Monday, 4 July 2016

2003; 2004 and 2005- Notice of Claim v. the Crown filed by the Lord of Law the Right Honorable Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Under the Proceedings Against Crown Act in the Province Ontario, Canada. This is Sample of Ample Notices During 20 Years!

مرگ بر ملکه فاسد انگلیس و قضات دزدش 
زنده باد آزادی تمام استانهای کانادا
Author: Major Keyvan NourhaghighiOntario Separatist, Tortured by the Canadian Police
Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
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The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"

House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills

 From 1995 to 2016 continuously Major Site was
Deleted by the Attorney General of Canada

The Following Notices of Claim served upon the Crown pursuant to the Proceedings Against the
1-June 13, 2003
2- July 24, 20033- September 5, 2003
4-September 11th, 2003
5- June 28, 2004; The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada; Ottawa
6- July 30, 2004
7- October 22, 2004
8- April 27, 2005
9- July 13, 2005
10- July 25, 2005, the Attorney General of Canada & CSIS is dirty Bicycle Thief
11- September 13, 2005: The Governments of Canada and Ontario conspiracy with Iranian Criminal Organization
12-October 7, 2005

June 13, 2003
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that a lawsuit will be filed against the Attorney General of Ontario ("AGO") in tort of conspiracy to mislead the Quebec Administration of Justice. The cause of action is developed since 1997. On March 18, 2002, the last Notice of Claim filed with your office.
1. The Defendant the Attorney General of Ontario ("Dirty Thief") is stealing credits from my long distance telephone cards. On June 13, 2002 all credits in my Bell, Eureka, and Royal Line cards were stolen by the AGO, who also has stolen the Royal Line cheque issued by Manager Mirzaee. The Dirty Thief committed frauds in my Master Card and Visa for which all said companies and banks will be sued with the AGO in the Federal Court of Canada.
2. The Dirty Thief is stealing my mails who knows they are a federal property, including many orders issued by the Federal Court. On June 13, 2002, Six Vexatious Decisions (hereinafter "SVD") issued by the Defendant, the Ontario Human Rights Commission ("OHRC") sent to me. The SVD were attached to six letters of the Defendant Registrar, R. Kailimootoo were dated May 13, 2002. The Dirty Thief was the main respondent before the OHRC. Therefore, held letters until time be expired. In the alternative the letters were mailed late by the OHRC.
3. The Commissioner Defendant Keith C. Norton ("Vexatious Norton") rendered SVD. Vexatious Norton with bad faith and dishonestly, in accordance to object of a conspiracy with the Dirty Thief. Vexatious Norton maliciously abused the process to mislead the Government of Quebec who is now investigating the unlawful interference of the Dirty Thief against the Quebec Administration of Justice in my cases; for which the Vexatious Norton and the OHRC will be sued for $1,300,000.00 in the Federal Court of Canada with respect to files that the Dirty Thief was involved with Government of Ontario; in other files Vexatious Norton will be sued for $1,300,000.00 in the Ontario Court (General Division). Wall-Mart (Boyd),Zellers, the University of Toronto, the Home Depot, acted as the accessories of a conspiracy.
4. The evidence of the Dirty Thief's forgery in Russell's Report now is before the Supreme Court of Canada ("SCC") that the Dirty Thief on June 13, 2002 obstructed my telephone communication with the SCC in the same file that since October 1998 interfering with the SCC.The Provincial Prosecutor Allan Scott, the Court Officer Marcy Green, the Provincial Judge Vilbert Lampkin will be sued for $13,0000,000 in the Ontario Court (General Division).
5. All judges, lawyers, and police who were involved in smuggling heroin will be sued in Federal Court of Canada as the Chief Judge granted the action.
6. On June 13, 2002 my telephone communication with several insurance company were obstructed by the Dirty Thief; contact M. KAZEMI for more detail at: (905) 566 5713!
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

