Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Constructive Felonies of British Canadian Judges, Lawyers, Police, Bankers et al (“Criminals”) Against the Administration of Justice, Public Interest and Judiciary Interest that Has Been Discovered and Arrested the said Criminals by the Lord of Law, Right Honorable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi, Iranian Fighter Pilot

The  Real and Only Truth v. Felonies of Corrupt British Judges, Lawyers and Police in Canada
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
July 1990 to July 2016 Terminologist 
The Right Honourable, the Lord of Law
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Iranian Fighter Pilot
Canadian Destructive Justice System
Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Canadian Destructive Justice System Major Nourhaghighi Masterpiece $10,000 Awards for Any Document that Matches To These Great Legal Destructive Terms

Constructive Friendship With a 60 Years Old Iranian Muslim!! Fighter Pilot (Military Officer), Lord of Law!

A Canadian Beautiful Girl Doris Olivia was hired by the University of Toronto (Israeli Jewish Dean Ira Jacobs) for Constructive Conspiracy with parties: Ontario Law Society (Sean Gosnell), the Toronto Police,the Department of Justice ( Roger Flaim) Ontario Judges (Todd Ducharme;  and the Federal Court Corrupt Judges ( David Near) to act; as Major' friend and have access; to his Facebook. On September 2010 Oliva, filed a Compliant ending,  to  Major' Websites and his Facebook accounts with 5000 Contacts were deleted, his property were stolen ($2000 Value): his membership to UofT was paid for one full year was suspended to this date. As an award Oliva was hired as Full Time Teacher with Toronto Board of Education

Author Major Nourhaghighi Notes:
1- This Document contains a SAMPLE of Ample Felonies, Torts and Damages, that I have discovered in the all Canadian Decision Making Authorities such as Courts, Commissions, Boards and Complaints Review Offices particularly in the City of Toronto, the Federal, the Provincial and the Municipal Authorities; 2-  Constructive = in this Document and all my publications against Canadian Justice System “ Constructive “ has a very heavy Negative Weight and it means “ a Designed Fraud, Cheating or/ and Forgery against A Court Document”; “a Planned Felony, Crime, or/and Wrong as any party before the Court, Witnesses or I””
Furthermore, “Constructive” in this Document means “Intentional, Willfully, Knowledgeable, Knowingly, Malicious, Fraudulent, Abuse, Abuses, Intentional Abuse of Process, Intentional lying Under the Oath…. Etc”  and all kinds of legal teras that have similar weight and meaning
3- I am ready to testify as Expert Witness in any court in the World as against Canadian’s Lawsuit and Human Rights Complaints if all my expenses be paid accordingly. For more information send your double registered letter with your Offer covering all costs One Week Before trial to four days After the trial. Your Letter may NOT contain any particular of your case. It should be as simple as “ We are Lawyers at ….. Law Firms. We Offer $.......... ; Please provide up with your Paypal Account. We need your assistant for our case. The attack Document will support your VISA to visit us. Upon arrival you will be pick up at the Airport by our agents to the Five Stars Accommodations. During your staying, our agents will assist you to destinations that your attendance is requiring. You may bring the following documents with you to present as Evidence before ( Court, Commission, Board ….)
Constructive Abuses = It is constructed abuses that an agent(s) of Government of Canada with
malicious intend will cause for the targeted Victim to cause mental anguish and damages for the Victim, at particular time, in accordance to objects and plans of a conspiracy, that the said agent would commence the planned abuses. A large numbers of Canadian have misconduct themselves with Constructive Abuses against Major Nourhaghighi and his Children that caused millions dollars damages.

Constructive Abuse of Authority = It is constructed conspiracy that the agent abusing his/her officer in accordance to certain objects with other parties. In Canada, however is holding an office is in position to abuse that office; for example: Many judges, lawyers, and police have abused their authorities in the offices for imposing wrongs to Major and discovery of many facts which were not related to the case before them [see Levine, Golden,...] ; or many bankers abused their authorities for discovery of information that other parties needed; see GM Visa. 

Constructive ADJOURNMENT = It is constructed adjournment of a proceeding, in accordance to an object of a conspiracy that the Crown or its party will enter into a conspiracy with the opposite party's witness(s), lawyer and judge to win the case. Major Nourhaghighi in action T-2464-95 against the Government of Canada seriously objected to the fraudulent adjournments by charging all corrupt judges, lawyers, and police who were involved in such act against the administration of justice. It is important to note that many learned judges have made orders against the said frauds; however, the corrupt chief judge Roy McMurtry, who was the Attorney General of Ontario, was the solo corrupt judge, that a member of Criminal Organization allowed the said frauds be continued and himself on March 18, 1999, without any ground adjourned the hearing of the proceedings against the Toronto Hospital et al to May 7, 1999 that the Crown be able to complete its frauds and conspiracies in the other courts against Major.

Constructive Refusal of an Adjournment = the judges' malicious refusal of a good cause for an application for an adjournment of a proceeding, where such adjournment would cause harms to the objects of a conspiracy that the Crown planned for that particular day that the case be proceed. A large number of judges were involved in the Constructive Refusal of an Adjournment in Major's Cases in Ontario and Federal Courts. Such as corrupt Judges: Lampkin, Charron, JA. The best Example of fraud and abuse of process happened on December 17, 2001 where the corrupt Chief Judge McMurtry and other members of panel were involved in the Ontario Court of Appeal, where on the same day two Major's files were dismissed by McMurtry who was defendant in Major action, file A-50-01 was dismissed by corrupt Federal Court of Canada and Major Complaint against RCMP was dismissed by the commissioner. When we consider that each file has time limit to appeal, then the object of conspiracy indicate clearly that the corrupt justice systems, neither allowed Major appeals, nor maliciously allowed him to appeal to Supreme Court of Canada!
Constructive Accident = It is constructed accident that the targeted Victim will be killed or suffer serious injuries. Such as losing the wheel, or a joint of a car that at certain speed will break.
As far as the impact of accidents usually are very high, even if a police not be a party of the conspiracy, he may not found the cause of the accident. The main difference between the Constructive Accidents and Constructive Sabotages, is that the Constructive accident looks to most of ordinary people as a usual accident, such as running a car into a pedestrian, or hit in the intersection. On April 16, 1994, Constable Parsons who was drunk in accordance to plan of conspiracy has rammed into Major Nourhaghighi's car, and caused him permanent injuries that he could not prosecute the corrupt pilots.
Spit at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and All Canadians' Generations

Constructive Assault, Battery, Torture and Nervous Shock = are attempts that will be made against a targeted Victim(s) in accordance to planes and objects of a conspiracy. From October 15, 1991 to May 5, 2001, HUNDREDS of assaults, batteries, tortures and nervous shock have committed against Major Nourhaghighi by Governments' Agents and Canadian Police [Toronto Police, Ontario Police, and Royal Canadian Mounted Police] in which Major has suffered permanent injuries.

