The Real and Only Truth v. Felonies of
Corrupt British Judges, Lawyers and Police in Canada
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 1990 to July 2016
Author the Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot
Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
Corrupt British-Canadian Spy acting against Iranian Government
Proof of Canadian Hackers Trespassing Canada & USA Immigration's DATA
Canadian Embassies Are A Dirty
Spying Agency Around the World
Since 1996, the British Canadian MAFIA Hackers
Continuously trespassing Major's Passwords and Deleting His Websites
Blogs, Emails from Family, Relative and Friends
The above documents shows how from Iran
a British Spy has asked from Canadian
Spying Agency to Target Major's Website
and him with Malice
Continuously trespassing Major's Passwords and Deleting His Websites
Blogs, Emails from Family, Relative and Friends
The above documents shows how from Iran
a British Spy has asked from Canadian
Spying Agency to Target Major's Website
and him with Malice
A Brief of Legal Countesses Battles:
Twenty Years, October 14, 1994 to March 14, 2014, Continuous Ample Legal Battles Between the Lord of Law the Right Honourable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi (Hereisafte “Major”). and the Corrupt Servants and Ministers of Immigration and Citizenship of Canada ( “Corrupt Canada Immigration”).
In this period over Five Hundreds Orders and Judgments were made and over hundred Lawyers and Judges were involved in countless proceedings were Major Nourhaghighi was a parity either as plaintiff, applicant or respondent; and the Canada Immigration was either Defendant in many lawsuits; Respondent in Application and the Contemnor (Tens of Lawyers & Judges) in Several Motions and Applications prosecuted by Major
PROOF that All Documents in this Page are the Certified
Copy of Original Produced by Ministry of Immigration Canada
for the Judicial Review f Major Nourhaghighi's Application
Copy of Original Produced by Ministry of Immigration Canada
for the Judicial Review f Major Nourhaghighi's Application
whereas Major asked for Contempt Order against the Minister
Statement of Fact For Secret Document
1- The Following is a Top Secret Document created by the Canadian Embassy in Tehran, IRAN (" Secret Doc"). It has been attached to the Affidavit of Right Honorable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi ("Major") as Exhibit E. 2- The Major's Affidavit and all Exhibits thereto were examine by several Senior Lawyers of the Government of Canada and the Federal Court Judges. Thus, there is no doubt about the accuracy and originality of the Secret Doc.
3- TO: The top of Secret Doc, indicates the list of spying Agencies and names of Agents in different countries and Canada. It starts with Redden-Rosemarie and ends with Services. It has been been sent to many agency in Canada. There are FIVE Abbreviations that all addressing British and Canadian Spying Agencies like: " ISS" Intelligence Security Services; the British Spying Agency in London UK; " Services " Canadian Security Intelligence Services also called "CSIS"
Stephan STEBELSKY ("British Spy")
4- FROM: 2nd line in top is all related to the spying agent information in coded. It has been written, maliciously and according to objects of a conspiracy by a corrupt British-Canadian Spy acting against Iranian Government, N =Stephan STEBELSKY ("British Spy") P= gc+dfait.maeci means he is a permanent ( long term) spy in Europe. Soon after, Major disclosed his Spying ID to the Federal Court in 2003; he was kick out as top salary spy, and was out of job for years later hired as a Visa Officer He has testified on 2007 before the Broad for granting Visa to a terrorist.
The intention of the British Spy in making the Secret Doc on November 29, 2001 was against the Government of United States to mislead from material facts after 9/11 and allegations against the Government of Canada.
5- Subject ( in 3rd line) is Spying Agency Term referring to a person who have been targeted by CIA, CSIS or any other Spying Agency. This line indicate name and Birthday of Major and the country of his Birth IRAN. FOSS ID in Canada means "Tracking Individuals.
6- Date, 29/10/2001 12:26AM The Date is material fact November 29, 2001; just less than three months after the terrorists attacks to the World Trade Center in New York, USA (" 9/11 Attacks") part of evidence for proof of bad faith and conspiracy.
7- Original MHS ID is the Government tracking system; and UA Identifier is for PDF document
8- In first line British Spy said that he is in a trip for a month (from Europe to Iran)
British have learned by experience if their agents stay long in Iran they may be arrested; so their trips to Iran is from few days to maximum 45 days.
The reset of notes contains correct information of landed statutes. Up to last three lines that British Spy by giving Major's website address is suggesting the Spying agency and RCMP (Federal Police) commence investigations against him.
9- British and Canadian who have fraudulent allegation of respecting Human Rights as you can read because of " Major being opinionated and outspokenness has targeted him with WORST POSSIBLE MALICE
A- As the Secret Doc at 3rd line indicate Major become a landed immigrant since 1990.
B- NO Evidence that he's applied for citizenship
C- The Next Posted Doc will indicate that the HACKERS of the British & Canadian Spying Agencies have trespassed the Ministry of Immigration Data and removed all Landed Evidence of Major from the computer system across their Data in the World. So, in sudden, Major became unlawful immigrant in Canada.
D- All Court Lawyers and Judges, from November 30, 2001 to May, 7, 2003; in sudden have dismissed all Major's Lawsuits, Appeals and Complaints as the said Spying Agencies told them that " Major soon will be arrested and deported from Canada".