July 24, 2003
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor
Toronto ON
VIA FACSIMILE: (416) 326 4181
TAKE NOTICE that the legal proceeding will be commenced against the Defendant Attorney General of Ontario ("AGO"), and its parties for conspiracy on the principle of developing torts, considering that last Notice of Claim filed with your office on June 13, 2003.
1. The Defendant AGO is in default of the payment of my damages claimed in action Nourhaghighi v. Boyd. The Defendant is required to pay the full amount as claimed in the Statement of Claim, plus interests since November 1994, upon receipt of this notice.
NO FURTHER NOTICE WILL BE GIVEN TO THE DEFENDANT IN THIS PART; the lawful actions will be commenced for the recovery of my damages.
2. The Defendant AGO continued its unlawful interception of my private communication, against my businesses** and sabotages in my car and home, and frauds in my accounts and files with the Attorney General of Canada ("AGC"), Scotiabank, MBNA Canada Bank, GM Visa, Condo 935*, the University of Toronto, Toronto Police and other parties in which I have privilege on their names. As the result I lost about $30,000 credits, and nuisances in setting my account in order. The Defendant AGO's hackers have stolen my dada with those banks.
3. The Defendant AGO's actions in obstruction of justice against the process in the Federal Court, constituted the contempt of court; in particular, the Defendant intercepted telephone and facsimiles numbers, and fraudulently replied as the Clerks of the Federal Court and provided false, and malicious information that confused the administrators of the Federal Court, and me.
From June 10 to July 24, 2003 the Defendant AGO was involved in conspiracy to obstruct justice in the Federal Court, the pick of wrongdoing noted from July 15 to 24.
The Parties in this part of conspiracy are: the Condo 935, the City of Toronto, the Department of Justice at 1900 floor frauds in admission of service of document, Sally Thoms, the Intercom Security (joined to the conspiracy in May 1999- Nourhaghighi v. Coachman -Ontario Insurance Commission), and few clerks that their names are under investigation.
4. On July 21 the Defendant AGO was active with it agents to create similar scandal of January 19, 2001, that failed on its objects. On July 22, the Defendant AGO intercepted my computer and has stolen data from my computer; in which very soon I discovered that the Dirty Thief, the Attorney General of Ontario, was involved is theft of my dada. Soon I disconnected the Network Services and faxed my document to the Ontario Regional Director.
** Aziz Hafizi; Wall-Mart; Primerica;

September 5th, 2003
The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Ottawa, ON
Fax: (613) 952 3653 M6G 4A3
TAKE NOTICE that the Clerks, Managers, Directors, Prothonotaries, and Judges of Federal Court of Canada in Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto ("Federal Court") involved in numerous conspiracies, frauds, abuses of process, abuses of public office and authority against the administration of justice, my children, and me, which caused me Millions Dollars damages to me up to this date, in which the Crown is liable in the developing torts;
1. The history of crimes and wrongdoings of the Federal Court, the Transport Canada, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and other parties are recorded in my actions and applications filed since 1995. However, the dishonest judges and clerks of the Federal Court, after each action, increased their crimes against my children and me in such it has been ended to the involvement of the RCMP and the CSIS, thefts of Banks data, interception of my mails, private communication, trespassing my password and deleting my websites and other felonies.
2. On January 12, 2001, I had a motion before the Court, in Toronto for change of venue to Montreal due to bribery of the Toronto clerks from the wealthy respondents in file T-1535-00. The Dishonest Judge F. Gibson denied my motion by saying: " You can have a motion anywhere in Canada" as the object of conspiracy was to hear the wealthy respondents' motions in Toronto. Owing to Gibson's Conspiracy with Banks and other the Federal Court respondents, finally, I was unlawfully arrested and assaulted by the RCMP in Toronto Registry and my judicial review application and motion for contempt against five lawyers all dismissed by Defendant Associate Judge Allen Lutfy, ending to hundreds thousands damages to me; that I am claiming.
3. On May 13, 2003, I filed application T-768-03, against the Dishonest Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, and I asked that she must show cause for contempt, due to abuses of the services of the CSIS and the RCMP for corrupt motives described in para.1.
4. July 21, 2003, the corrupt servants of Toronto Department of Justice and Federal Court in Toronto, met, planned and conspired to not file my Applicant's Record. In this conspiracy the Solicitor Sally Thomas and her staff at unit 1900, and the Court manager Bruce Preston, and Prothonotaries Roger Lafreniere, M. Tabib, and others were involved.
On September 3, 2003, I filed Motion Record containing affidavit that supports all my evidence against corruption in the Federal Court, to be hear on Montreal on September 8, 2003, due to institutional conflict of interests in Toronto, as the ground for change of venue. Soon, the parties conspired to not let my motion be heard. On September 5, corrupt judge in Ottawa, without reviewing my material, made a Direction that: "Motion should be heard in Toronto" proving that neither Judge Gibson was honest nor he/she. The corrupt Toronto Clerks and Managers who were cheerful by the said Direction, have intercepted my telephone conversation with Montreal Office-Clerk Gientte Lantigne; and Toronto Clerks in telephone conversations with me were very rude and intentionally tried to insult me, and frustrate my perfected judicial review application.
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Federal Court is NOT allowed calling my Home, EVER!
608-456 College Street; Toronto, ON; M6G 4A3