Constructive Attack = is type of attack that the criminal organization, or Canadian Police, will try to hide its identification. On December 11, 1996 nine members of Toronto Police tortured Major in the jail. Toronto Police under no condition released the identification of the constables offenders, and Judge Wilkins in February 6, 1997, refused to make Order that Police release the information of the criminals. It costs a lot of damages and costs until Major found information of Five Offenders. On Sepetmber 20, 2002, three Toronto Police cars, rammed their cars with high rate of speed toward Major that he was not able to write their number; one of Police Vehicle was parked in first Ally North of College Street and Robert Street, west of Spadina; as soon as Major walked in sidewalk toward the south at 9PM, Major heard that a vehicle's engine was running with his lights in high-bim, suddenly, rammed toward sidewalk and drove to the north.
Major saw two constables in the vehicle.

Constructive Attack to Self-Esteem of Victims = Is a type of fraud and trick that Canadian are mater in humiliating immigrants by fraudulently pretending that they are unable to understand their pronunciation or their names, and asking them several times to repeat. Another tricks that Canadian Judges and Lawyers are expert in interrupting the party who they do not want to win the case. Charlatan Judge Pitt added to constructive items in this book" Constructible Waste of Time" and " Constructive Attack to Self-Esteem of Victims"

Constructive Bad Credit = Canadian's trick and conspiracy against the parties of litigations that the other party is the Government of Canada, Ontario etc. or strong group. From July 1990 to June 2005, countless Notice of Arrears issued against Major Nourhaghighi, to destroy his credibility before the courts in his lawsuit against the Canadian Government.
Bell Canada, CIBC, Scotiabank and its VISA, Condo, Canada Trust, Bank of Montreal-Master Card, City of Toronto-Property Tax, Dentists etc were parties who either directly have manipulated Major's account like Bell Canada and Condo; or their computer were hacked by the Government of Ontario, like Canada Trust, CIBC, Scotiabank, Bank of Montreal. This evidence is proving that the Canadian Banks' Computer Terminals are the most UNSAFE!
From 1994 to 2005 the Crown, in private contact with Judges before trial has shown ample documents of 'constructive Bad credit' against Major to judges, that had fatal effect on his proceedings. For example; on December 1998, Major had a motion for contempt against few Crown's lawyers, on November 1998, in sudden Major's Master Card Cheques were not paid to Condo by Bank of Montreal; in sudden the "Fraud Department of Bank of Montreal-Master Card" commenced harassments of Major; however, later admitted that there was mistakes by Bank. However, the Crown, always would take the 'initial documents' to the Judges, for example would say: "These documents indicate that Fraud Squad of Bank is after him!" As the result, Major's motion for contempt was not heard at all, as other issues brought out!

Constructive Banks' Actions = It is constructed banks' policy against people in which brought huge, illegal profits for all banks, and caused serious poverty for Canadian since 1993 that corrupt Liberal Party took power in Canada. Paul Martin, the most dishonest Minister the ever Canada had have destroyed the individuals' interests and allowed all kinds of wrongdoings to  the Canadian Banks. In sudden, the Constructive Banks' Actions were commenced against public, by stealing from people where all banks have reduced their interests paid to customer, which was between 10-15% in 1992 to 0.5%* on US term deposit GIC in July 2002 [Major Nourhaghighi and many Canadian main source of family income was the interests paid by banks which was reduced to less than $100 per year by banks in July 2002!] From other hand, the corrupt banks have kept their borrowing interests rate even more than 1992 to as high as 18.5%** in July 2002. The corrupt Canadian Banks in synchronize decision suddenly have put expensive services charges over each transaction of the customer, for which the service charge of a transfer of found from Canada to Iran reached to as high as $45*** on March 2002. Major Nourhaghighi and many people like him
* July 31, 2002, TD Canada Trust
** July 31, 2002, GM VISA Card TD Canada Trust
*** March 21, 2002, Royal Bank

Constructive Charges = It is constructed charges that will be made against a targeted Victim(s) in accordance to planes and objects of a conspiracy. From 1991 to 1998, the corrupt Governments of Toronto, Ontario and Canada have brought hundreds charges against Major Nourhaghighi.
Part of charges have brought in accordance to constructive thefts, where professional thieves have stolen Major's documents related to his cars, and police charged him for not having those document on the cars. Part of other charges have brought against Major directly by a large numbers of Metro Police and the Attorney General of Ontario, allegation such as speeding, red lights, seat belts, assaults, and contempt of court, Part of other Constructive Charges have brought by lawyers, Law Society and the agent of the Government, like Major's Condominium Management who asked Major must sell his property, because he is Iranian and danger to other resident in the Condo! If the said Governments were not accused of bribery and corruption in his condominium and Airline Transport Pilot Licensing, then there was not any constructive charges, and there was not this HATE Web Site against Canadian and British!

Constructive Computer Crimes = It is constructed crimes against the Computer Law. The Targeted Victim will be faced with all types of computer crimes, such as theft of e-mails, forged e-mail, transmission of bugs, obstruction of transmission or receiver, loading and installing particular software and or hardware by agents on the Victims' Computers.
Constructive Confusion = It is constructed to confuse a victtim. The targeted Victims will be attacked by a huge constructive facts or nuisances. Major Nourhaghighi's evidence indicate that the Canadian Judges are the main target of this type of crime, which constitute the misleading and obstruction of justice with contempt of court. However, Major Nourhaghighi, have not seen among hundreds judges even one judge apply his lawful power against the criminal who were involved the Constructive Confusion in their Courts. Most of Canadian Judges, like a fool, have allowed the administration of justice be abused, only few judges have discovered the malice, however they did not punished the conspirators. 

Constructive Conspiracy = It is constructed conspiracy that the main party role is hard to prove in the crime, even if all parties be convicted for the offence. In the majority of conspiracies against Major Nourhaghighi and Iranian refugees the Government of Iran and Canada were involved; where most parties of the conspiracies were agents  who had jurisdiction to create their own cells of conspiracies.
Constructive Communications = It is constructed communications in accordance to objects of conspiracy that the agents will approach to the Victims directly, or/and by telephone, or/and by e-mails, or/and letters to furnish information, deliver bad, or good news (accordance to object of conspiracy). A type of Communication [verbal or written] will be made in accordance to object to cover up the crimes or wrongdoing of a member complaint made against him/her. The corrupt agent acting in the Constructive Communication may:
A- Cover up the crimes or wrongdoings by not replying to the facts that made the complaint.
B- Cover up the crimes or wrongdoings making a Constructive Reply to cause more harms and damages to the victim(s) in accordance to object of a conspiracy
C- Cover up the crimes or wrongdoings by ignoring a complaint and not replying at all.
D- Cover up the crimes or wrongdoings by abusing a complaint process for discovery of unrelated facts pleaded in other claims.
E-  Discovery of the facts that other party have intent to use in prosecution, or Defence
F- See also the Constructive Telephone Conversation

Constructive Contempt of the Court = It is constructed situations that will end to cite a victim for the instant conviction of 'Contempt of Court' commences by series of organized harassments against the targeted victim that will cause serious mental anguish and worries for the victim during trial that he/she may not be able to have respect toward the court, and this is the time, that the judge [who himself is party of conspiracy] will move to cite the victim for contempt. From October 28, 1994 to January 12, 2001, large numbers of judges, police, prosecutors and their witnesses by all types of nuisances against Major Nourhaghighi. Judges Gibson and Lampkin have played the dirtiest games in the court to create conditions that be able to cited Major for Contempt. Prosecutors Allan Scott, Normandeau and Delgado did all types of nuisances in the Court that Major Nourhaghighi's mood be changes, such as intentional disturbing noises during trials [Ambulances, Fire Trucks and Police Sirens, under the windows of the courtroom 121 at ld City Hall, constructive construction noise]; Among Witnesses Nancy Green and Russell have played the dirtiest acts in reply to Major's questions!

