مرگ بر ملکه فاسد انگلیس و قضات دزدش
زنده باد آزادی تمام استانهای کانادا
زنده باد آزادی تمام استانهای کانادا
Author: Major Keyvan NourhaghighiOntario Separatist, Tortured by the Canadian Police
Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
Sample of Ample Notice of Claims Since 1993
Notice of Claim filed by Major Nourhaghighi
Under Section 5 and 7 of Proceedings Against the Crown Act
Notices of Claim filed in 2012
Notices of Claim filed in 2011
Notices of Claim filed in 2010
Notices of Claim filed in 2009
Notices of Claim filed in 2008
Notices of Claim filed in 2007
Notice of Claim filed in 2006
Notices of Claim filed in 2005
Notices of Claim filed in 2004
Notices of Claim filed in 2003
Notices of Claim filed in 2002
Notices of Claim filed in 2001
Under Section 5 and 7 of Proceedings Against the Crown Act
Notices of Claim filed in 2012
Notices of Claim filed in 2011
Notices of Claim filed in 2010
Notices of Claim filed in 2009
Notices of Claim filed in 2008
Notices of Claim filed in 2007
Notice of Claim filed in 2006
Notices of Claim filed in 2005
Notices of Claim filed in 2004
Notices of Claim filed in 2003
Notices of Claim filed in 2002
Notices of Claim filed in 2001
The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"
House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills
From 1995 to 2016 continuously Major Site was
Deleted by the Attorney General of Canada
November 13, 2002
Served to the Crown and admitted service on November 13, 2002, at 3:56 PM
The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"
House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills
From 1995 to 2016 continuously Major Site was
Deleted by the Attorney General of Canada
1- March 18, 2002, . McCann, Ontario Energy Board, was involved in frauds of our accounts of my Condominium
2- June 13, 2002, Forgery in Russell's Report now is before the Supreme Court of Canada.. AGO is Dirty Thief...
3- November 13, 2002 The AOG-("Pimp") and its Parties are in the business of prostitutions. A lager number of female agents with particular objects in the University of Toronto
March 18, 2002
Crown Law Office; The Attorney General of Ontario
20 Bay Street, 8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario
TAKE NOTICE that a lawsuit will be filed against the Attorney General of Ontario ("AGO") for tort of conspiracy to mislead the Quebec Administration of Justice. The cause of action is all torts developed since 1997. The last Notice of Claim filed with your office on December 19, 2001.
1. On March 15, 2002 I called one of the ministries in the Province of Quebec, where the Supervisor of the said ministry asked for a telephone number to return my call. I was waiting for the said ministry call. The telephone line was not occupied. However, at about 11:50 AM, again I discovered that the agents of the AGO have intercepted the said ministry's call, and directed to the Bell's message system, where the Quebec ministry's inspector at 10:55 AM has left a message for me. My calls to several other Quebec Government's offices were obstructed too. I requested an inspector to inform the Government of Quebec for "Conspiracy".
2. The AGO with bad faith and dishonestly involved in several terrorism nature wrongdoing in my home, cars, airplanes, and websites www.geocities.com/nourhaghighi/21dictionay.html to cover up the serious crimes and torts that its corrupt Ministers, Judges, Lawyers, Court Reporters, Court Securities, Justices of Peace and Administrators. My lawsuits have pleadings such as:
A- That Lawyer Stephen B. McCann, Ontario Energy Board, was involved in frauds of our accounts of my Condominium*. www.geocities.com/nourhaghighi/cond.html The AGO targeted me with malice that be able to cover the crime of McCann.
B- That the AGO Ministries Boyd, Harnick, Flaherty were involved in misrepresentation, forgery, abuse of process, malicious prosecution, to mislead the Federal Government from serious crimes and corruption in Ontario Governments, involved I my action.
On March 17, 2002, I discovered another forgery committed by the AGO's employees at the Ontario Court Provincial Division, Old City Hall, Toronto Region, on "May 8, 1996" were the evidence of court security Nancy Russell were forged. The crime committed by the AGO will be reported to the judiciary as new evidence.