September 11th, 2003
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street 8th Floor
Toronto ON
VIA FACSIMILE: (416) 326 4181
TAKE NOTICE that the legal proceedings will be commenced against the Defendant Attorney General of Ontario ("AGO") and its dishonest judges and lawyers for conspiracy on the principle of the developing torts of your wrongdoings, in the following of Notice of Claim: July 24, 2003:
1- The ethical less corrupt judges Defendants (1) of the Ontario Court of Appeal have created the greatest shame for the Canadian and the Human Civilizations by allowing the marriages of homosexuals. The Canadian thief Judges (2) who committed thefts of evidence during my trials to allow the opposite parties won the cases, and the Defendants who allowed the thefts and tortures against me, have proven that the Ontario, Quebec and Canada Criminal and Civil Justice Systems and the Ontario, Quebec and Canada Law Societies are the dirties criminal organizations who have just learned law to destroy all our values and heritages that we established in last 7000 years.
2- On September 8, 2003, I attended to the branch of the Ontario Ministry of Transport in the College Street. The fat woman clerk was so rude with the public and me that I demanded my documents and left the branch, where I suffered emotional abuse and distress. I went to the main office at Bay Street with the hope of a respectful conduct. In the Information Desk there was a disgusting homosexual who was selfishly rude and arrogant and with ITS disgusting hands' and head movements replying to the shocked citizens who were witnesses that the corrupt judges and lawyers have left just NOTHING from the fraudulent alleged democracy in Canada. A Homosexual must be the representative of the Canadian Government and public in the most crowded multi-cultural city in the World that whose absolute majority citizens have honest believes to at least one of our Holy Books. Therefore, as an objection I left the said Ministry.
3- On September 8, and 9, I attended in many Government and medical offices, business and repair shops; where I was obstructed almost everywhere. I discovered the information that the homo servant obtained from me, was passed to the AGO agents, who as a plan with the Federal Court (3) have tried by creating cause of action against businesses let the issue of the contempt of Minister of Citizenship be frustrated, as the Anatomy of Emotional Hijacking (4) is the main tactic of the AGO used against public and me, since 1991. On September 5th the agent of the AGO, Condo 935* maliciously made heavy noise disturbances, (2) to compete the pattern of the conspiracy of the Federal Court Offices in Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto, in denial of my motion set to be heard in Montreal, on September 8, 2003 (5).
(1) The OCA Judges named Defendants in my actions in the Federal and Ontario Courts.
(2) The OCP Judges Ian McNish, Robert G. Bigelow, and Vibert A. Lampkin, named Defendants in my actions
(3) Nourhaghighi v. Minister of Citizenship T-768-03; My Affidavit containing evidence related to September 11
(4) Installation of Weight Machine over my children's bedroom, and malice creating noises for emotional abuse
(5) Issues on Motion: Institutional Conflict of Interests in due to corrupt Toronto Federal Judges Defendants

June 28, 2004
The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada; Ottawa, ON
Fax: (613) 952 3653 M6G 4A3
TAKE NOTICE that the Clerks, Managers, Directors, Prothonotaries, and Judges of Federal Court in Toronto ("Federal Court"), RCMP, Minister of Citizenship, the Department of Justice-Toronto, CSIS, and Transport Canada (Parties) involved in numerous frauds, forgeries, thefts of data, conspiracies, mental and physical tortures, perjuries, fraud in transcripts of proceedings at Federal Court, abuses of process, abuses of public office, frauds in Summary Recorded Entries and authority against the administration of justice, and me, which caused damages to me, in which the Crown is liable in the developing torts.
1. The parties unlawfully intercepting my private communications with banks and their agents and obstructed my financial needs [mortgage, loan, rent etc.]. In addition parties are obstructing the service of documents, by controlling the intercom system of building*.
2. On June 18, and 21, 2004, I reviewed file no. A-50-01. I discovered that from February 9 to March 2, 2004, clerks-Griffith of Federal Court-Toronto, and the Department of Justice, and the Defendants Roger Flaim, Tomaselli, and Brewster have got $750.00 costs by fraud, forgery and perjury from Evans JA; and on June 16, 2004, interfered in SCC file no. 30350.
3. On February 17, and 19, 2004, the Defendant Lorne McClenaghan has got Order by fraud by breaching O'Reilly Order and On June 9, 2004 the Defendants Thomas and McClenaghan have got Decary Orders in files nos. A-559-03, and A-151-04 by perjury in affidavit and have got $300.00 costs by frauds. The said defendants served me a poison on November 3, 2004, in Toronto, in which caused permanent injuries to my nerve systems.
4. On April 14, 2004, the Clerk Defendant M. Das filed file no. T-762-04, and arbitrary obtained the Notice of Application from me and said that the Toronto Registry would serve to the Respondents, where in the Notice of Claim dated in September 3003, I asked from you that the clerk Defendant M. Das stay away from me until I be able to file my action against her. The Defendant Flaim confirmed that has got my Notice of Claim to you. Further, Das did not enforced Gibson Order of November 1, 2000, that ended to the dismissal of my application T-1535-00 that caused me over $100,000.00 damages and torts.
5. The parties continuously interfering with my private and family interests and relationship and by interceptions and harassments in the cities and malls trying to involve other corporations.