Constructive Contracts = It is constructed a contract that an agent (s) of Government of Canada with malicious intend will enter into a contract to cause nuisances and damages for the targeted party (Victim), and at particular time, in accordance to objects and plans of a conspiracy, the said agent will breach the terms of contract that should cause emotional and nervous shocks and other damages for the Victim. From August 1990 to May 15, 001 a large numbers of Canadian have entered into the Constructive Contracts with Major Nourhaghighi and his Children that caused millions dollars damages that their names are listed in this Canadian Counter Dictionary. The agents who have caused a large amounts of damages are: Condo 935; Companies: Toronto Airways Limited, Brampton Flying Club, Co-Op, Maple Leaf, Metro Taxi, ANS Taxi, Singh; Lawyers: Steinberg, Kwinter, Czernick, Levien, Tents: Mubarak, Banks, Tahmourpour, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, the Bank of Nova Scotia and others.

Constructive Corruption = The wide range of all types corruption, wrongs, and crimes that have been, maliciously, produced by the criminal organizations governed by the Governments of Toronto, Ontario and Canada, against an individual or/and corporation, in accordance to the plan and objects of a conspiracy. The main difference between the Constructive Corruption and Sabotages is that the Constructive Corruption had been planned very carefully to look as a normal incident for ordinary people such as constructive accident that is very hard to prove it was sabotage; however, the Sabotages have the characteristics that will raise a question for the ordinary people. Like continuous incidents for Kennedy family! The following are few types of the Constructive Corruption that the Government of Canada have used against Major Nourhaghighi and his children, relatives and friends, from August 15, 1990, to May 15, 2001.
Constructive Credit Account = It is constructed account that banks, credit companies with, or without knowledge of a victim will open an Account with high interest rate, with or without any credit, against him/her to increase the level of credits that he/she cannot barrow a low rate interest loan. Since 1993 that banks member of the CTCO have opened large number of VISA and MasterCard, and Line of Credit with high rate of interest for Major that as result no banks have given him low interest loan since 1993.

Constructive Criticism  = is criticism kindly meant that has a goal of improving some area of another’s person’s life, health, family or work. Often constructive criticism refers specifically to the critique of someone else’s written article or artistic work, in perhaps a teacher/student setting, that would allow that person to further improve the work or to improve their approach to future endeavors. However, constructive criticism can also apply to a critical reasoned analysis of a person’s behavior, as in a patient/therapist setting or a group therapy setting. Parents also try to employ constructive criticism to help their children improve their lives.The trouble with constructive criticism is that not all people are receptive to it. They may either feel their self-esteem shrinking under criticism, or they may feel that all criticism is negative. This can destroy the intent of constructive criticism. Further, not all people who think they are employing constructive criticism are actually being helpful. They may think all criticism is helpful and may not spare the person any details or couch the criticism in ways least likely to make a person defensive. Communication is loaded with multiple intentions, especially in a parent/child or spousal relationships. Thus people may not know how to actually employ a critique of one aspect of a person without involving their own feelings or frustration that make a critique negative. Generally, constructive criticism should address an area that needs improving but does not speak to the person’s self. Constructive criticism should be a reasoned, unemotional response in an effort to teach. In spousal communication, constructive criticism is often shaped as the “I” message: “I feel X, when you say Y.” In parental relationships, constructive criticism generally works best when the timing is right. A child who has just lost a game, for instance, might be better served by encouraging words, rather than a performance critique.

Constructive Defective Services = It is constructed a service that intentionally will be defective that cause harms, nuisance, injuries, waste of time to purse, and damages to the Victim, in accordance to objects of Conspiracy. From October 1990 to June 13, 2002, Major Nourhaghighi, his children and customers where attacked by hundreds Constructive Defective Services, mostly in his Condominium and against hundreds cars that he rented for his business.
Constructive Demagnetization of the Cards = It is constructed a sabotage against all types of Magnetic Cards that carry certain information, like Banks Access Cards to machines and the Personal Identification Cards issued by the corporations for their members,that parties of conspiracy Staff of University of Toronto, Hart House who had shity mouth on August 17, 2001, at 2PM. Shity Tanya is very ugly women with four eyes, dishonest and party of conspiracy who maliciously demagnetized Major Nourhaghighi AC Card as object

Constructed Delay = It is constructed delay according to an object of a conspiracy that a victim's process would be delayed that other objects be achieved. For example, an application before a court must be heard according to a precise timetable. In Major's application for judicial review, T-1535-00, the Crown and its parties brought many introductory motions that delayed the timetable of application ending that Major's application was dismissed in his absentia a year after, while if there was not a Constructive Delay, the application should be heard after four months since it commenced. The Construct Delay, can be made for nuisance, mental disturbance, fights, or other objects that the victim time and energy be wasted on wrong way, when he needs them to perfect his legal process. For example, in June 2003, a series of Constructive Delay made by Wall-Mart [Automobile Service], Super Khorak [Food Service] to waste Major's time in legal research for application, T-768-03, that he had against the Crown.

Constructive Dismissal = What is Constructive Dismissal? As a general rule, employees who quit their employment are not entitled to compensation from their employer. However the exception to this general rule is where an employee quits because their employer unilaterally and fundamentally changed the conditions of employment. The law classifies such situations as a ‘constructive dismissal’. In other words, the employer did not directly dismiss the employee but the employer changed the job so completely that the employment contract was effectively at an end. This distinction is significant, because if an employee voluntarily quits, their employer would not be legally obliged (unless agreed to otherwise between the parties) to pay the employee compensation. If, however, the employee is constructively dismissed, the effect is the same as if the employer had wrongfully dismissed the employee (i.e. not provided reasonable notice or just cause). With constructive dismissal, the employee is, therefore, entitled to the same notice period and or compensation in lieu of notice as if they had been wrongfully dismissed. Examples of some fundamental changes to the conditions of employment that may be classified as a constructive dismissal are: substantial reduction in pay; reduction in hours; change in duties and responsibilities; and requirements that the employee relocates to another city (provided this was never part of the employment contract). Minor incidental changes will generally not be enough to sustain a constructive dismissal claim. The concept of constructive dismissal has emerged in recognition of the inequality in bargaining power in the employment relationship. If not for constructive dismissal, employers could simply force employees to quit in an effort to avoid having to give reasonable notice or provide compensation in lieu of notice. The burden is on the employee to prove that they have been constructively dismissed. The employee needs to prove that the employer made a fundamental change and that this change was made unilaterally. The success of such a claim will largely depend on the facts of each particular situation. Therefore, employees are strongly encouraged to speak with a lawyer and obtain legal advice before they decide to end their employment and sue for constructive dismissal.
Read more: What is Constructive Dismissal?
(C) Zvulony & Co.
Lawyers With Expertise Zvulony & Co. Toronto Lawyers

