Wednesday, 29 June 2016

2000- Notice of Claim v. the Crown filed by the Lord of Law the Right Honorable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Under the Proceedings Against Crown Act in the Province Ontario, Canada. This is Sample of Ample Notices During 20 Years!

مرگ بر ملکه فاسد انگلیس و قضات دزدش 
زنده باد آزادی تمام استانهای کانادا
Author: Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Ontario Separatist, Tortured by the Canadian Police
Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Sample of Ample Notice of Claims Since 1990
  Notice of Claim filed by Major Nourhaghighi
Under Section 5 and 7 of Proceedings Against the Crown Act

Sample of Ample Notice of Claims Since 1990

The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"

House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills

 From 1995 to 2016 continuously Major Site was
Deleted by the Attorney General of Canada

Notices of Claims in Year 2001
1- March 13, 2001-Continuous interference with my communications by the Crowns supported Terrorists Organization in Canada, USA
2- May 15, 2001- The Crowns' thieves broken Nourhaghighi's locker at the University of Toronto
4- November 02, 2001-The Government of Canada supported Terrorists and Criminal Organizations
5- Decemebr 7,2001 the Crown's lawyer, Defendant Susan Kyle
6- December 17, 2001, Frauds in Ontraio Court of Appeal: Defendants R. Roy McMurtry CJA, Charron, Rosenberg JJA et al

December 17, 2001 SERVED
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor,
Toronto ON
NOTICE OF CLAIM v. Defendants R. Roy McMurtry CJA, Charron, Rosenberg JJA et al.

TAKE NOTICE that the proceedings will be commenced at all courts in Canada, the United States of America and the Europe, without any further notice, against the Defendants the Attorneys General of Ontario and Canada, the Judges, Lawyers and police who involved in the patterns of conspiracy and tortures, during vexatious malicious prosecutions and appeals.
On December 7, 2001, the last Notice of Claim filed; there is a developing tort since 1997.
1. On December 5, 2001, the Crown Solicitor Defendant Susan Kyle conspired with the Defendant Judge LOUISE V. CHARRON to deprive my right to perfect my appeals in files C27652, and C30823. On December 16, 1999 the Judge Defendant Charron was involved in another count of conspiracy with the Crown Solicitors Defendants Alex Alvaro and Brain McNeely to mislead the court from the charges of Contempt against the said solicitors, in the Court of Appeal for Ontario. Charron was aware that I was seeking Contempt charges against the Contemnors Keith Gauntlett, John Kromkamp, Alvaro, McNeely, Atkinson, Goddard, &Delgado.
2. On December 10, 2001 the Crown Solicitors Defendants John Doe-Criminal, and John Doe, Civil mislead Judge Ewaschuk at the Court House in file M878-01 that the constitutional issue of a criminal matter was a civil; ended to dismissed of M878-01. The said defendants have presented five documents, without serving me before the hearing that I get chance of response; said documents did not contain the names of solicitors. The judge Defendant Wilkins Order was one of document that deprived all my rights of access to the judiciary systems for pleadings, and deprived my rights of appeals and determination by a trial judge. Wilkins Order was obtain on February 6, 1997, when I was suffering serious injuries due to torture by nine members of Toronto Police, on December 11, 1996 [RE: Judge defendant, Lampkin Conspiracy].
3. On December 17, 2001, the Defendant Gauntlett, maliciously, sets appeals C27652 and C30823 for to be argued. served no Notice to me. The Judges Defendants R. Roy McMurtry and Marc Rosenberg, both refused to disqualified themselves when I told them that they were Defendants in my actions. While on May 7, 1999, Defendant, Roy McMurtry was removed from the bench when lawyer defendant Sean Gosnell said to McMurtry that he was defendant in my actions. In addition, Gauntlett, maliciously, forward poisonous materials against me in the file that Defendant McMurtry by showing them to the other judges have created hostility and bias among other judges, who refused my application for adjournment, while they have granted several adjournments for other appellants. The Defendant, McMurtry then oppressively asked me to present each appeal in Ten minutes, when the law allows minimum of Thirty minutes, causing me a nervous shock that had fatal affects in my presentations, which was object of McMurtry's Conspiracy. The said judges and lawyers' defendants have supported the International Criminal offence of Torture and violations of the International Bills of Human Rights that my family and I are victims and suffered damages that will be claimed.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