July 30, 2004
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street 8th Floor
Toronto ON

VIA FACSIMILE: (416) 326 4181
TAKE NOTICE that the legal proceedings will be commenced against the Defendants Attorney General of Ontario ("AGO"), Solicitor hired by AGO Stephen McCann, *Condo Toronto Police and its parties for conspiracy and unlawful interception of private communication, pursuant to the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, on the principles of the developing torts.

1. On July 29th and 30th, 2004, I called twenty plumbing companies from my home, to repair the certain defects. The AGO, unlawfully intercepted telephone calls and did not let any service man attend for service, or provide an estimate. Several plumbers like 'Toronto Works' made appointment at 2PM; but they did not show. I called 416 480 0000; 'Linda' said somebody called and cancelled it. [At 2:52PM Lind called that there is $45 costs for estimate; where she said it was free. All other ads said free estimate; but the AGO did not let anyone attend. I will present all particulars of my calls that to the Court, on August 2004]. Since 1991, the AGO obstructing all my businesses, through interception of my telephone calls. The previous notices contain sufficient facts.

2. Since 1991 that I reported to authorities Court that McCann and AGO are involved in tens counts of frauds in my condo; the AGO and the Toronto Police have taken all my businesses and brought countless malicious prosecutions against me, because of my report against the crimes committed by employees of the AGO. On July 29, 2004, I served a notice the *Condo that on August 2004 I will commence proceeding before the Court for relives sought. The AGO's agents asked the people who were talking with me, to put some material on the record; which was fabricated, or self made evidence, in nature. Soon, two Toronto Police Officers intercepted me and harassed me in the Bloor street west. Since 1991, the Toronto Police, countless arrested and TORTURED me in he jails, broken my ribs and bones; and when I complaint to the Court, Jude DAY ordered that I must pay Costs to Police who tortured me.
3. Since 1991, the AGO is supporting all kinds of mental tortures and nuisances against my children and me; including intentional Noise disturbances, and Poison Gases against us, at our home, attack to my reputations and gossips by their gents in *Condo. On July 29th, 2004, the Superintendent Rubin Perez accused me to certain allegations that there is evidence to prove that the AGO is the source of said gossips. [Federal Court File No. T-762-04; the current issues before the Court, gossips by the certain agents that involved in corruption and felonies].
(1) The OCA Judges is Defendants in my actions.
(2) Installation of Weight Machine over my children's bedroom, and malice creating noises for emotional abuse