Constructive E-Mail Account = It is constructed a fabricated e-mail account that the Criminal Terrorist Organization Supported by the Government of Canada, Ontario, and Quebec will open for a targeted person, by breaking the password. FIRST all e-mails sent to, or received by the Target will go the main account of the said Governments. In SECOND step the agent of the said Government will steal, forge, changing contain or other crimes. In THIRD step may forward the e-mail. One of object is to isolate the Target, other object is by negative e-mails depress the Target, or by certain sexual e-mail create a fabricating case that Target has sexual activities, and as the other object conspiracy. The only solution is that the Target open another e-mail account from a different server [Do not use your own server or computer] with different name, date of birth, and post code, and then each two weeks change the password. The Target must copy the ULRs of the "Constructive E-Mail Account" as soon as his new E-mail accounts be came same with the old one, that means his new account is intercepted, that he must open another account! The Target may face with Constructive ULRs too, see the detail in bottom of this page.
Constructive Errors = It is constructed errors that made against a victim's account, document, and insurance policy in accordance to certain objects of conspiracy. IF the errors be discovered by the victims; he/she must put time, write to a party of conspiracy and EXPLAIN how errors happened, which will cause victim could not focus on the issue which is more important for his and such issue is the main object of conspiracy. The Thief Attorney General of Ontario is the most expert criminal in performing constructive errors by having access to terminal computers of all banks and many corporations, and telephone companies, who committed countless crimes against Major Nourhaghighi's accounts, orders issued by courts, and other documents.

Constructive Evil Acts = It is constructed evil acts that have been committed against Major Nourhaghighi and his children and members of public by the Canadian, Ontario and Toronto Governments and their terrorists agents, the Condo 935, University of Toronto, Attorney General of Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Health and other criminals who have been listed in the Canadian Counter-Dictionary. The Evil Act is constructive, when it has been agreed, planned, financially supported, and made order to be performed, once or repeatedly in accordance to object of conspiracy, such as adding poison to the air, drink and food; sabotages in car's brakes, motor, air condition and other parts.All terms in this dictionary were made by the  Terminologist Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi.

Sample of Constructive Fraud
Corrupt residents Judges and Lawyers i
n Condo 935; committed tens counts of frauds
Over $1000 in the account of Condo 935, where major is owner too.
How to Read the Document?
Compare Expenses for Same Year: for Example Telephone 

Constructive Frauds = a type of fraud that parties of conspiracy have agreement to defraud the targeted victim, wherever he/she goes. The object of this conspiracy is to make the claim of victim vexatious, as the Victim will commence complaining and taking actions for frauds against numerous people. Then, the corrupt judge, who is member of conspiracy too, will get a chance to render a constructive judgment against the Victim, and will conclude that it is impossible that complain against this much people be truth. From August 1991 to June 1, 2001, with whoever Major Nourhaghighi made business, if it was party of conspiracy, defrauded him. Ten Thousands Dollars in his Condominium, Ten Thousands Dollars by his Employees, Thousands Dollars by his own lawyers, Hundreds Dollars by his customers, Hundreds of dollars by small businesses. The object of this conspiracy is to make the claim of victim.

Constructive Friendship With a 66 Years Old Iranian Muslim!! Fighter Pilot (Military Officer), Lord of Law!
A 18 Year  old Canadian Teenager ( Her Name protected by Major)
was hired by the Ontario Law Society, the Toronto Police,
the Department of Justice and the Federal Court
Corrupt British Judge James Russell
to act as Major' Girlfriend
during one of the most
important legal

Constructive Friendship and Relation = in this fraudulent type of relationship that Victim will be attacked by a person who is agent and has duty to friend with the Victim until a day that object be required he/she act in accordance to plan of conspiracy. A large numbers of Canadian have made malicious relationship with Major Nourhaghighi, mostly, for furnishing information and repeating negative words of the plan for Major that effect his morality

Constructive Frauds in the Bank's Accounts =Is a type of fraud, that in accordance to object of a conspiracy, the Government of Canada or Ontario will trespass the bank accounts of the targeted person ("Target") by a simple hacking to the banks' computers. The reaction of the honest Bankers will be such as that all experience Bankers will be seems shocked for the mistakes and said to Major
"We have never had such mistake before! We are surprised"
From November 1992, to November 2002 the following types of Constructive Frauds have committed by the Government of Canada or Ontario in Major's accounts:
1- Object of Conspiracy "Make the Target busy, confused, and frustrated that the Target could not proceed with peace of mind in his LEGAL actions against the Governments, or servants of Governments, or agents and parties of the Governments who committed felonies against the public.
FACT: On 1991, Major discovered millions dollars of frauds were the Governments' lawyers McCann et al were involved.
Constructive Frauds in Major's Mortgage Account with Bank of Nova Scotia, in which continuously mistakes of overcharging were reported to bank in 1992, 1993, 1994. On July 1994 Major convicted the Bank of Nova Scotia for the said frauds and got Judgment.
2- Object of Conspiracy "Do not allow the Target get chance to his founds, to process with his projects!"

FACT: On 1992, Major discovered frauds in the Airline Transport Pilot License written examinations, were the Transport Canada was issuing highest level of aviation license by bribery. FOR WHICH Major believes the pilots who attacked in September 11, 2002, have got their aviation licenses from Canada or another country that American's accepting their licenses; then were hired by American companies, and on the course of duty have perform those actions.
Constructive Frauds in Major's transfer funds from Iran, where Governments have stolen the founds from the CIBC computer, that Major could not pay his tuition to flying clubs to get his aviation licenses.
3- Object of Conspiracy "Make the bad reputation and bad credit for the Target to mislead an Authority or a Judge that the Target is not able to pay his bills!"

FACT: Major had several lawsuits before the courts, suddenly, these frauds committed in his Banks' accounts by the Governments of Ontario and Canada:
A- September 1990: Scotia Bank did not paid Major's cheuqe for RENT, and marked NSF, while Major had over $50.000 in his account, the bad record stayed seven years in Major's Credit file. Major had hardship to find an apartment to rent after.
B- April 1995, and 1997 Canada Trust marked NSF cheques, causing cancellation of Home Insurance, were Governments were standing as defendants for forgery, bribery, and conspiracy, and murders of several citizen in Major's actions.
C- November 1998, Bank of Montreal Master Card did not paid Major's cheuqe to Condominium, and marked NSF, were two lawyers of Attorney General of Ontario were defendants for Contempt of Court.
4- Object of Conspiracy "Mislead the Government of the USA that Canada was not involved in September 11, and as prove of good faith, investigation to find who were engaged!"
FACT: (1) On October 2001, for the first time, since 1988 that Major leave out of Iran, a man, whose identity was not known to Major transferred over $10,000 to Major's bank account in, soon after the Bank of Nova Scotia committed several fraudulent transactions in Major's accounts and created fabricating documents for the CSIS.
(2) On June and July 2002, the TD Canada Trust and GM Visa have made several fraudulent transactions and Constructive Communication indicating Major had business with Arab's countries!
(3) November 2002, frauds in Dcall long distance call indicating Major talked with Arab's Country for 97 minutes!
Constructive Instability = is a branch of constructive trick that intentionally does not allow the targeted person, company, or country be able to establish healthy economic and security. All types of felonies will be committed against the targeted victims that lose his economical and security stabilities. From July 1979 to June 2001 the Governments of Canada and Iran have oppressively attacked to dozens ways that Major Nourhaghighi has tried to open to establish healthy income for his family. As the result, his family ended to disaster and divorce, he was forced to live Iran by Constructive Immigration, and Canada as main party of conspiracy with Iran, did not allow Major to have any types of income for continuous eleven years, causing hundreds thousands dollars loans for him and his single parents children. Another example of