December 7, 2001 SERVED
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor,
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that the proceeding will be commenced against the Minister of the Attorney General of Ontario, Defendant Young, the Crown Law Office, and Ontario Ministry of Transportation ("Transport Defendant") . The principles of developing torts will be applied, since 1997; last Notice filed on November 2, 2001.
1. On November 29, 2001, at 1:47 PM the Crown's lawyer, Defendant Susan Kyle served me with a letter dated September 27, 2001 that my appeals C27652 and C30823 scheduled to be spoken on October 22, 2001. Kyle added: "If you do not appear the Crown may ask your appeals be dismissed as abandoned" Panel endorsed: Adjourned to Dec 17/01.
2. On December 5, 2001, Kyle misleads the court against my motion 28014 by a slander that shocked me "He is avoiding service; and we call two witnesses to confirm service of appeal book to him." Kyle falsity put on the record that December 17, is set for hearing of appeal, where neither the Registrar informed me nor Kyle's letter and endorsement supporting her dishonestly.
3. The said appeals are not perfected due to refusal of the Crown to provide proper appeal books. The Appeal was dismissed in lower court in my absent, and the Crown is continuing its conspiracy to do it in the court of Appeal. The Crown abusing the process by improper influences over judges and getting orders to prejudice my rights causing harms, damages and torts.
4. Since 1997 the Transport Defendant refusing to provide professional services to my family and me with all kinds of tricks obstructing our access to the services. The staffs are extremely rude and the replies to inquiries are confusing; as the result, none of members of my family and me were able to have proper driving licences that we entitled too. On November 19, 2001, the Queen's Park 918, forced me to commence all examinations while I was holding G licence, due to not renewing. On the same day a defective and disturbing terminal number 5 was given to me for written test, were staff refused to change. I was told that as far as I was holding G license, I do was not required to wait for Road Tests.
5. On November 20, at 2PM I attended at Downsview, the staffs given me hard time until I was send for test at 4:15PM with a very rude while female examiner number 415.
6. On November 20, I called for a date for test; January 15, 2002, was given to me.The Transport Defendant asking $50 bribes through its Agents to provide next day date for test, several Agents having adds in newspapers demanded such illegal money from me that refused.

7. On December 6, 2001, at 2PM at Metro East Examination I asked form staff southeast Asian female to list my name on standby list; at 3:45PM, while no one was waiting the said staff told me that I must comeback on December 12, I asked for earlier date, she refused to provide any; then she called two Agents and provide them with two times for next day! While I was waiting, I have seen that Agents were very rude and instructive towards the government staffs; one of the Agent who was holding the Transport Defendant Plate for training was fully drunk who was teaching students, and the Examiners were calling him Boss. I have suffered special and general damages due to the tortuous. The Transport Defendant named as party of conspiracy with Crown where conspired against Judge N. Coo. All evidence indicates that said defendants agreed into a conspiracy against me for which punitive and aggravated damages will be claimed.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