October 22, 2004
crown Law Office
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor Toronto, ON
TAKE NOTICE that a lawsuit will be filed against Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, the Attorney General of Ontario ("AGO"), Justice Todd DUCHARME, and the security officers at Osgoode Hall in tort of conspiracy on the principle of developing torts since 1997.
1- Since 1998 I am filing claims against the AGO and their parties in Metro Toronto Condominium Corporation No. 935 (*Condo) for crimes and wrongdoings related to toxic gases in my unit 608. I was admitted several times to the hospitals for poison gases that the agents of Government intentionally transferring into my unit. There are ample records, transcripts, and orders of judges that referring to toxic gases in my unit that caused serious injuries to my children and me, as the Government, and the AGO are hate Muslims and Iranians, and fully supporting racisms groups against minorities; as the results there are continuous hate fights between the minorities. Each group who has certain race and religion hate others.
2- On July 6th, 2004 in sudden the kitchen's ceiling collapsed and subsequently I was able to discover that the Government's agents have created a system over the drywall ceiling that evaporate the toxic gases into my unit by creating a hole our my unit at seventh floor of the Condo that only the said criminal agents have access.
On August 5th, 2004 I filed file No. 04-CV-273627 CM1, against the Condo and the Property Managers Blair and Morillie that continuously I named in my pervious Notice of Claim as the agents of the Government. The clerk assigned as the earliest date "October 22, 2004" for hearing of my application. The main issue was enforcement of Boland Order and Order of the Ontario Court of Appeal against Condo to provide to my children and me accommodation before the access be granted to them. From August 5th to October 19, 2004, the Government and the AGO have committed all kinds of harassments against me by Toronto Police, and their agents in Condo that I withdrawal my lawful application. The Deacon, Spears, Fedson & Montizambert law firm had main role in this period.
3- On October 19, 2004, Justice Ducharme unlawfully allowed the Respondents' motion to strike out the application, which was set for 30 minutes hearing. Ducharme J took all day and used all kinds of tricks to put on the record that my application was under section 140(4)(b) of the Courts of Justice Act and must be strike out. I told him several time that only section 140(4)(a) applies to my application. Ducharme J during proceedings insulted me numerously and clearly in absent of any member of public conspired with Brine FEDSON and made an Order contradictory to the Order of Ontario Court of Appeal. I filed a complaint against him with the Canadian Judicial Council, on same day. On October 22nd Ducharme J maliciously put as Exhibit to the file a copy of my complaint and has given a copy to his party Fedson. Ducharme J by clearly conspiracy with Fedson 'adjourns' my urgent application that there is "Safety Hazard" report on it to February 23, 2005. Ducharme J and Fedson did NOT allow me to have any legal argument and present evidence and both parties made ample 'self made evidence' on the record and made fabricating record that I 'admitted'. Ducharme J by tricks was cutting me and abused bench of Queen for private, 'corrupt personal interests' purposes. I am claiming all my damages and torts.

April 27, 2005
Beverley McLachlin

Canadian Justice is clearly out of Equilibrium!

The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Ottawa, ON
Fax: (613) 952 3653 M6G 4A3
TAKE NOTICE that at 12:30 AM on April 27, 2005 the agents of the CSIS and RCMP have unlawfully trespassed my personal computer and stolen my four websites passwords and files; all evidence of thefts have been recorded.
On 2002 the RCMP and CSIS trespassed my websites and stolen over 30,000 files. The Crown and its corrupt parties have disclosed the copies of my websites to the Courts and Ministers and improperly influenced against me in different litigation issues such as application for citizenship, appeal process of several files, proceedings against corruption on the Crowns in right of Canada, Ontario and Quebec, application against corruption in Condominium*, human rights files before the Canadian, Ontario and Quebec Commissions, several files of complaints against police, and physicians etc casing me serious various damages and excessive legal costs for which I am claiming all my damages in the Statement of Claim against the Government.
FURTHER, since year 2000 the agents of the RCMP, CSIS and said Crowns are intercepting all my businesses in accordance to objects of a corrupt conspiracy such as interfering with all accounts with banks, insurance companies, corporations* etc on April 26, 2005 they intercepted my calls with few insurance companies [re David Francis, PC Financial Insurance 1-866-376-5256]. As the result I suffered extensive damages due to lost all my businesses with banks and insurance companies, lost of my telephone line 416 515 7263 and created ample fabricating documents that affected negatively on all my credits.
THE DEFENDANTS: RCMP Constables Jit KIM, MacADAM, Sergeant, K. L COUTURE; the CSIS Mary MARDALLIRAN, Richard STEWARD; MARCOUX, McGRATH; the Citizenship Eve BUDY, Roger PAYETTE, Transport Canada Richard SCHOBESBERGER; the SCC Registrars Anne ROLAND, Jane DOE; the Federal Court Clerks-Toronto Mario SEPE, Bruce PRESTON, Orland CARRYL, Mavis GRIFFITH, the Federal Court Prothonotaries Roger LAFRENIERE, Mathra MILCZYNSKI, the Crowns' lawyers Roger FLAIM, David TYNDALE, Lorne McCLENAGHAN, and Custom Canada will be sued without any further notice.
608-456 College Street; Toronto, ON; M6G 4A3