Constructive Instability is all American oppressive policy against many countries in the world that either have destroyed them in their totality like, the Ex-Soviet Union, or have caused serious injuries to the people, like all restrictions against Iran, Iraq, Cuba and many other countries.
Constructive Insults = this is one of the worst contemptuous tactics of Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization [CTCO] against a victim. In this tactic, all members and agents of the CTCO will get an Order to attack the victims by all types of insults: Verbal Insult, Written Insult, Behaviour Insult, Manner Insult, and Misconduct.
Verbal Insult = Major has recorded many types of verbal insults by members of the CTCO; suc as words and
Written Insult =
Behaviour Insult =
Manner Insult =
Misconduct =

Constructive Interception = In this type of felony, the Criminal Terrorist Organization Supported by the Government of Iran and Canada ("Government Terrorists") will try to "indicate" to the targeted person that He/She ("Target") is under the interception, to harass or threat the Target. The general purpose of any type of interception, military or police is that the Target falls in a trap, or without knowledge of the Target, the agent get to gather some information. However, in the Constructive Interception the Government Terrorists is trying to show them to the Target. In October and November 2002, The Iranian Journalists Nourizadeh, and SarKouhee provided evidence in Yaran Radio that indicate many Targets in Iran were harassed and threats by showing them the known criminals in the streets or other public areas. Nourizadeh said that many Government Terrorists who were involved in torture against Journalists and Politicians, in November 2002 were seen in the streets of Tehran in the way those publics notify them. Nourizadeh added that the Killer of Hajariyan' Father, was admitted to the University of Tehran, and his seat was in front of Hajariyan's Son to torture that poor man. Amazingly, on December 11, 1996, Major Nourhaghighi was tortured by Nine members of Toronto Police Follert, Stephone, Morrison et al and since December 11, 1996, everywhere in the City of Toronto, Follert, Stephone, Morrison et al, all those lawyers who cheated Major like Levein and Kwinter have tried to pass face to face with Major! From January 1997 to November 1997, corrupt Judge Lampkin ordered that Follert sat in a seat beside Major Nourhaghighi during all trials! The same crime in that Iranian Government did!

Constructive Harassment = series of organized harassment against the targeted victim that will cause serious mental anguish and worries for the victim and his/her family. From 1984 to 1988, the Khomeini Regime by continuous telephone calls has destroyed the norm of living for Major Nourhaghighi and his family; From October 1991 to August 13, 2002 Major and his children were harassed by the corrupt Queen's Governments of Toronto, Ontario, Canada by all types of harassment by the enforcement Constables, telephone calls, mails, e-mails, buildings and malls securities, waitress and waitresses, contractors and taxi drivers, neighbors and lawyers, judges and prosecutors, bankers and insurances companies agents, doctors and hospitals, pilots and police forces and other members of criminal organizations. Now when you compare Khomeini Regime with Queen's corrupt Governments you will find Khomeini Regime, much more reasonable that the Queen's. The Constructive Harassment is a fake harassment in nature which the victim will be terrified seriously for certain objects of conspiracy; where the victim feel actual harassment. Since 1990, Major experienced in the following Constructive Harassment:
1- Continuous Telephone Calls, no reply, or abusive comments.
2- Continuous Telephone interception in such way that victim clearly understand that his/her calls are wired and intercepted.
3- Installation spying devices in the victims home, car, office , computer, where the victim be able to see the physical evidence but cannot do anything due to the technicality or be very costly for removal of such devices.
4- Continuous Police, with or without car interception in such way that victim clearly understand that he/she is intercepted.
5- Continuous cars' interception in such way that victim clearly understand that he/she is intercepted.
6- Continuous Securities' of buildings, malls interception in such way that victim clearly understand that he/she is intercepted.
7- Constructive Harassments is the continuation of legal proceedings where there is no legal ground for delays.
8- Excessive movement of securities and police in the courtroom to harass victim and
do not allow judge be able to focus on the case, that party be able to get the result.
9- Sudden movements around the victim
Constructive Judgment = a type of judgment that be rendered in accordance to objects of conspiracy, instead of the evidence before the Court. Dozens judgments and orders that Major Nourhaghighi have obtained from many courts, and commissions in Canada, mostly were the Constructive Judgments in nature, such as Wilkins Order, Lampkin Judgments, McRae Orders, McNish Judgments, Norton Decisions, McMurtry Orders, Bigelow Judgment, Gibson Orders, Osborne Orders, Lewin Judgment, Doherty Order,Thompson Judgemnt, Silverman Orders, McKay Orders, Charron Order, Ewaschuk Orders, Donnelly Judgments, Ground Order,
Lamer Orders, Registrars Orders...
Constructive Layoff = a type of layoff that the victim will be targeted by all types of malicious acts of corrupt the employer that be forced to resign, that neither employer nor governments be legally liable to pay any damages to him. Constructive Layoff is very common in Toronto, Major Nourhaghighi was forced to leave his employments numerously where the corrupt employers and their agents, intentionally, insulting and humiliating him during works.

Constructive Marriage = Is a type of marriage that an agent in accordance to objects of conspiracy will approach to the Victim that cause harms to the Victim, or his/her relatives. This type of Constructive Corruption will be applied against the targeted Victims, as the last plan, as the Victims have very high security and/or awareness around themselves.

Constructive Medical Treatments = Is a type of murder or serious injuries that will be committed against a targeted Victim in accordance to objects of conspiracy; where the Victims really did not need such medical treatments. This is one of the most easiest common Government and Insurance Companies' crimes in Canada.

Constructive Medical Operations = Is a type of murder or serious injuries that will be committed against a targeted Victim in accordance to objects of conspiracy; where the Victims really did not need such operations.

Constructive Mental Anguish = In this type of felony, the Criminal Terrorist Organization Supported by the Government of Iran and Canada ("Government Terrorists") are going to make sure that the targeted person "be assured" that the Government, intentionally and vindictively, aggravating insulating nuisances that "Target" knows that the "Mental Anguish" is intentional

Constructive Misleading and Obstructing = In this type of felony, the Criminal Terrorist Organization Supported by the Government of Canada and Ontario will try to create nuisances against the targeted person that the Target does not get chance to proceed with his/her main object. For example, when Major had trial against police and lawyers, all types of nuisances in the street and his home and telephone caused that Major commence to file complaints against all the said crimes as the result he was not able to catch and get convictions against the said lawyers and police who committed felonies.

