without any ground has asked from the Court Security to force me to leave; where Officer 99206 interfered and had misconduct with me.
Exhibit A, indicate my complaint against officer 99206.
2. The Order of Wilkins J. under section 140 of Court of Justice Act; since Feb 6/97, have been maliciously interpreted by defendant Registrars to obstruct my businesses. According to section 140(3)(4); I can proceed on my claims with the leave of court; but the Registrar; particularly, at College Park Court, refusing to accept any motion from me; alleging that the Court of Appeal shall make a decision on the Order of Wilkins J. while, all registry have accepted from me on May and June 1997 fees to enforce my judgments against 871862 On Ltd; and Citywide Paralegal[CP-21833/96].
3. The Attorney General of Ontario , continuously intercepting with all my communications and businesses; the invasion of my privacy, and denials of all my rights under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act; are part of my claims in tort against the Crown.
4. The Crown Law Office -Criminal, was responsible to provide me with appeal books for file C26426 and C26325. J. A. Ramsay, after several months delay, maliciously has provided
defective appeal books; that I have suffered damages.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

September 8, 1997
The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
The Crown Civil Law, 8th Floor720 Bay Street
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the malicious tortious conducts of the Crown Law Office, Civil pursuant to provision of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act.
1- On September 5, 1997; Mr. Justice Houdden, has granted my request for an order to set aside the Order of the Registrar of the Court of Appeal on file C26841; while the Borden & Elliot and M.Snell [ the parties of the Crown in criminal conspiracy], were opposite to my motion. As far as, the said order was not in accordance to plan of conspiracy of the Crown; immediately, the Registrar of Court of Appeal has entered to obstruct the order of the learned judge.
On August 1, 1997, I have paid $50 to transfer my records from 397 University Ave to the Court of Appeal. On September 8, 1997, Lawra Merrell, the officer responsible for receiving the record at Court of Appeal has told me: " We have never received the file!".
On September 5, 1997, black female officer[ who refused to give her name], after talking with Merrell; told me the same words from Ms.Merrell.
I talked with the Registrar, John Kormkamp, he has told me some other things that was in the plan of conspiracy; and yet was not told to the staff. Than, I have discovered that for perfection of appeal now there is $150 fees; that with four appeals dismissed maliciously by Kromkampt it would be come to $600; plus Mr. Houdden J.J.A. has awarded the costs to the Respondents.
All these damages would be part of my claims. And, I not have any income; and I am paying all these costs through the lone form banks.
2- On September 5, 1997, several times I went to 397 University Ave to find what is the truth. Dun Rust, ( Assistant supervisor-while he was very nervous )refused to give any answer; same as other staff of Motion Court. Than, after about two hours, the Supervisor, told me the file was send and showed me a big book, with black cover, and showed me a receipt without date, forged signature; that was not reading with signature of Lawra Werrell. In case appeal be dismissed on September 12, 1997, the said registrar will be liable for all costs of appeals to panel and Supreme Court . Mr. Van Tassal, has promised to find the file; yet did not called.
AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the proceeding will be commenced at Ontario Court
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

September 14, 1997
The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
The Crown Civil Law, 8th Floor720 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the malicious tortious conducts of the Crown Law Office, Civil pursuant to provision of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act.
On or about August 25, 1997, the Crown Law office has served me with a transcript of the proceeding December 11, 1996.
After review of the said transcript in 95 pages I have find that many evidences have been changed or omitted maliciously to explain the criminal act of aggravated assault and oppressive conviction of the said proceeding.
In addition, many standards that other Court Reporters are using in preparation of transcript has not been used; such as, some kind of note that indicate the proceeding was the continuation of cross-examination of M. Green from June 12, 1996, at December 11, 1996; that may raise a question under Charter for delay in trial ; or the transcript was signed by TED WILSON, and the usual terminology for certificate was not used; that the transcript was produced with "best ability and skill".
The administration of Old City Hall, since 1992 involved in frauds and conspiracies in all my
businesses with different offices and trials proceedings; Judges, Clerks, Court Reporters and
Security Officers of Old City all are accused of criminal wrongdoing in my actions.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