July 13, 2005
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street 8th Floor; Toronto ON
VIA FACSIMILE: (416) 326 4181 Served it on July 15, 2005, at 15:26
TAKE NOTICE that the potential lawsuit will be filed against the Defendants Michael BRYANT Corrupt Minister of the Attorney General of Ontario ("AGO"), the "Registrar" at 390 University Ave, Scheduling Office, the Corrupt Administration of Osgoode Hall, and their parties, in tort of fraud, conspiracy and malicious interceptions of communications, pursuant to the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, on the principles of developing torts upon the pervious Notices served.
1. In 2004, I filed three proceedings in which the CCCO 1 interfered with all files numbers T-762-04 at Federal Court; 30350 at SCC; and 04-CV-273627-CM1 against the Caber et al * 1.
On August 5, 2004, the CCCO asked from the Registrar to set October 22 for hearing of my application against Caber et al * and interfered with contempt proceeding at SCC against its party Crown lawyer Roger FLAIM in file # 30350 SCC 2. Indian Judge Ducharme was conspirator 2; he insulted to me in the courtroom and on his judgment to mislead the SCC and LEMIEUX J.
2. On Oct 22/04, Registrar and Osgoode Hall ("they") again sat my file against Caber et al before Corrupt Judge Ducharme who according to object of conspiracy with CCCO adjourned it to Feb 23/05 for 'One Day Hearing!' not allowing my 'URGENT' application to be heard. Further, the CCCO did not allow the SCC and Lemieux ORDERS be released until February/05 and committed ample crimes against me on Feb/05 and interfered with hearing before PITT J. They disobeyed Ducharme Order for 'One Day Hearing!' and scheduled ample files before Pitt J. They asked clerks, ushers, and securities harass my daughter and me at Osgoode Hall.
3. The CCCO again did not allow Pitt Order be released with intention to interfere with the hearing before SIRC 3. However as soon as, I served a notice of contempt proceeding to parties of Conspiracy [corrupt Lawyers Fedson, Arnold, and CABER]; the CCCO released Pitt Judgment, but asked from its parties to not comply with Order; the CCCO is responsible for breach of over Thirty Orders in my files. Pitt Judgment is another evidence of conspiracy of corrupt Indian Judge Ducharme; and disobeying it by Caber is additional evidence for Contempt Proceedings against Corrupt AGOM Defendant BRYANT, and corrupt lawyer Fedson, Blair and Caber.
4. Since January 2005, the AGO and Police unlawfully intercepting my children telephones lines and discovered that on JUNE 25/05 would be a departure. Therefore, the CCCO maliciously sat June 23 &24 for hearing of my complaint against CSIS and commenced harassments and trespass of my property by its Caber agents. I have proven before SIRC that the AGO was involved in tortures, forgery in the transcripts, judgments, and documents of CSIS against me in which the Chair was satisfied and summonsed the AGO's parties, Mardall and Stewart.
1. Since 1994 the Crown Corrupt Coordinator Office ("CCCO") has authority to coordinate all my proceedings with all courts, commissions, and boards. The CCCO, at all material time, abused the authority for objects of the corrupt governmental and political conspiracies. As the results the taxpayers and me have suffered ten millions dollars of damages, and thousands judges, lawyers, police, prosecutors, clerks, commissions and boards got involve in all my cases. For the particular see my website: select Judges, Lawyers, Police, etc.
2. Notice of Claim/Oct 22/04 Corrupt Indian Judge Ducharme
3. Security Intelligent Review Committee ("SIRC") hearing of JUNE 23 & 24 of 2005 at Federal Court-Toronto

July 25, 2005
Minister of Justice & Attorney General of Canada is Dirty Bicycle Thief

The Thief of Bicycle: the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Ottawa, ON
Fax: (613) 952 3653; I transmitted the following document successuflly on July 26, 2005 at 10:04AM
Fax: (416) 326 400; I transmitted the following document successuflly on July 26, 2005 at 10:04AM

TAKE NOTICE that the potential lawsuit will be filed pursuant to the Crown Liability Act for, Unlawful Interception of Private Communication on April 27, July 13, & 25, 2005 against CSIS and RCMP for trespassed my personal computer and stolen my websites and emails passwords. I recorded all evidence of thefts. Today, 1:00 AM to 1:30 AM the parties unlawfully obstructed my telephone calls oversees. They trespassed the long distance telephone company ICS Technology and replied as 'Employees of ICS' and did not let my complaints be filed by ICS where employee Sohila stated: "I never heard and had any complaint that our 1-888-509-4049 does not reply, or transmits the false messages!" The Toronto Police 52 Division PIGS' agents are suspect too.
For more information review Toronto PIGS at:

Further, on Friday July 22, 2005, the CSIS and the Department of Justice in Toronto in according to object of a conspiracy by 'Thieves' hired by the corrupt Attorney General of Ontario Michael BRYANT ("AGO") have stolen my bicycle which was lucked. Since 1994 the AGO has committed countless constructive thefts 'Just' before any important proceedings. At the present time trial is held against AGO, CSIS and Minister of Citizenship for FORGERY of documents to commence unlawful investigations against me under Section 19 of the Citizenship Act.
IN ADDITION, on June 2005 the said parties in accordance with object of a conspiracy with the corrupt Managers of the Department of Justice and Federal Court in Toronto and said PIGS tried to obstruct my appearance in the proceedings against CSIS that be able to dismiss my complaint in my absentia, as several similar crimes committed against me in files: T-942-99; T-1535-00;
A-50-01 etc. POST of each nation in whole history is representing the 'honestly and dignity' of a NATION; however, Canada Post as the most dishonest Post in the World, has stolen SRIC letter and did NOT deliver up to last DAY that I got it by chance from College Square "Post Office"!