Author Major Nourhaghighi Notes:

1- This Document contains a SAMPLE of Ample Felonies, Torts and Damages, that I have discovered in the all Canadian Decision Making Authorities such as Courts, Commissions, Boards and Complaints Review Offices particularly in the City of Toronto, the Federal, the Provincial and the Municipal Authorities; 2-  Constructive = in this Document and all my publications against Canadian Justice System “ Constructive “ has a very heavy Negative Weight and it means “ a Designed Fraud, Cheating or/ and Forgery against A Court Document”; “a Planned Felony, Crime, or/and Wrong as any party before the Court, Witnesses or I””

Furthermore, “Constructive” in this Document means “Intentional, Willfully, Knowledgeable, Knowingly, Malicious, Fraudulent, Abuse, Abuses, Intentional Abuse of Process, Intentional lying Under the Oath…. Etc”  and all kinds of legal teras that have similar weight and meaning. 3- I am ready to testify as Expert Witness in any court in the World as against Canadian’s Lawsuit and Human Rights Complaints if all my expenses be paid accordingly. For more information send your double registered letter with your Offer covering all costs One Week Before trial to four days After the trial. Your Letter may NOT contain any particular of your case. It should be as simple as “ We are Lawyers at ….. Law Firms. We Offer $.......... ; Please provide up with your Paypal Account. We need your assistant for our case. The attack Document will support your VISA to visit us. Upon arrival you will be pick up at the Airport by our agents to the Five Stars Accommodations. During your staying, our agents will assist you to destinations that your attendance is requiring. You may bring the following documents with you to present as Evidence before ( Court, Commission, Board ….) 4- The Original of this Document was created between 1996 to 2014 and all pleadings had

Constructive Murders = are the type of murders that the targeted Victims will be killed in accordance to the objects of conspiracy in the constructive plans, such as constructive vehicles accidents, constructive medical operations, constructive medical treatments, constructive food services. A large numbers of Victims were murder during Iranian's and Islamic Regimes. Most of Victims were killed either by adding poison to their foods and drinks or by sabotages in their Vehicles. A large numbers of Victims were murder during Iranian's and Islamic Regimes. Most of Victims were killed either by adding poison to their foods and drinks or by sabotages in their Vehicles. Many films made by Hollywood indicate that Constructive Murders are very common in North America and Canada.
Constructive Nationalism = These types of Nationalism that do not exists. However the Capitalism has created in accordance to its objects, for which many objects are parts of conspiracy against other true Nationalism. Such as "Canadian, Australian… " There are not any record of such Nationalities in the Human History and Civilization. Major Nourhaghighi's studies indicate that the theory of Constructive Nationalism originated by British on or about two hundred years ago, where many Iranian's brunches were defrauded by the said malicious theory that they are independent Nations from Iran, ending that many provinces like Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Bahrain were separated from Iran; and still there is serious conflicts between Kurds, Baloch and other branches of Iranian Nationality.The British, do not allow the same tricks be used against themselves, for years the Province of Quebec wants to be separate from Canada! VIVA Ontario is a same trick against British in revenge of all crimes that British did against Iranian Provinces.

This Heavy Equipment were purchased by Corrupt residents Judges and Lawyers

and installed over bedroom of Major Nourhaghighi, in Condo 935; and operated for

24/7 days to force Major leave the Condo; after Major found the following

evidence of frauds in the account of Condo 935

Constructive Noise Disturbances = series of insulting nuisances by organized criminal organization where the Victim will be attacked by types of Disturbing Noises that lose his control in accordance to objects of conspiracy. From April 16, 1993 to June 12, 2001, Major Nourhaghighi and his family were attacked by noise disturbances from heavy weight machine that intentionally installed over they bedrooms; from defects in his business computers by sending alarm massages, by construction noises during trials, when judges trying to have notes of judicial proceeding, by police, fire trucks and ambulance sirens during trials, excessive loud noise at bars and so on...

Constructive Patterns = types of vexatious, frivolous and abuse of process patterns that will be commenced against a victim to justify a crimes or wrongdoing committed against him/her by agent of the Governments of Canada, Ontario of Quebec in the first instance. For example, when Major Nourhaghighi made a complaint against sexual misconduct against him in Toronto Jail by guards, soon the prisoners, doctors, nurses have entered into a patterns of sexual misconduct ending to Constructive Pattern of Sexual Misconducts that made numerous Major's complaints in one subject matter; or when Major's several lawyers have breached the contracts, Constructive Pattern of Breach of Contracts. Or the Constructive Pattern of Thefts and Frauds after Major made complaint against the said crimes were committed against him. As the result, even the most reasonable judge may be mislead by the facts and find a good claim or a complaint with merit as a vexatious; and this is what the object of Governments of Canada's conspiracy is all about!

CONSTRUCTIVE PATTERN OF JUDGMENTS = This is a common frauds that only the Governments of Canada, Ontario, Quebec etc [Crown] is specialized in this crime against the administration of justice. A particular office in the Crown office, is responsible to track all Major Nourhaghighi's actions, applications, complaints, and according to a confidential Order, even judges are not allowed to set a date for any hearing for Major's proceedings unless that Crown office provide a date, which is usually on four months of year "February, May, September and December". The Constructive Pattern of Judgments will commence by a judgment of a judge who had clear leaning toward the Crown, like On October 20, 2004 Indian Judge Ducharme, insulted to Major's personality in his judgment as "Vexatious Litigant" then the Crown took Ducharme Order to the Supreme Court of Canada who on October 21, 2004 dismissed Major's application for leave 30350; and then the SCC Registrar Roland held the Judgment until February 2005 that the Crown has given to the Black Judge Pitt, who dismissed Major Application too. The same pattern happened in September 2001, that the Ontario Court of Appeal dismissed Major's file, soon on December 17, 2001, the Federal Court of Appeal and Ontario Court of Appeal and RCMP have dismissed four Major's files and complaints, on January and February 2002, the Ontario Human Rights Commission dismissed all Major's files. While all files before the said Court were created during 1996 to 2001. The Crown with this crime, obstructing the right of appeal too, as it is impossible in short period several appeals be filed in different court.

Constructive Prosecutions = series of malicious prosecutions against the targeted Victims where the members of the criminal organization, one by one will bring a prosecution against a Victim, and as far as he/she could not reply to all charges will be prejudice everywhere!

Constructive Refusal =A type of refusal or denial to perform certain duty, enter into a contract, or provide certain services where the party of a conspiracy in accordance to certain object will reject victim with out any lawful ground. However the party of conspiracy is going to bring many reasons that many sound lawful, to avoid the victim's action, complaint and other act that cause more difficulties for the parties of the said conspiracy.