C- Several Ontario Judges were involved in serious crimes against me. They caused heavy damages and torts for which the following Judges will be charged in next lawsuit:
(1) Justice of Peace IAN McNISH for Theft during trial, Conspiracy with Condo;
(2) Provincial Judge R. BIGELOW for Conspiracy with Police;
(3) Provincial Judge V. LAMPKIN for Theft during trial, Conspiracy with Police, Attempt, Torture, Assault, abuse of judiciary power for Conspiracy with the Law Society, and several lawyers;
(4) McMurtry CJO, Osborne AJO for Conspiracy to cover up Lampkin's crimes www.geocities.com/nourhaghighi/section11.html
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
June 13, 2002;
The following Legal Document filed at 4:26PM with Crown Law Office- Civil;
The Attorney General of Ontario,
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor,
Toronto, Ontario
TAKE NOTICE that a lawsuit will be filed against the Attorney General of Ontario ("AGO") in tort of conspiracy to mislead the Quebec Administration of Justice. The cause of action is developed since 1997. On March 18, 2002, the last Notice of Claim filed with your office.
1. The Defendant the Attorney General of Ontario ("Dirty Thief") is stealing credits from my long distance telephone cards. On June 13, 2002 all credits in my Bell, Eureka, and Royal Line cards were stolen by the AGO, who also has stolen the Royal Line cheque issued by Manager Mirzaee. The Dirty Thief committed frauds in my Master Card and Visa for which all said companies and banks will be sued with the AGO in the Federal Court of Canada.
2. The Dirty Thief is stealing my mails who knows they are a federal property, including many orders issued by the Federal Court. On June 13, 2002, Six Vexatious Decisions (hereinafter "SVD") issued by the Defendant, the Ontario Human Rights Commission ("OHRC") sent to me.
The SVD were attached to six letters of the Defendant Registrar, R. Kailimootoo were dated May 13, 2002. The Dirty Thief was the main respondent before the OHRC. Therefore, held letters until time be expired. In the alternative the letters were mailed late by the OHRC.
3. The Commissioner Defendant Keith C. Norton ("Vexatious Norton") rendered SVD. Vexatious Norton with bad faith and dishonestly, in accordance to object of a conspiracy with the Dirty Thief. Vexatious Norton maliciously abused the process to mislead the Government of Quebec who is now investigating the unlawful interference of the Dirty Thief against the Quebec Administration of Justice in my cases; for which the Vexatious Norton and the OHRC will be sued for $1,300,000.00 in the Federal Court of Canada with respect to files that the Dirty Thief was involved with Government of Ontario; in other files Vexatious Norton will be sued for $1,300,000.00 in the Ontario Court (General Division). Wall-Mart (Boyd), Zellers, the University of Toronto, the Home Depot, acted as the accessories of a conspiracy.
4. The evidence of the Dirty Thief's forgery in Russell's Report now is before the Supreme Court of Canada ("SCC") that the Dirty Thief on June 13, 2002 obstructed my telephone communication with the SCC in the same file that since October 1998 interfering with the SCC. The Provincial Prosecutor Allan Scott, the Court Officer Marcy Green, the Provincial Judge Vilbert Lampkin will be sued for $13,0000,000 in the Ontario Court (General Division).
5. All judges, lawyers, and police who were involved in smuggling heroin will be sued in Federal Court of Canada as the Chief Judge granted the action.
6. On June 13, 2002 my telephone communication with several insurance company were obstructed by the Dirty Thief; contact M. KAZEMI for more detail at: (905) 566 5713!
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
November 13, 2002
Served to the Crown and admitted service on November 13, 2002, at 3:56 PM
Crown Law Office- Civil
The Attorney General of Ontario
720 Bay Street, 8th Floor,
Toronto ON
TAKE NOTICE that the legal proceeding will be commenced for part of my damages against the Defendant Attorney General of Ontario ("AGO"), and its parties in tort of conspiracy on principle of developing torts, considering that last Notice of Claim filed with your office on June 13, 2002.
The complete Notices cited in the ULRs: http://www.geocities.com/nourhaghighi/notice.html
1. The Defendants the AGO, the Attorney General of Canada ("AGC"), Scotiabank, Canada Trust TD, GM Visa, Condo 935*, the University of Toronto, Toronto Police and other ["Parties"] met, planned, and conspired to obstruct justice, mislead application process investigation process, and in a multi objects, by creations of certain fabricating records to mislead the Canadian Security Intelligence Services ("CSIC"), the Quebec Administration of Justice ("QAJ") ["Targets"].
2. The Notice of Claim dated November 2, 2001 that contain facts that the Defendants supported Terrorism against my children and me. The Defendants Condo 935 and University of Toronto are the main parties in many Sabotages and Constructive thefts and communications.
From July, to November 13, 2002, the Defendants the Condo 935*, Toronto Police, and Agents of the University of Toronto have created ample multiple constructive communications.