September 22, 1997
The Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario
The Crown Civil Law, 8th Floor720 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the malicious tortious conducts of servants of the Crown, pursuant to provision of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act:
1- On September 17, 1997, I was informed that my application against Police Offenders was dismissed by the Defendant, Day[judge], with costs to Respondent. The Application was heard on September 15, 1997; where Day J. oppressively ignored my rights to present my case on one hour and half that I was asked; and limited my presentation to 30 minutes, to put as much as pressure on me. Day J. mislead the proceeding on the way that he wishes to hear the evidences; not on the way that I was prepared my case to be presented; series of the common tricks of Ontario Judges, such as interruption, misleading questions, malicious arbitrary manners.
The Defendant Day J. has extended the hearing to make sure that he has sufficient grounds to dismiss the application in such away that his dishonestly in the administration of justice could not be found in normal pattern of the investigation of Canadian Judicial Council; he mislead my reply and fraudulently by different tricks obstructed me to response to affidavits of Follert.
There was a black female Court Reporter who has recorded the proceedings, she refused to give her name; and fraudulently stated that she was not recorded anything!
3- On September 22, 1997, the Defendants Abella, Charron JJA, Champbell J.with arbitrary discretion restricted my arguments for three hearings[ two appeal C25549, C26426, M19862 to 30 minutes total], and I maliciously confused me by asking different questions from the files; as the result I was not successful to present my cases; and my appeals were dismissed; causing further damages and seriously jeopardizing my life in trial October 1, 1997 at Old City Hall.
4. The parties and accessories of the conspiracy that was ended to judgments of the Defendants Day and Abella were noted as : Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, Ministry of Solicitor General, Ministry of Heath, Ontario Provincial Police, Freedom of Information Commissioner, Attorney General of Ontario- Crown Civil reception on Sept 15/97[9:45 a.m.], Motions Court- D.Rust, Van Tassel, Supervisor, Court of Appeal, Lawra Werrell, Conspiracy to send the file RE6938/96 to Court of Appeal [ Sept 5 to 12/97, ten times calling to both offices in week Sept 8 to Sept 12/97- Houden JJA]. The private corporation who have created mental anguish and nuisances: Sept 11&12/97, Canada Trust, NSF cheque $14.94, and fine against my account; while it was protected by line of credit; State Farm Insurance; Sept 12/97- Starbucks, Sept 13 to 22/ 97, Condo 935; Metro Library-Shaw branch-and Dominion[food stores] creating condition of fight; Sept 14/97, very serious insult to my religion[on Radio Station 1430 AM] by Iranian-Canadian Criminal Organizations who also harassed my relative on Sept 19 in Tehran; Sept 20, CIBC; and McCarthy Tetrault.


October 3, 1997
The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the malicious tortious conducts of your servants and agents, pursuant to provision of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act:
1- On October 1 and 3, 1997 the Provincial Judge Defendant, Lampkin has proceed on trial of the malicious prosecution brought by conspiracy of the Attorney General of Ontario in response to my civil action 95-CU-84058. Lampkin, as usual, supported the prosecution and obstructed the Defence in cross examination of S. Stephens, R. Brencis.
Stephens, Edward Follert, and Nel Delgado again harassed me for torture, when Stephens loudly asked from Crown Representative, Degado: " Shall we take him to the Elevator now!"; referring to attempt to murder against me at Elevator of Old City Hall on December 11, 1996.
The parties and accessories to the aforesaid conspiracy where noted as: The CIBC, Hot Line Cards, Condominium 935, Alicos, Harvey Dennis[a debtor that crown stop enforcement of judgment against him T21833/96], Farsi Interpreter Bahman Afieff,, Rai Balhar Singh, the agent of police since 1992, involved in numerous theft and sabotages in public transportation; and Ray Brencis that arose a new cause of action against the Municipality of the Metropolitan Toronto; and the Federal Court of Canada, the Registries in Toronto and Ottawa.
2- On September 25, 1997 the Scarborough Small Claim, the Deputy Judge Thompson, again has set aside the judgment against ANS Taxi, involved in sabotages and poisoning gases in the Public Transportation by order of the Crown and Police.
Since 1994, twice I have obtained judgment against ANS Taxi and I have paid fees that Sheriff enforce the said judgment that always, the proceed was abused by the Attorney General of Ontario, who has seriously disrepute the Canadian Laws.
Sheriff, since January 1997 fraudulently misleading me; where it says that the official name of the ANS Taxi is 871862 Ontario Ltd; and when I have request from Deputy Judge Beck to changed the name of debtor; than on September 19, 1997 I have received a notice that there was not such company at the address. Thompson has ignored all these facts, and maliciously stated that we do not have knowledge of the Order of Wilkins J. against you and we allow the trial.
3- On September 22, 1997 Campbell J. was a member of the panel who dismissed my three appeals; when he was named defendants in my actions.
4. The aforesaid proceedings indicate that the Judges in Ontario Courts abusing the proceed and they do not believe to the jurisdiction of Her Majesty the Queen in Ontario where my actions under the Proceeding Against the Crown Act was called funny by Judge Lampkin;
and I am positive that still the Crown has power to prove the Proceeding Against the Crown Act has not brought for fun of the corrupt servants of the Crown.