Constructive Refusal of Admission for Service of Legal Documents = This is in face constitute Contempt of the Court. In this type of fraud the party of a conspiracy, in accordance to certain object, will refuse to admit service of legal document, which has obligation to do so, for a victim. This malicious act will move the burden of proof to the party that served the document, which is costly for a victim; as it is simple for judges to look to the back of document to see the admission of service to look and find the Affidavit of Service that must be prepared professionally. Since 1994, in accordance to object of conspiracy by the Attorney General of Ontario, none of defendants in Major's Action have given admission of service that costs a large amount of costs for countless Affidavit of Service:
GARCIA, Maria = Corrupt Secretary of Porter, Posluns & Harris on November 30, 1995, refuse to admit service of Major's lawsuit against the Ontraio College of Physician; and many other law firm did same which is the Constructive Similarity Conduct
Constructive Reply = is a type of Reply made in accordance to object of a conspiracy to cover up the crimes or wrongdoing of a member complaint made against him/her by relaying upon a Constructive Judgement.

Constructive Sabotages = Is a type of Sabotage that is hard to prove it is Sabotage in nature, such as intentional leakage of a disturbing poison fumes to Major Nourhaghighi's home. Where the fume is leaking in a big building? How inspector can be satisfy that there is fume when the criminal turn the switch off at the time of inspection. IF the judiciary system be honest, these types of crimes will not be performed, as the honest judge could accept all other evidence as prove of the crime, such as medical report, the criminal record of wrongdoer, the history of hostility, pictures, testimony, and other evidence. However the dishonor Canadian Judge, have rejected many strong evidence that Major Nourhaghighi has presented as the evidence of nuisance, such as installing a weight machine over bedroom of Major's Family, that the dishonor Judge McNish dismissed the charged and asked Major Pay $500 Costs for lunching the complain that Weight Machine was noisy.

Constructive Signals = In this type of felony, the Criminal Terrorist Organization Supported by the Government of Iran and Canada ("Government Terrorists") are going to make sure that the targeted person clearly understand that the Government is intercepting him/her. Such as sending all kind of sounds and signals while the Target is speaking in the phone, that Target hear it and commence making "Complaints" to Police and the CRTC! The object of conspiracy in the "Constructive Misleading and Obstructing
Constructive Similarity Conduct = in this type of fraud all parties of conspiracy will maintain certain SIMILAR conduct to cover up their own unlawful and illegal actions. For Example, since 1994 in accordance to conspiracy of Law Society and Attorney General of Ontario all Lawyers who represent hundreds defendants in Major's Action, in the Constructive Similarity Conduct process have committed the Constructive Refusal of Admission for Service of Legal Documents which is against Rule 16.05, of the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure

Constructive Sitting = In this type of felony, the Criminal Terrorist Organization Supported by the Government of Iran and Canada ("Government Terrorists") will try to "Sit" an "Agent" in accordance to object of a conspiracy in a seat close to the targeted person ("Target"). The "Agent" can be very sexy and beautiful young "Woman", or a very well seems educated man like a "Professor", or a know "Criminal" to a target, or any type of person or profession in accordance to object of conspiracy. Since 1990, a large number of "Agents" mostly as "Lawyers" and "Constables of Toronto Police" have sat beside Major. Iranian Journalists Nourizadeh, he Killer of Hajariyan' Father, was admitted to the University of Tehran, and his seat was in front of Hajariyan's Son to torture that poor man. Amazingly, on December 11, 1996, Major Nourhaghighi was tortured by Nine members of Toronto Police Follert, Stephone, Morrison et al and since December 11, 1996, everywhere in the City of Toronto, Follert, Stephone, Morrison et al, all those lawyers who cheated Major like Levein and Kwinter have tried to pass face to face with Major! From January 1997 to November 1997, corrupt Judge Lampkin ordered that Follert sat in a seat beside Major Nourhaghighi during all trials! The same crime in that Iranian Government did!

Constructive Scheduling Dates = One of the most important objects of the conspiracy and abuse of process by the Governments of Canada and Ontario. The Constructive Scheduling Dates, are all those "Dates" that are important for the opposite party and he/she could not attend in the hearing, trial or it is very hard and embarrassing for he/she to attend on such Dates; such as Christmas Times, good days during summers, Religious Holidays or Different cultures New Years, birthdays of members of family. From 1994 to 2001, the corrupt Attorney General of Ontario has set all Major's Hearings and Trials in three Days of December 15, 16, 17; or March 19, 20, 21; or May 5, 6, 7; or September 11, 12, 13; where they had information that those days were important for Major and he could not attend or it was very hard for him to attend in the proceeding.

Constructive Sexual Misconduct = series of sexual misconduct against the targeted victims where each member of criminal organizations will sexually assault a victim. The Victim will lunch a complaint against all criminals who assaulted him/her. The Judge will found that it is impossible large of numbers offenders at different dates committed similar crimes; then the Victim complaint will be classified as vexatious and abuse of process. K. Nourhaghighi was sexually assaulted by large numbers of criminals who practicing as physicians and jail's guards in Toronto, where the Ontario Government and College of Physicians declared his complaint were abuse of process.

Constructive Telephone Conversations = It is constructed conversation that a party or an accessory to a conspiracy will call a victim in accordance to object will proceed to satisfy the object. Since 1990 that Major landed in Canada, he has received a large numbers of calls that the main object was discovery of some facts related to his actions, and trials before the court; where the Corrupt Justice System in Canada is giving a lot of credits to information and decoration that the Thief Attorney General of Ontario is providing to judges in private meetings during the proceedings.

1- The Defendant Scotiabank's Pig Police Agent FROW in Constructive Telephone Conversations and provided telephone recording to the Crown where Major's Financial Condition for Sentencing where Pig Black Judge Lampkin, in Police's malicious prosecution against Major. Lampkin without asking any question from Major; has charged him for $600 fine, where the actual fine for such crime was less than $50!Major objected to the for excessive fine;
Lampkin stated: " You have a lot of money!"
2- The Defendant Adjuster Canada called Major and provided telephone recording where maliciously stated: "Ok! I undrestand you hit the Police's car!"
3- The TD Canada Trust provided telephone recording in conversation with Major and stated exact considerable cash amount that Major will receive.
4- Constructive Telephone Conversations made with Major, just to cause him mental angish when he was going to represent himself in the trial; most of calls came from the Scotiabank, Toronto Star, Police and others.
5- Constructive Telephone Conversations made with Major by the Quebec Human Right Commission and provided all confidntial facts of complaint on telephone recording.
Mutombo: "You complaint that Eaton's Security told you 'Where did you put the Bomb!"

Since July 1990 over 5000 Items of properties of Major Nourhaghighi are stolen across Canada
by British Judges, Lawyers, Police, Pilots, Bankers, Court Clerks and Spying agencies; such as Master Evidence, Vital Documents; WHOLE BOXES OF DOCUMENTS in 
Ontario Court of Appeal and Toronto Court and Federal Courts:
other properties, such as WHOLE CLOTHING from University of Toronto
Lockers in the Athletic Centre, including underwear; Backpacks,
Cash, several Bikes, Shoes, Shirts, expensive sun glasses SERENGETI,
Air Force Glasses, in such that once at -40C Major had nothing to wear to go
home, relatives brought cloth for him.   