From October 2001 to July 2002, the Scotiabank, and Canada Trust TD, were involved in certain Sabotages in my banks' accounts by multiple false transitions and Constructive communications by GM Visa, and interception of my banking confidential info, and other financial institutions.
For particular of Sabotages see: http://www.geocities.com/nourhaghighi/21dictionary.html
For definition of Constructive see: http://www.geocities.com/nourhaghighi/80dictionary.html
3. The Defendants the AGO, Toronto Police, and Condo 935 conspired to steal certain files from my home, install virus in my personal computer and falsity alarm the fire system on Thursdays October 24, 31, at 2 PM. The said Defendants under no condition shall approach to my property, except by court order. All trespasses will be face with force to be remove from my property and will be charged under the Criminal Code. In addition, the Complaints against Government will be filed with the United Nations, and Foreign Embassies will be filed.
4. On November 6, 2002, the Defendants the AGO and the University of Toronto, again, committed the crime of breaking my e-mails and websites passwords, and by forgery created websites in my names. The AGO, has stolen my friend's [J.H.M.] e-mails and committed forgery in contain of his e-mail. As the result of fabricating documents forwarded to the Targets, ample files created. I forced to close most of accounts with the said banks due to wrongdoing against my accounts that caused me special and general damages.
5. The AOG-("Pimp") and its Parties are in the business of prostitutions. A lager number of female agents with particular objects in the University of Toronto, and clubs and public area have approached to me with certain objects to mislead the CSIC [including many sexual nature Emails,
and filing forged files in my websites]. In addition, since 1992 I have declared that IF I be killed by any way, only Governments of Canada is responsible for my death.
November 28, 2002
Ministere de la Justice Quebec
Direction du contentieux
1, rue Note-Dame Est, bureux 8.00
Montreal (Quebec), H2Y 1b6
Facsimile (514) 873 7074; and (418) 646 0027
TAKE NOTICE that the legal proceeding will be commenced against the Ministers Defendant Ministere de la Justice Quebec ("MJQ"), Paul Begin and Jutars Normand and all employees in tort of conspiracy on principle of developing torts, considering that last Notice of Claim filed with your office on February 25, 2002.
1- I am resident of the Province of Ontario, the staff of MJO have refused to provide me professional services, and by misleading information caused confusion for the court that constitute Contempt of Court, including your procedure for Proceedings against the Crown Act.
2- On September 23, 2002, in room 1.30 at 775 Gosford, Montreal, Prosecutor Defendant Marie BROUILLET, insulted me; and clearly was opposed to decision of Judge Pierre Fontaine who dismissed her malicious prosecution. Fontaine JP ordered that I receive his Order on same day. Defendant Brouillet, was in Contempt of Judge Order, asked from to the Registrar to not issue the Order for me. I forced to stay several days in Montreal, and I referred several times to the Registry at the 775 Gosford, until I got a copy of Order in French, while I asked to be in English. The Securities by harassing me in the courtroom and I hallway raised torts.
3- On September 24, 2002, I filed Notice of Mandamus Application and Constitutional Issue at 1, rue Note-Dame Est, bur 1.154 that I discovered the sample that the said office given me on February was not a correct Form, as I complained in page 2 of Application, in paragraph d.
4- On September 26, I went to the City of Quebec to speak with the Ministere de la Justice Quebec BEGIN, or his assistant. The security asked me to talked with phone, Begin's male secretary was very rude and refused to give the Minister's name to me. Another man took me to his office, in accordance to plan of conspiracy, and while I was seating in his office the agent committed sabotages in my car. The man after talking in phone with few people without giving his name or Minister's name, or receiving my complaint, excused himself.
5- Pursuant to the Order of the Court, from September 27 to November 27, 2002, I was seeking to appoint a lawyer in my file 500/36-002883-026. The agents of the MJQ everywhere obstructed my Legal Rights, as the result I filed several complaint against Montreal lawyers, with Barreau du Quebec, where the MJQ has asked them to cross-examine for certain information. Montreal Police and its agents, and again a false parking ticket harassed me. TAKE NOTICE that Ontario Judges are defendants in my actions in the courts for bribery, thefts, conspiracy, and torture against me, and NOW they want to pollute the good reputation of Quebec Justice.
6- From February to November 2002, everywhere in the Cities of Montreal and Quebec the agents of the MIQ, police and police intercepted me, even in the bars, malls, and restaurants, that caused me harms and torts for which the lawsuit will be served to you.
608-456 College Street; Toronto, ON; M6G 4A3
January 1, 1996 to October 1, 2012
Major Nourhaghighi's Encyclopedia 2013
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