The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the malicious tortious conducts of your servants and agents, pursuant to provision of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act:
1. On October 10, 1997 an agent of the Crown has obstructed my business for filing of a Return Motion on file T-571-95, at the Registry of the Federal Court of Canada,
at 330 University Ave, Toronto. The Officer has took the Notice of Motion and suddenly disappear! As usual the supervisor, Lora Graff has failed to explain and a manager was the witness of the professional misconduct for second times in the said matter.
Action T-571-95 is against the Defendant, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada who did not protect my personal information in my report against corruption in the Defendant, the Attorney General of Ontario; and by passing my personal information have caused that I become a victim of the criminal acts of the Crown in numerous assaults and tortures; since I made the said report.
2. On October 11, 1997 an agent of the Crown intercepted me and my son, again at Dufferin Mall. At the Wal-Mart store, I was harassed by several staffs and the Security Officers of the Mall. I have explained for the Wal-Mall’s Manager that the corruption of the Crown’s servants were roots of the nuisances an harassment everywhere; and the cashier admitted to part of the nuisances; and I told him that the Crown has plan to rob Wal-Mart by misleading me to bring a lawsuit against Wal-Mart; where the parties of the Crown in the Law Firms are ready to rob Wal-Mart by imposture; as we know many Canadians Lawyer are Impostors that the dirtiest thief in the dirtiest city of the world has honor to them; like Lorne Levine, who as a party of the Crown steal $2000 from me for cause of action, 96-CU-104952.
On October 11/97 I have discovered that again Canada Trust has abused my accounts and it takes a great frustration and verbal agreements till last hours in October 14/97.
3. On October 16/97, after years, the Crown’s criminal police agent, Defendant Rai Bahlar Singh, stand in the witness box. Singh was involved in several sabotages in the public transportation, thefts and other criminal wrongdoing; who has caused tens proceedings in Ontario Courts. In examination the said police agent stated that is name was: Gurbex Singh Dhanoye; and again the Defendant Judge, Lampkin, obstruct my examination and only allowed the police agent testify the words that was told to say, and Lampkin only take judicial notices of the wording according to plan of conspiracy.
On the said proceeding the Court Reporter was, the defendant, Warren Reihardt [T26564/96], and Lampkin refused to change him; on Oct 3/97, the defendant, Charlotte Pertters,[T23912/96], was the court reporter that Lampkin did changed her too. Singh, evidence has proved that transcript of November 16, 1995 was fraudulent.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

October 14, 1997
The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that I will move before a judge of the Ontario Court to amend the Statement of Claim in action 96-CU-104952 [C26604] against Canada Trust for malicious and fraudulent acts against me, and abuses of my businesses and accounts for the following grounds:
1- On September 4/97, Canada Trust did not paid to my Insurance Company, State Farm the
amount of $14.94, while my account is protected by line of credit; causing serious nuisances and frustration by several rude staff. Valerie McGrath, was one of those rude staff, that with poor
behavior and manner misconduct with me. I made several communications to solve the said malicious act.
2- On September 30/97, again I was charged for services charges; while I made a contract
with Canada Trust - Mary Siteman; to have free service charges businesses; since I have
opened the account in this branch. I have not received any notice in regard of the terms
of said contract.
3- On October 14/97 I have called the aforesaid branch to find out the reasons for breach of
the terms of my contract; that Valerie McGrath, respond that Manager, John Hamers was not available at till 1:pm; than, again I have called neither Hamers nor McGrath were available, and they did not returned my calls till end of the day.
4- I am declaring any illegal subtraction of any amounts from my accounts is amount to a theft, and I will move before Justice of Peace to get a Criminal Charge against Canada Trust General Manager for stealing from my accounts.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
CC Borden and Elliot, Sean Gosnell
The Attorney General of Ontario
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada

The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commence against the tortious conduct of the corrupt Servants and Offices, pursuant to the Proceeding Against Crown Act.
On November 5, 1997, during continuation of the proceeding at Old City Hall, Courtroom "M", I have discovered that the " Exhibit No. 1" was stolen from the file, by the Crown. I do remember, that on December 11, 1996, I have filed three pages of the typed written statement of Marcy Green, dated November 16, 1995. Judge Lampkin, on that day asked from the Crown, Delgado; and with her consent filed three pages of documents in Schedule "A".
Schedule A, indicate a lot of contradictions between these three pages, and testimony of Green, and with Transcript of November 16, 1995; and other evidences, such as Injury Report. The most important contradiction is:
a- When Green has reported : " banking my upper torso into the courtroom door."[page 2, three lines from last] ; and : " I was experiencing some discomfort to my right shoulder area,"[ page 3, line 18].
b- When Green has reported: " A number of Court Officers attended Courtroom L to assist, however,… to locate Mr. Nourhaghighi."[page 3, lines 10 to 14]. The transcript of November 16, 1995, has evidences that Judge Graham asked for a couple of the Policemen, that indicate: Green did not report any assault to the Police Officer, when they have attended immediately; and that is why the Police did not provide any report for that particular time.
On September 15, 1997, I have filed a Notice of Claim against the Court Reporter Ted WILSON for frauds in the transcript of the proceeding December 11, 1996. In reading the said transcript, every time, I am discovering a new cause of action against Ted Wilson, for dishonestly and frauds in the transcript.
After the said Notice of Claim flied against Ted Wilson; he suddenly disappeared!
I have a Subpoena signed against him to attend the trials in November 24 to 28, 1997; but, no one gives his address to me, and the Supervisor of the Court Reporters, refusing to accept the Subpoena for him; or give his address.
In the action against the Crown, the Manager of Old City Hall, Court Clerk Supervisor, the Crown Delgado, Ted Wilson, will be charged for theft, fraud, and conspiracy.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that the action will be commence against the tortious conduct of the corrupt Servants and Offices, pursuant to the Proceeding Against Crown Act.
On November 5, 1997, during continuation of the proceeding at Old City Hall, I have discovered, again, the Crown was abusing my right for having Interpreter; by forcing Mr. Kashani to enforce the malicious objects of the Conspiracy of the Crown against me.
All, Iranian Interpreters, since July 29, 1994, have been forced to enter to conspiracies against me. These poor people, have got a job in the corrupt Ministry of Attorney General of Ontario to have a poor living to support their family; and the Crown, abusing their need to work and make a living, by forcing them to meanness and contempt.
Therefore, on November 14, 19, and 24/97, I will put in the record; as I am currently in every proceedings making records that: " Due to dishonestly and frauds of the Crown, and interference with my Lawyers in past, I will not hire any Canadian Lawyer!".
The Crown, has proved to me in last seven years that I am living as conventional refugee, in Canada that the Crown is : "Very Cheap", "Extremely Dishonest and Poor", "Strongly Avaricious and Greedy", "Deeply Meanness and Arrogant", "Extremely Illegal and Abuser",
"Strongly Oppressive Criminal Nature, and Animal Nature Behavior"…
Since 1990 that I came to Canada, the Crown abusing all my natural and social needs.
Hundreds of Actions, Notice of Claims, Complaints, Reports to National and International Organizations- Forgone Embassies, United Nations, Amnesty International…; could not stop or restrict this savage animal named "Crown" to abandon its criminal acts against me and my family.
In this Notice of Claim, the cause of action is, the interference with my finical needs.
Since 1992, the Crown directly interfering with all my contracts. Series of interference have been made with transfer of funds from Iran, with Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, with Bank of Nova Scotia; where I have got judgments from the courts against the said Banks.
Today, I have closed all my accounts in Canada (not at all)Trust; while Canada (never)Trust have stolen my funds by direct order of the Crown, to create mental anguish for coming trials on Nov 19, 24 to 28/97; where I was tortured by nine members of the Police in December 11, 1996.
I will not open any new account in any Bank in Ontario, as they are the most unsafe place for investments. Ontario, shall remain one of the most dishonest province in Whole the World!
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

