Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Certiorari v. Subpoena of Corrupt Black Judge Vilber Lampkin Conspiracy Evidence # 1 by the Lord of Law Right Honorable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi سرگرد نورحقیقی قاضی سیاه پوست کثیف کانادائی را محاکمه و محکوم به توطئه کرد باپلیس تورنتو برای شکنجه کردن او

The  Real and Only Truth v. Felonies of Corrupt British Judges, Lawyers and Police in Canada
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 1990 to July 2016
 Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot

Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
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Major Nourhaghighi was Successful as Against Canada Best Lawyers
Practincing The Extraordinary Remedy
A Certiorari Application by Corrupt Black Judge Lampkin et al to
Quash Major Nourhaghighi's Subpoena was Dismissed!

" A Man from your own Community has convicted you, where is bias?"  

Brief of the Case:
1- A black man, Vilbert A. Lampkin, whose father was a British Slave, was appointed by the Secret Police to the Ontario Court, to commit serious felony against all citizens, in particular, as against Black Race in Canada. Why? Because if a White man be a Judge, and send a Black Man to the Jail; always there is doubt of  racist and discrimination.  Same as the Native people in Canada. So, corrupt Queen Elizabeth II ordered to the Secret Police to appoint the MOST CORRUPT Person from each community as a Judge, Prosecutor and Police to OBSTRUCT the Racist & Discrimination Grounds of Appeals and Lawsuit against the British Crown in Canada. The Court of Appeal reply now is a very simple
" A Man from your own Community has convicted You, where is bias? Your Appeal (Lawsuit) is Dismissed with Costs against You to pay forthwith!"  

2- After Major Nourhaghighi filed Complaint against Canadian to the United Nation in February 25, 1994; in sudden countless Countless Lawsuits, Trials, and Proceedings were held in the Ontario Courts, Quebec Courts, Federal Courts, and Supreme Court of Canada  that still many of Major's Lawsuits are pending before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Of course the most shocking Lawsuit was made by Major as against Fixity British corrupt Judges, Lawyers and Police in Canada; see Justice Coo Order at  Major Nourhaghighi v. Toronto Hospital et al, The Toronto Police, unlawfully arrested Major Nourhaghighi, assaulted him and tortured causing 25 serious injuries. At the same time, alleged that Major has Assaulted THREE Officers. 

3- From January 1996 to December 1997 (Almost 23 months), the Corrupt Black Judge Lampkin, after conspiracy with the Crown and Law Society of Upper Canada-Ontario, was appointed to hold trial of a simple Assault Charge filed by Court Security Marcy Green.
ANDFOLLERT, Detective Edward (6840)
From November 24 to 27 (Four DAYS!) , one of the Best Canadian White Judges, The LATE Milton Alexander CADSBY, was appointed to heard two Serious Charges of Assault against Peace Officer, Police Detective Edward Follert Badge N0. 6840 and Court Security David Aiken Badge No

4- The corrupt lawyers of Law Society in Toronto conspired with Black Judge Lampkin and Police to torture Major Nourhaghighi, and Nine members of Police committed that serious felony against Major.
5- Major has moved before the trial Judge Cadsby and provided evidence of torture and conspiracy against the Black Judge and Prosecutor. So, the Trail Judge issued Subpoenas against the offenders.
Corrupt Judge Lampkin's Certiorai Application Cover Page
Last Page of 12 Pages Corrupt Judge Lampkin's Application
Singed by Canada Most Expereance corrupt Lawyer Defendant
Elaine Athkinson the leader of the Crown Lawyers in the file.

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