November2, 2001 SERVED
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor,
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that the potential lawsuits will be commenced against Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario and Canada, the Attorneys General of Ontario and Canada ("Defendants"). The principles of developing torts since the last Notice of May 18, 2001 and all other Notices since 1997 filed with you is applicable in new actions against Crowns' Constructive Corruption.
1- The Defendants' supported Terrorists and Criminal Organizations ("Terrorists") continued harassments, sabotages and wrongdoings against my children, my brother and me on June, July, August, September and November 2001. The torts raised in different areas of the City of Toronto and Pearson International Airport. Ample complaints, proceedings and claims("Files") indicate that since 1990 that I landed, the Defendants and Terrorists never allowed me to have any kind of businesses and employment; several times, I was arrested, assaulted and tortured by Toronto Police and their agents. The Files contain numerous evidence of biochemical attacks against my children and me since 1994, where the City of Toronto conspired with the Defendants, causing the biochemical attacks be continued against us at our Home, 608-456 College Street.
2- On October 14, 2001 the Constable of Police-Black from 14 Division and a security of Dominion in College Square have harassed my son and me that we were not able to shop basic food. On October 16, my daughter and me were harassed at Auto Repair Shop at 16-2300 Finch West and Canadian-Iranian Terrorist assaulted me in accordance to the conspiracy with the Defendants- same objects that Bell Canada was involved with Federal Court Defendants Judge F. Gibson. The sabotages caused the carbon monoxides to leak to the vehicle and causing illness for my daughter and me. The Shop refused to repair defects and provide the Receipt. Since last
November that the Defendants have stolen my cash payment with Bell, parties refraining to issue the Receipt; which develop torts and damages.
3- Since September 11, 2001, my children and I, are the victims of assaults, biochemical attacks, assaults, thefts, harassments threats, insults, insulting nuisances, contempt and other types of torts and wrongdoings by the Defendants-Court in 381 University, Toronto Police-14 Division, and large numbers of Terrorists at the College Street, Athletic Centre, Shopping Centers.
On September 13, 2001 the Defendants' agents have committed constructive thefts of my master documents from many files, by trespassing to my home.
The Defendants have continued the Computer Crimes by Party of conspiracy, the University of Toronto ("UofT"). Agent committed sabotages against my Personal Computer, by deleting many files and installing virus that disabled my PC, which have caused torts and damages.
In addition the UofT has installed certain programs and files in my Web Sites that caused defects on images, and committed sabotages by deleting files and index:
On October 31, my business at Canada Employment in Dufferin Mall was obstructed by security of the Mall and breaking and changing my password which caused additional torts and damages.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Ontario Separatist, Since 1996, Re: Action 96-CU-113026 Ontario Court (General Division)
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
608-456 College Stree
Toronto On, M6G 4A3

May 15, 2001
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor,
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that the potential lawsuits will be commenced against Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario and Canada, the Attorney General of Ontario and Canada. The principles of developing torts since the last Notice of December 27, 2000 and all other Notices since 1997 filed with your office is applicable in these new actions for the Crowns' Constructive Corruption.
1- Constructive Thefts: Since 1993 the Crowns' servants and their supported Criminal Organizations in Toronto and Ottawa have caused serious harms and damages by planned thefts, in accordance to objects of conspiracies, against Keyvan Nourhaghighi and his family (Victims):
A- Thefts of Evidence: The Crowns' thieves Judges, McNish JP, Bigelow PJ, Lampkin PJ have stolen a large numbers of Nourhaghighi's evidence during trial or they were party of the constructive thefts. On November 17, 2000, the Crowns' thieves and Bell Canada have stolen all cash payments from Nourhaghighi's account 4165157263 that caused telephone services suspended on April 16, 2001- in accordance to objects of May 5, 2001 ("Wedding Conspiracy").
The Federal Court Judge Frederick Gibson will be charge for the said Theft and Conspiracy and his removal from office will be demanded from the Court, as part of relives-re January 19, 2001.
B- Thefts of Founds: the Crowns' thieves have stolen large amounts of cash from Nourhaghighi's accounts with his lawyers, condominium, banks, insurance companies, and other corporations.
On April 26, 2001, the Crowns' thieves have broken Nourhaghighi's locker at the University of Toronto and stolen all his cash in accordance to objects of Wedding Conspiracy.
C- Thefts of Properties: the Crowns' thieves have stolen large numbers of Victims' properties and have caused damages on April 22, May 1, May 5, 2001 in accordance to objects of Wedding Conspiracy that have caused mental anguish and nervous shock for Victims and several families and relatives by trespasses into the properties. The Crowns' thieves, since March 2001 have
stolen a large numbers of letters and federal court documents from Nourhaghighi's mailbox.
D- Thefts of Communications: the Crowns' thieves have stolen large numbers of Nourhaghighi and his children's communications in accordance to objects of Wedding Conspiracy where Victims have been harassed at malls and shopping centers by a large numbers of police and securities. The Limo did not show at proper time, it had defects and its driver agent maliciously raised arguments that ended to the crisis where Peel Police gets involved.
2- The Governments of Ontario, Canada and their Parties are directly responsible for all kinds of scandals against the Canadian, Canadian Heritage, the British, British Heritage and the British cruel Colonial Systems in Ontario which is the main cause of organized crimes and constrictive corruption for which Ontario must proceed for election for separation from this great contempt.
Keyvan Nourhaghigh
608-456 College Stree
Toronto On, M6G 4A3
Ontario Separatist, Since 1996, Re: Action 96-CU-113026 Ontario Court (General Division)
Political Asylum Seeker as tortured Canadian Resident, since 1994