November 12, 1997
The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the tortious conducts of your servants and agents, pursuant to provision of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act:
1- On November 10, 1997, I was at the Process Registry of the Court of Appeal for Ontario to commission an affidavit for a motion[21500] in a matter against the Regional; where I was asked $10 for commission by an Officer with first name " Mariea". Since 1992 that I commenced commissioning of the affidavit where Her Majesty was
Respondent, I have never paid any amount for this propose. And once, in the said officeI solve this problem; but again today the matter raised again and Deputy Registrar de Sa has attended and confirmed that fees are applicable; where I saw de Sa was two upset from my recent actions against the Registrar, seeking "A Contempt Order"; against all servants who have disobeyed Houlden’s Order.
2- The said Registrar, who is named defendant in my actions vindictively has dismissed all my appeals, that it would cost me about $3000 to remove all orders and return them to a normal track, as they were before March 1997. With finical hardship enforced by the Crown against me, it may takes years to do all relatives jobs; that the Crown will remain liable for all costs and damages for delaying to perfect the appeals, and removal of the stay orders in two other appeals.
3- In one of the file of the appeal [C24450], I am the Respondent, and Condo 935 is the Appellant; the said Registrar, allowed this frivolous and mootness appeal be perfected after over 380 days; but dismissed all my appeals that some of them were passed only less than 40 days; while the Rule allowed me one year to perfect the appeals. This is two different treatments and I was discriminated clearly by the Crown, who is racists and extremist in nature.
4- Condo 935, who is agent of the Crown since 1992, enjoying all kinds of frauds in the accounts of the Condominium and all kinds of crimes and nuisances against me. Condo 935 is involved in thefts of my mails and parcels, and interfering with my telephone line through inter-phone system of the building. Condo 935, monitor my code in the building and open the exit door for all Crown agents and Law Firms who are attending for services, and it has been noted that has asked from Law Firms to open the document and show them. Since Nov 3rd, 1997; Condo 935, continuously sending disturbing transmissions on my fax systems; and on Nov 12, 1997, at 12:45 am the officer of the Canada Post was witness of the new noise disturbances by Condo 935; that caused me injuries to my right ear.
Therefore, my telephone system is mostly off, and the Crown responsible for all loses due to losses of massages and delivery of the parcels; I reserve the right to notify the public from all these crimes by the Crown and its agents.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

November 19, 1997 BY HAND
The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the tortious conducts of your servants and agents, pursuant to provision of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act:
1. On September 11,1997 I have served an " Appellant’s Factum " in file C26426 to the Defendant, J.A.Ramsay at the Crown Law Office. In the said factum, I have brought many evidences of against Canadian Judges and the Crown, where the defendant, Charles Harnik, the Minister of the Attorney General, was involved miscarriage of the administrative procedures in giving a consent for staying all my actions; while a " defendant" does not has such right;
2. In the last line of the paragraph 23 of the said factum, I have written my site address that
the panel of the judges of the corrupt Court of Appeal for Ontario be able to check the list of the Ontario corrupt Judges who were named defendants in all my actions in this address:
3. In my website, I have written all details of the criminal acts of the Crown’s servants and the corrupt Canadian Judges and Police against myself and my family as a conventional refuges to this poor Canadians Nations. All my facts were brought according to my pleadings in all my actions. I have introduced the real criminal face of the Defendants, the Attorney Generals of Ontario and Canada to the people in the world.
4. My password was decoded by the Crown agents[in a library] and many untrue statements were added to my site to create a serious hazard to my life. In the next lawsuit against the Crowns, the Ministry of the Forgone Affairs will be the main Defendant; and a great number of the Iranian-Canadian criminal organization will be charged too.
Than, my site was obstructed by the order of the Crown, and all my e-mails were intercepted and stolen by the Crown’s agents: MAILER-DAEMON and Toronto Free Net, who were involved in thefts and abuse of my e-mails, and information on my site and my rights.
5. The E-mails that I received indicate that: Today, everyone looking to Canadians with contempt, due to dishonestly of the Crowns in misconduct, in the national and international businesses and relations. Dishonestly of the Crowns in fraudulent misrepresentation in every filed, even in abuse of "Passports" to perform a criminal act in other land will remain as the most shameful remark in the Canadians History, where Canadians must suffer the shame of the evil acts of the Crowns for entire Human History.
On November 6, 1997, the US House Representative has passed the No Electronic Theft Act
[ a measure which would greatly broaden the conditions under which distributors of pirated software -- including CDs and videodiscs -- could be prosecuted. The bill closes the so-called "LaMacchia loophole," a provision of copyright law that allows for criminal penalties against copyright violators only when they profit from their actions. Passage of the bill marks the first time a significant Internet-related bill has passed either chamber this year.]. Hopefully we will have the same law against the Crown’s E-Thefts, in near future.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