Major's Damages in this part is over Five Hundred Million Dollars.
D- This simple looking Secret Doc has caused over three hundred million dollars damages to the Canadian Taxpayers. Because, on November 2002 Major discovered the crimes of RCMP and CSIS against him and charged all of them, Stephan STEBELSK, and Minister of Citizenship for Contempt of Court.
Hundreds Chain of the most complicated proceedings have been commenced by Major on May 7, 2003 by direct serving of the Contempt Charges to Minister of Immigration ( She resigned immediately) and ends on March 14, 2014; whereas all Canadian Lawyers have requested from corrupt Elizabeth II to appoint a corrupt British Judge James Russell to help them from the biggest Judiciary Scandal ever British Colony have been faced. he Secet Lawyers Letter indicated
There is no law and justice in Canada
There is no law and justice in Canada
Statement of Fact For Canada Ministry of Immigration's Computer DATA
Proof of Canadian Hackers Trespassing Canada & USA Immigration's DATA
( Hereinafter "FORGED DOC")
1- There is no law and Justice in Canada. This document proofs that the British's agents in Canada have ability to do all kinds of crimes contrary to the rule of law.
2- The Secret DOC has evidence that Major was Landed Immigrant. He was German Citizen when applied for Immigration. And he received Landed Documents then in July 1990 he became landed Permanent Resident as soon as he entered to Toronto Airport. However, Secret DOC indicated that the corrupt British Spy in November 29, 2001 has sent an email to different spying agency. Now, as the Forged DOC indicate, the British Hackers on the same day, has trespassed the Ministry of Immigration's DATA and have removed the Landed evidence, to be able to deport Major, without allowing the Federal Court exercise its power; which constitute the Contempt of Court.
2- The Secret DOC has evidence that Major was Landed Immigrant. He was German Citizen when applied for Immigration. And he received Landed Documents then in July 1990 he became landed Permanent Resident as soon as he entered to Toronto Airport. However, Secret DOC indicated that the corrupt British Spy in November 29, 2001 has sent an email to different spying agency. Now, as the Forged DOC indicate, the British Hackers on the same day, has trespassed the Ministry of Immigration's DATA and have removed the Landed evidence, to be able to deport Major, without allowing the Federal Court exercise its power; which constitute the Contempt of Court.
Statement of Fact For Canada Ministry of Immigration's Computer DATA
Proof of Canadian Hackers Have Stolen Major's Citizenship Application
( Hereinafter "THEFT OF DOC")
1- Theft and Forgery of Documents, Evidence, Transcripts, Files and million dollars properties are common cause of action in Major's lawsuit against corrupt Queen and British Canadian, inter alia, in 1992 Major has reported corruption and Airline Transport Pilot License and his condominium by Judges, Lawyers, Pilots and Police.
2- on May 7, 1993, the British MAFIA agents in Toronto have attacked to Major to kill him, in such Major was successful to arrest them. On the same day, the said British MAFIA agents, have trespassed the Ministry of Citizenship and stolen Major's Application for Citizenship. The facts in this paragraph is referring to the FACTS in Paragraph 8B that punting a false Fact in the record that " NO Evidence that he's applied for citizenship (2001)". The following documents indicate that On May 7, 1993, the British MAFIA spy have obtained the Major's file
2- on May 7, 1993, the British MAFIA agents in Toronto have attacked to Major to kill him, in such Major was successful to arrest them. On the same day, the said British MAFIA agents, have trespassed the Ministry of Citizenship and stolen Major's Application for Citizenship. The facts in this paragraph is referring to the FACTS in Paragraph 8B that punting a false Fact in the record that " NO Evidence that he's applied for citizenship (2001)". The following documents indicate that On May 7, 1993, the British MAFIA spy have obtained the Major's file
and stolen his Application for Citizenship that be able to deport him.
3- From 1995 to 2003, the corrupt Federal Court of Canada, dismissed all Major's legal proceedings so the issue of Stolen Citizenship Application was never answered, like ample other issue of corruption, and granted Citizenship, IMMEDIATELY, after Major has charged the Minister for contempt of court, theft of evidence and trying to demolish the Federal Court POWER under Section 19(2)(b) of Citizenship Act. A Federal Court Judge who granted Citizenship to Major, Mr. Justice FINCKENSTEIN, Konard W. von, after reviewing hundreds of documents showing Major served the Justice System with good faith, has admitted to the fact that no one ever in whole British History has served the Judiciary Interests as Major did; granted his citizenship under Section 5 as "Canadian Hero" and called him respectfully as " The Right Honorable The Lord of Law" allowing him to use that title forever.
Secret Document of Canadian Spying Agency CSIS
1- This Secret Document of CSIS is related to Major's citizenship interview that fairly contains correct information. The only part that may not be clear is that " In 1994 Major filed a Complain of Human Rights Violations to the United Nations and asked Political Asylum as Canadian Citizen" Major never ever cancelled that Application and still he is seeking Political Asylum to leave Canada. It is important to know, Major for has been traveled all over the WORLD before Landing in Toronto in July 1993; since 1993 he is NOT allowed to LEAVE CANADA.
Evidence of Torture v. Major before Federal Court
This is Page 65 of Certified Record before Federal Court
Indicating Toronto Police Tortured Major
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