Constructive Theft = It is constructed by the Government of Canada and Ontario for which an agent(s) will steal a property of the targeted Victim. Theft is a type of crime that will cause mental anguish, lack of self-confidence, mistrust, lack of trust, fear, anger, hate, and worries. The said characteristics have fatal effects on the Victim. The Governments' tactic is that in a short period, for example three weeks, wherever a victim goes, the agents would steal any property that they could found from the Victim. From April 20 to May 1, 2001, three times Major Nourhaghighi's properties and money were stolen that the University of Toronto by breaking his locker at the Athletic Center, in accordance to objects of conspiracy of Constructive Marriage of May 05, 2001; the last theft was Sepember 13, 2004, by stealing Major shoes' at change room! Many servants of the Attorney General of Ontario have been trained as the professional Thief that includes a large numbers of judges [McNish, Lampkin, Bigelow], lawyers, prosecutors, clerks, police, and investigator! On September 1994, a member of Special Investigation Unite. JONES has stolen a document from Major's Nourhaghighi's hand! On February 18, 2005, the Attorney General of Ontraio and Condo has committed theft of CM [Condominium Manager] Magazine that was material evidence before the Court of February 23, 2005, and Major referred to it on his affidavit for prove of negligence of corrupt Property Manager Blair

Constructive Transcripts of Communications =contain fabricated written verbal communication between the agent(s) of the Government of Canada, and the targeted Victim for which the agent, fraudulently, will put false evidence on the Transcript. From September 1990 to May 15, 2001, a large numbers of the Constructive Transcripts of Communications have caused continuous issuance of warrant for interception of private communications that Major and his children made with relatives, banks, lawyers, insurance companies, service providers and other corporations; with intend to interfere with business and demonic relations. The Condo 935, Bell Canada, University of Toronto, Bank of Nova Scotia, and Transport Canada were the most active agents who have created all types of Constructive Transcripts of Communications against Major Nourhaghighi.

Letter of a corrupt Court Reporter to YALE Educated Motherfucker Judge
Todd Docharme to commit all kinds of Felony in the Transcript

Constructive Transcripts of Trials = the MOST Harmful Felony against the Appellate Court. they have contain fabricated evidence that never submitted to the Court, however the Government of Canada and Ontario, in accordance to objects of conspiracy will add or omit the master evidence from the transcripts. From August 1993 to January 12, 2001, a large numbers of the Constructive Transcripts of Trails have caused millions dollars of special and general damages to Major Nourhaghighi. It is important to note that most of judges, and judges of the appellate courts they have full knowledge that the Transcripts before them are fraudulent. The Ontario Court of Appeal has never taken any action for numerous complaints that major Nourhaghighi made in this issue.

Constructive Tricks = It is constructed series of different types of tricks that have been made by the oppressive Governments of Canada and Canada, corporations and criminal organizations, insurance companies ad banks, racists groups and corrupt lawyers and judges ('Bullies") to discriminate, libel, slander, defame certain group of people, certain victims who are claiming damages against Bullies. The learned judges have discovered these types of tricks. They do not admit the rights of minorities and victims be destroyed by libeling in their courts.
For example, Canadian are libeling the black people be all thieves, dishonest and criminal in nature, therefore, Canadian Jails are packed of a large numbers of innocent people that their only crime is that they are black! Or, whenever Toronto Police kill an immigrant, immediately, police and corrupt Toronto media will commence propaganda against immigrants that they are bringing crimes, and with this Constructive Trick then will conclude that victim was deserving to be killed and Government is not require to prove any explanation and punish the Constable who committed murder! Or Toronto Police and corrupt media immediately would declare that the person was poor, homeless, and mentally ill, therefore he deserved to die! The Constructive Trick has become very common in Iran after Khomeini took power, as mollas are more crook than Devils. Since 1979, whoever make a simple criticism against corruption and felonies by Khomeini Regime he/she immediately will be libel to be American Spy, Communist, Shah's Fan, Act against Government or many other serious accusations that his execution is the minimum penalty, as in many cases the members of family will be executed because one member was accused!

Constructive ULRs = It is constructed ULRs for each site. Each Target's computer will indicate which are his/her most popular sites. The Criminal Terrorist Organization Supported by the Government of Canada, Ontario, and Quebec will attach a program to the Constructive E-Mail Account of target

The Following is actual fraud in Gmail Login, copy of ULR is made in Toronto by Major Nourhaghighi in this 15 JUNE 2016:

Gmail ULR without Canadian Hachers Fraud:

Constructive Vexatious Action = It is constructed Constructive Pattern that will be commence against a victim to misleads a reasonable judge from the facts as the object of Governments of Canada's conspiracy!

Constructive Waste of Time by Corrupt British Canadian Judges = Canadian Government is expert in the conspiracy of 'waste of time' of citizen by all kind of frauds. It has been said that "time is gold" in which we all know it is true and even it value more than Gold. There is a critical time that really has the highest level of value; for example time at airports, or time during the surgery and ambulatory; or time during defence and presentation in the Courtroom. Canadian Judges are expert in constructive waste of time of victims to not allow they put on the record material facts. Major Nourhaghighi, after being before hundreds of judges in Toronto, finally has selected three corrupt judges who were more expert than other judges in all kinds of tricks to waste Major's time of presentations. These fucking judges are: Corrupt White Judge Bigelow, and Corrupt Black Judge Lampkin and Corrupt Black Judge Pitt. The most recent incident happened on February 23, 2005, where Pitt by all kinds of tricks waste Major two hours right of presentation. These are samples of few tricks used by the corrupt judge Pitt:
A- Prolong Lecture that How unrepresented Applicant must behave in the Court: Be calm!
B- Prolong Lecture of his experiences:
C- Prolong waste of time in reading the documents, even twice some documents, from top to bottom;
D- Prolong explanation that if he correctly understood the fact;
Charlatan Judge Pitt added to constructive items in this book" Constructible Waste of Time" and " Constructive Attack to Self-Esteem of Victims" 

The Original Heading in Major Nourhaghighi's Website

In the Holy Name of Iran
Major  Keyvan  Nourhaghighi
Iranian, Senior, Fighter Pilot,Refugee
Toronto Police torture &felonies v Major
Major's Poetry, Criticism, Praise, Art Gallery
Major on YouTube, DailyMotion &MetaCafe
Constructive Industry against the
Canadian Administration of Justice

Major Nourhaghighi's Encyclopedia 2013

Salam Tehran, Islam, Imam Ali, Rumi, Sufi Sport
Corrupt Toronto Architects, Bankers, Physicians
Toronto Corrupt Judges, Lawyers, Police, Owners
Thief Galen Weston &Family made PCFMC
University of Toronto AC is a Dirty Thief
Corrupt Globe & Mail: Slander & Libel
Corrupt Toronto Transit Commission TTC
Conseil de la magistrature du Quebec
Queen and Corruption in Canada
Americans' Conspiracy vs. IIAF
Canadian Counter-Dictionary
Persian Counter-Dictionary
Major's Selections Article
Bad Iranian in Toronto
Corrupt Condo 935
Toxic Air and Mold
Iran's Lovers, Albums
Shamlou, Iranian Martyrs
Shah Executed Goleshorkhi
Khomeini Executed Jahanbaani
, ,,, , ,
Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

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