March 13, 2001
Pursuant to provisions of the Proceedings against the Crown Act, and the Crown Liability Act
Attorney General of Canada; served to Deputy Attorney General of Canada Fax
Attorney General of Ontario; served Crown Law Office-Civil Fax NO: 326 4181
TAKE NOTICE that a legal proceeding will be commenced against Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario and Canada, the Attorneys Generals of Ontario and Canada and their parties of conspiracy for Damages on the principles of developing torts since last Notices of Claims filed with your office on December 27, 2000 and other records upon following grounds:
1. Continuous thefts of my properties from my Home by its agents at Condo 935*. For the history of conflicts look at:
2. Continuous thefts of my cash-money from my Home, University of Toronto Locker, and Condo 935, Bell Canada, and Scotiabank
3. Continuous sabotages against my family and me in my Home by transmissions of poisons gases. For history of look at:
4. Continuous interference with my demotic relationships by the Crowns supported Terrorists Organization in Canada and Iran:
5. Continuous interference with my communications by the Crowns supported Terrorists Organization in Canada, USA, and Iran:;bell1.html
6. Continuous harassments by judges, lawyers, police officers, and clerks of the courts. RE: January 19,2001, Federal Court of Canada-Toronto, conspiracy of Judge F. Gibson, Clerk M. Sepe, the Bell Canada,
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that such action may commence in the Canadian Court or/and International Court of Justice or/and any court that has jurisdiction to trial the Crimes Committed against Humanity and Violation of the Human Rights for Eleven Years continuous, Torture and for Cruel and Unusual Treatments of my children and myself as an immigrant family who suffered all kinds of injuries by ignorance of the International Bills of Human Rights and Freedoms that Ontario and Canada is bounded to enforce the Charter of Rights.
CC- All parties and accessories to the conspiracy and terrorists acts.Z
CC- Security General of the United Nations
CC- President Bush via IACHR
The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"

House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills

The White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization are behind the Toronto newspaper the Globe & Mail
Major Nourhaghighi's pending Lawsuit against the Globe & Mail and the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization
Major Nourhaghighi's FACTUM as against the Globe and Mail and members of White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization
Corrupt Reporter Peter Cheney's Malicious Report against Major Nourhaghighi on the Globe & Mail, intentionally omitted all
productive facts about Major Nourhaghighi and added not founded materials showing Canadian Media is a voice of
the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization, Force, Injustice, Abuse, and Fraud in which the
Outrageous actions of the Defendants Cheney & the Globe & Mail constitute Obstruction of Justice,
Contempt of Court, Misleading Justice, Assault and Slander & Libel at " Major Keyvan's War "

View Larger MapTo Serve Lawsuit to the Globe & Mail you need to do it personal service at
444 Front St. W., Toronto, ON Canada M5V 2S9
View Larger Map
A Portuguese Criminal RUE hired by the Ontario Government & Transport Canada to kill
Major Nourhaghighi in May 7, 1993 ; Rue caused serious injuries to Major
taken him to a hospital by ambulance. However, Major was able to
arrest Rue and charge him for aggravated assault & attempt to
murder. Corrupt Judge Hyrn & Crown conspired and
dismissed charges against their agent Rue
$100,000,000.00 Damages
to Canadian Taxpayers

The said Crown Organized Crime on May 7, 1993involved a large numbers of corrupt Pilots, Judges, Lawyer, Police,
Flying Schools, ,Businesses, Doctors, Hospitals, Dentists, Banks, Insurance Companies,
Iranian-Canadian Criminal Organization in Toronto is known as "Iranian Plaza"
is a center of criminal organization having full control of all businesses from Yonge & Finch to Richmond Hill
they operate as cover up verity stores food/restaurants, doctors' offices or Exchange; but their real business is prostitution, drug and smuggling
View Larger Map

January 1, 1996 to October 1, 2016
Major Nourhaghighi's Encyclopedia 2013ighi's Encyclopedia 2016

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