Furthermore, since 2001 the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP in according to objects of a conspiracy with the corrupt lawyers of Toronto and corrupt clerks of the Federal Court and Department of Justice in Toronto, is refusing to treview my file PC-2001-0067 and the Director General Review and Policy, Jon W. HOLLAND made contradictory reply to my objections on May 4 &May 9, 2005, with bad faith to interfere with proceedings against CSIS.
608-456 College Street; Toronto, ON; M6G 4A3
'Bicycle Thief' is a name of few Films, showing very cheap character of the Thieves that steals poor people bicycles!
The price of my bicycle was less than $300; however, for entire history this Shame will remain in the Internet and my publications to show very cheap character of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada is a Dirty Bicycle Theft. To review this document on Website select:; Indicating all Notice of Claims filed against the DIRTY BICYCLE THEFT! By NOW you know which Minister is Dirty Bicycle Thief?

September 13, 2005
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorneys General of Canada & Ontario
VIA FACSIMILE : (613) 952 3653 transmission confirmed at 13:54/Sept 16/05
VIA FACSIMILE: (416) 326 4181 transmission confirmed at 13:50/Sept 16/05
TAKE NOTICE that the potential lawsuit will be filed against the Defendants the Attorney General of Ontario ("AGO"), CSIS, and AGC in tort of conspiracy pursuant to the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, and Crown Liability Act, on the principles of developing torts; the last Notice of Claim served upon you on July 13, 2005.
1. On September 13, 2005, the AGO, CSIS & AGC unlawfully intercepted and obstructed my telephone calls with Roger, Dell, and few other companies. Since June 2005 the parties are obstructing all my overseas calls, as retaliation of my lawful actions against Condo*, Caber, and CSIS. Further, the AGO have committed frauds in my Roger's Account by creating false debt contrary to Condo Contract* with Roger; the same kinds of frauds in my Bell and banks' accounts that ended to proceeding 30350 before SCC. Roger, Bell and all other parties would be charged on same lawsuits with the Crowns.
2. There is ample evidence that the parties had communicated with the Canadian- Iranian Criminal Organization in Tehran & Toronto to commence series of serious threats to my relatives lives and me since June 2005, that I have proven before the Commission-SIRC that the AGO & AGC have committed forgery in the SECRET documents of CSIS. In last three months the parties have committed all kinds of crimes against me and many administrative crimes to NOT let the hearing be set by SIRC against CSIS defendants for conspiracy. As the result, certain Canadian- Iranians who have criminal records, like Jafar Sadegh PAKROO, have commenced continuous harassing calls to me on September 11, & 13, 2005 in which clearly threaten my life by saying: "I would come to your place!" IN 1996, when I was successful in several trials against parties of the Crowns; I have got the same threats from the Condo* in which on December 11/96 nine members of Toronto Police tortured me. The Defendants committed severe Toxic attacks to me at my home on July 6, August 1-6th, 11th, and September 13 and 14, 2005.
3. Since August 2005 the AGO, CSIS, AGC and Toronto Police are interfering with all my business and harassing me in the streets, malls, and in my home. There were certain qualified 'clients' that were interested to have business with me; however, the parties forced them to withdraw their applications; instead have pushed their own 'agents applications' forward who have caused torts and damages to me.
4. Since June 18, 1998, the Defendants AGO and Caber are interfering, obstructing, and stealing all my Canada Post' "Registered" deliveries in which most of them were the legal documents. They have full control of my telephone & interphone and did not allow the Canada Post's calls be transferred to my home that SIRC's deliveries on July and August 2005 were are retuned to the SIRC. However, the Defendant OPENED the Entrance door through my telephone system for own agents and for their own parcels deliveries as I noted at 11:50AM on August 22, 2005. Pitt J did not let my application 94-CV-273627CM be heard to cease these crime and torts.
*608-456 College Street
Toronto, ON
M6G 4A3
Defendant & Respondent: Attorney General of Canada-Toronto Department of Justice ("AGC")
Respondent: Security Intelligence Review Committee ("SRIC")
Defendant & Respondent Caber Management Service, manager of my Condo* ("Caber")