November 19, 1997
The Attorney General Of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON

TAKE NOTICE that a legal action will be commenced against the tortious conducts of The Crown Office, Civil- Elaine Athinson, pursuant to provision of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act due to the following grounds:
1- On Monday 17, 1997, Atkinson has brought an irregular application under Rule 43 of the Criminal Proceeding Rule, " Certiorari" to quash subpoenas addressed to Provincial Judge, Lampkin, the Crown Prosecutor, Nel Delgado, and to the Court Reporter, Teresa Morris.
2- His Lordship, Mr. Justice Ewaschuk, has heard the said application and dismissed it, and clearly stated that a Justice of Peace who issued the Subpoenas has heard the evidence.
3- On Wednesday 19, 1997, Atkinson has served me at 9: 55 AM, outside courtroom 111, at Old City Hall, with another Application Record and the same relives under Rule 43, returnable on Friday 21, 1997; while the minimum time for service of the said notice is 15 days.
4- On Friday 14 November 1997, the Crown Attorney at Court House, with irregularity has accepted the first application, and put " number 11" on list of Monday, 17, 1997.
5- While, I am representing myself in three charges of the assault brought by Metro Police;
and was today at final stage of presentation of my submission that I have reserved 4 hour time on November 5, 1997; to end to one charges that has been in the Court since December 1995;
the malicious act of Elaine Atkinson has caused bad effect on me causing verbal arguments with
the Crown Attorney, Deldado; as it was planned by Atkinson bad faith.
Therefore, His Honour. Judge Lampkin, did not allowed me to present my four hour submission and only I was able to present 35 minutes of my arguments after 24 months trials.
Schedule "A" is the full submission that I was prepared to present today; at 3 pm, today, the
judgment of His Honour Lampkin, would be declared.
6- If, today, the judgments be against me, Atkinson will remain responsible of all my damages raised in related to the alleged assault against Marcy Green, since Nov 16, 1995.
7- If, today the charge be dismissed, Atkinson will be sued for all damages raised out of the Order of Mr. Justice Wilkins; due to her illegal cooperation with Borden and Elliot in receiving Consent from the Attorney General of Ontario, under section 140 of the Court of Justice Act.
8- On Monday 24 of November 1997, the new series of trials will began at Old City Hall in relation to the aggravated assault that I suffered from attack of nine members of Police; due to the malicious act of Atkinson I did not get chance to preapar myself for next week trials, that she will remain responsible for all related damages.
KEYVAN NOURHAGHIGHI, Time on November 1997
CC- The Deputy Attorney General of Ontario;
responsible for Criminal Proceedings

December11, 1997
ONTARIO COURT ( General Division)
TAKE NOTICE that an action will be commenced at Ontario Court (General Division), against the aforesaid defendants and their parties, for the following grounds:
1- The Defendant, Elanie Athinson, has abused the office in bring two irregular applications under Rule 43 of Criminal Proceeding Rules, and breached of Rule 6, in the following particulars:
a- The Defendant, The Registrar of the Court House, illegally has listed the said irregular applications for the hearings by the breaches of the said Rules.
b- The Defendants intentionally have abused the offices to interfere with the Plaintiff’s Defence cases before Ontario Court ( Provincial Division)- Old City Hall; causing mental anguishes and frustrations during five days criminal proceedings for the Plaintiff.
c- The First irregular and unprofessional Application was dismissed by Mr. Justice Ewaschuck that had extremely bad effect on manner of His Honour, Provincial Judge Lampkin, causing immediate convection against the Plaintiff with $600 fine; and seriously put the life of the Plaintiff in danger when he was harassed by the members of the Metro Toronto Police[ 52 Division] on Nov 19, 1997, at 3:30 pm; Old City Hall.
d- The Second irregular and unprofessional Application was fraudulently made by perjury of Edward Follert in affidavit sworn on November 18, 1997; when Follert was not a person be with Judge Lampkin as it was instructed by Esaschuch J. and Follert does not said that he saw a female [one of the Applicant, Teresa Morris] in the Elevator.
On November 24, 1997, Follert during the cross-examination has stated that the said affidavit was prepared for him; and testifies that he saw a female in the Elevator.
Follert testified that affidavit was prepared for him and he did not read it!
2- Borden and Elliot and Athinson are main parties numerous conspiracies at the Defendant, the Crown Law Office-Civil.
Dated November 28, 1997
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
608-456 College Street M6G 4A3


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