October 7th, 2005
Crown Law Office- Civil; \The Attorneys General of Canada & Ontario
FACSIMILE: (613) 952 3653 Transmission confirmed at 2:05PM on Oct 7/07
FACSIMILE: (416) 326 4181 Transmission confirmed at 2:09PM on Oct 7/07
TAKE NOTICE that the potential lawsuit will be filed against the Attorneys General of Canada ("AGC"), & Ontario ("AGO"), CSIS, and SIRC in tort of conspiracy pursuant to the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, and Crown Liability Act, on the principles of developing torts; last Notice served upon you on July 13, 2005.
1. On September 11, 2005, the AGC, AGO, CSIS, Toronto Police, Caber Management, and the University of Toronto [K. Lewis, W. Kopplin], Roger, John Doe [M.G.], Canada Post, FedEx, Amar, Jaffar S. Pakroo, Home Life Plus ("parties") met planned and conspired to obstruct the delivery of my parcels, and delete my websites.
2. The parties obstructed the customers to buy my property*, where due to constant crimes against me and my family I had decided to leave Ontario. The parties have constructive plan to buy my property* less well less than market value. The similar crimes have committed by AGC&AGO employees numerously in Toronto.
3. On September 11, Pakroo to called and threatened me for facts that I disclosed in my website that Pakroo committed over $893,200.00 fraud by filing false bankruptcy in file 31-340468 in Toronto; and sexual assault. Subsequently, Toronto Police, unlawfully intercepted me and AGC, CSIS&AGO have deleted my websites at:, and Pakroo is the agent of Canadian-Iranian Criminal Organization has links in the government's agencies in Tehran&Toronto.
4. On September 13, the AGC, CSIS&AGO unlawfully intercepted my telephone communications with my son in which he sent a cheque in amount of $2000 payable to me. Caber &Canada Post have stolen the said cheque.
5. On September 30, 2005, at 9:10AM, the Security Intelligent Review Committee (SIRC)-EC called that my privacy file transferred from Ottawa to my address by FedEx. SIRC added that two transcripts of June 2005 were sent too. The Parties intercepted our conversations in which by a 'Single Ring' I understood that they took the control of my telephone. The Defendant at 10:53AM bstructed FedEx access to my telephone line in which Fed-EX left Notice number 850613358338; while I was home all day to receive the parcel. In this between, SIRC called me several times from Ottawa; at 3:30 I confirmed that I did not get the parcel. SIRC called Fed-Ex and told me that Fed-Ex claimed that tried twice to deliver the parcel but NO ONE WAS HOME and provided me with Fed-Ex number1-800-463-3339 that would deliver it on Monday! I explained for her that since 1998 the Parties always postponing all services to me from present week to Monday, while when I declared that Monday is a business day for me and I would not accept any services. At 3: 40PM I called Fed-Ex in which a man claimed only 10:53AM tried to deliver; he added that the driver would deliver it within 30 minutes! At 4:50PM I called FedEx in which a woman said the parcel would be deliver on October 3. On October 5 SIRC was frustrated from the unlawful interception and said would found another way to deliver its parcel to me. On same day, Canada Post delivered a copy of Federal Court Rules sent by Federal Court in Ottawa to me on October 3/ 05. Canada Post Regular No. was 03336985 and #10050504574101 WF-580. Since June 2005, the Parties obstructed all SIRC's parcels to my address in which all were sent by Canada Post REGISTERED mails. The delivery of Federal Court Rule to my door indicates that the Parties are trying to cover up the crime of unlawful interception of Fed-Ex delivery of September 30.
6. On September 27, AGO, AGC, CSIS, Kopplin, George, Lewis, MacLennan and Toronto Police conspired to intercept my communication unlawfully and make fabricated record that I threaten them. At least twice the cars driven by the U of T Constables have suddenly pulled to the sidewalk toward me, the last incident happened on October 4th, about 12:50 at College Street, south sidewalk, near University Ave. They have plan to interfere with hearing SIRC on November-December 2005.
7. The parties interfered with my employment; as the result, on October 3 Amer called me and unlawfully discharged me. No ground was given. From 1994 to 1997 the Ontario Court has made several Judgments for me against all employers on the torts of Wrongful Dismissal. The AGC&AGO are liable in Torts for all damages due to unlawful interferences with my employments.

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